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Wish商户如何使用 Wish 应用商店?

商户可以访问 Wish App Store(即 Wish 应用商店),轻松搜索和下载 Wish 官方认可的用于辅助店铺运营的开放服务应用。

在 Wish 应用商店页面,您可以浏览和搜索应用。这些应用已由 Wish 根据 Wish API 服务条款政策和流程进行了谨慎审查,并获得了 Wish 认可,您可以放心使用。


Wish 会定期审核 Wish 应用商店中开放服务应用的表现和政策合规性,并不定期地更新页面,以方便您找到值得信任的应用。

若您对 Wish 应用商店中所列的某个应用授权,则您可以在商户平台的账户 > API 设置页面查看或删除该应用:


Wish 建议您及时删除不再使用的开放服务应用,以确保您在商户平台上的数据安全,避免您的数据被意外泄露给第三方。如上所示,您还可以在”API 设置“页面查看已停用的应用。

如您对 Wish 应用商店的使用有任何疑问,请联系您的客户经理。


How to navigate the Wish App Store as a merchant?

Merchants can access the Wish App Store to easily explore Wish-approved public apps for various types of store operations.

On the Wish App Store page, merchants are able to browse and search for trusted apps that Wish has carefully reviewed and approved based on the Wish API Terms of Service policies and procedures:

By clicking on an individual app, merchants are able to view the details of the app, including description, website, support email, and more. Merchants can also click “Visit website” on this page to visit the app’s website and learn more, as shown below:

Wish regularly monitors the performance and policy compliance of the public apps featured on the Wish App Store, and will occasionally update the page to help merchants discover the most trusted apps for their stores.

After merchants authenticate a public app listed in the Wish App Store, they are able to view or remove this public app on the Account > API Settings page of their Merchant Dashboard:

If merchants no longer intend to use a public app previously authenticated, simply click “Remove” next to the app, and once again in the popup modal that follows, to remove the app:

We encourage that merchants promptly remove inactive public apps that they are no longer using for the security of their Merchant Dashboard data, so that their data is not unnecessarily exposed to a third party. As shown above, this page also indicates to merchants which apps have been inactive.

If you have any questions about how to explore the Wish App Store, please reach out to your Account Manager.

