如果您收到疑似来自 Wish 或 Wish 员工的可疑邮件或信息,要求您提供密码、验证码、API 访问令牌或 API 客户端密钥,请保持警惕,这可能是诈骗邮件/信息。
如何区分可疑邮件和来自 Wish 的合法邮件?
行骗者会创建虚假邮箱账号来冒充 Wish 员工,以吸引收件者回复或者点击链接或附件,或提供机密信息(包括任何账户的密码、验证码、API 访问令牌或 API 客户端密钥)。此类邮件通常包含以下内容:
如果您收到来自“Wish 员工”或其他任何人的信息,要求您提供密码、验证码、API 访问令牌或 API 客户端密钥,请勿直接回复,因为 Wish 绝对不会通过电子邮件或除受保护的商户平台(例如“商户平台”网站)以外的沟通渠道向商户索要以下信息:
Wish 商户密码
API 访问令牌
API 客户端密钥
如果您收到可疑的邮件或信息,要求您提供密码、验证码、API 访问令牌或 API 客户端密钥,但您无法确定该邮件是否合法,您应该立即向我们举报。以下是举报方式:
将可疑邮件信息以附件的形式发至 merchant_support@wish.com (General Support) 或 merchant-support@wish.com (CN General Support),以便我们开展进一步调查。
How to recognize and report suspicious emails or messages to avoid scam?
If you receive a suspicious email or message that seems to be from Wish or Wish employees, and the message requests that you provide passwords, verification codes, API access token, or API client secret, be vigilant. The email may be a scam.
How to distinguish between suspicious emails and legitimate messages from Wish?
Fraudsters create fake email accounts to pose as Wish employees, in the hope that recipients will reply or click on a link or attachment, and provide confidential information including passwords and verification codes of any accounts, or API access token and API client secret. These emails or messages often contain the following:
Requests for password or verification codes
Offering paid services outside of the Merchant Dashboard portal
If you receive a message from “Wish employees” or anyone else asking you to share passwords, verification codes, API access token, or API client secret, do not reply directly, because Wish never asks merchants for the following details via emails or external communications outside protected merchant portal (such as Merchant Dashboard):
Wish Merchant Password
Password to personal email, bank, or other accounts
Verification codes
API access token
API client secret
How to report potentially fraudulent / scamming emails or messages:
If you receive a suspicious email or message that requests passwords, verification codes, API access token, or API client secret, and are unsure of the legitimacy of the message, you should report it to us immediately. Here's how:
First of all, do not click any links or open any attachments in the email.
Reach out to merchant_support@wish.com (General Support) or merchant-support@wish.com (CN General Support) and include the suspicious message as an attachment so we may investigate further.