

如果已收到/找到订单,您可以要求您的买家取消此未收货索赔。请注意,如果自提出未收货索赔之日起3天之内您未采取任何行动,我们将继续退款给买家。在此截止日期之前,请分别与退货/退款详细信息页面中的“退款”或“争议”联系,与您的买家进行交谈,并确保您已接受或质疑此未收货的索赔。如果您尚未发货,请在Shopee App中单击“退款”,我们将继续进行退款程序。请注意,如果自提出未收货索赔之日起2天之内您未采取任何行动,我们还将继续退款给买家。如果即使您已经下达订单,买方也没有取消请求,请点击“争议”


What do I do when I get a return/refund request due to non-receipt claim?

We strongly encourage you to communicate with your buyer and help to locate the package if you have shipped the order.

You could ask your buyer to cancel this non-receipt claim if the order has been received/found. Please be reminded that we will proceed to refund the buyer if there is no action from you 3 days from the date the non-receipt claim is raised. Before this deadline, talk to your buyer and ensure that you have either accepted or disputed this non-receipt claim, by clicking on "Refund" or "Dispute" respectively in the Return/Refund details page. If you have not shipped the order, kindly click on "Refund" in Shopee App and we will proceed with the refund process. Please be reminded that we will also proceed to refund the buyer if there is no action from you 2 days from the date the non-receipt claim is raised. If buyer does not cancel the request even though you have shipped the order, please tap on "Dispute" at any time before the default refund deadline to reject the buyer's claim.



如果已收到/找到訂單,您可以要求您的買家取消此未收貨索賠。請注意,如果自提出未收貨索賠之日起3天之內您未採取任何行動,我們將繼續退款給買家。在此截止日期之前,請分別與退貨/退款詳細信息頁面中的“退款”或“爭議”聯繫,與您的買家進行交談,並確保您已接受或質疑此未收貨的索賠。如果您尚未發貨,請在Shopee App中單擊“退款”,我們將繼續進行退款程序。請注意,如果自提出未收貨索賠之日起2天之內您未採取任何行動,我們還將繼續退款給買家。如果即使您已下達訂單,買方也沒有取消請求,請點擊“爭議”

