
  • 收入分成的依据:这是 Wish 计算订单收入分成所用的依据,具体可参阅商户政策付款金额规定的计算收入分成的依据,wish商户可能看到的计算依据如下:

    • 订单的 Wish Express 状态

    • 订单的目的国/地区

    • 订单的发货国/地区

    • 商户所在地/合法营业机构所在地

    • 相应产品的品类(详情请参阅下文*)

  • 收入分成调整:因产品品类申诉成功(详情请参阅下文*),对订单的收入分成比例所做的调整。

请注意,在商户平台的“订单”>“历史记录”页面(或者 Merchant Plus 平台的“订单”>“历史记录”页面),点击“付款状态”栏下面的链接跳出的弹窗中也会显示上面所述的收入分成相关信息。在商户平台的“账户”>“付款历史记录”页面(或者 Merchant Plus 的“付款历史记录”页面),点击付款 ID(以查看相应付款 ID 的详细信息)之后,也会显示相应订单的收入分成比例以及根据产品品类申诉做出的任何调整。

* 关于产品品类和产品品类申诉流程的特别说明:

在 UTC 时间2021年7月19日晚7时或之后释放的产品的首个订单的订单详情页面将显示初步确定的产品品类。之后,商户平台的“产品”>“查看所有产品”页面以及每个产品的“编辑产品”弹窗(或者 Merchant Plus 平台的“产品”页面和每个产品的编辑产品页面),也会显示相同的产品品类。



商户还可以通过以下 GET API 查看每个订单的收入分成比例:

V2 版 API:

  • /order

  • /order/multi-get

  • /order/get-fulfill

  • /order/multi-get-fbw

  • /order/multi-get-fbs

V3 版 API:

  • /orders/{id}

  • /orders


  • Basis for revenue share: these are the factors that Wish used to calculate this order’s revenue share, according to the tiered revenue share structure per Merchant Policy 9.2.1 - Payment Amounts. Specifically, merchants may see some or all of the following factors being used to calculate the revenue share:

    • The order’s Wish Express status

    • The order’s destination region

    • The order’s origin region

    • The merchant’s region of domicile or legal establishment

    • The corresponding product’s product category/categories (see more details below*)

  • Revenue share adjustment: any adjustments made to this order’s revenue share percentage based specifically on a successfully resolved Product Category Dispute (see details below*) that results in a change in revenue share.

Note that the above revenue share related information is also displayed in the popup modal after clicking on the link under the “Payment Status” column in Merchant Dashboard Orders > History page (or Merchant Plus Orders > History page). Revenue share percentage and any adjustments per order based on product category dispute will also be displayed in Merchant Dashboard Account > Payment History page (or Merchant Plus Payment History page) after clicking on individual Payment ID (to access each payment ID’s details).

* Special note on product category and Product Category Dispute process:

Wish will display an initially-determined product category in the Order details page of a product’s first order released on or after July 19, 2021 7:00PM UTC. Subsequently, the same category will also be displayed in Merchant Dashboard Products > View All Products page, along with each product’s “Edit Product” popup modal (or in the Merchant Plus Products page and each product’s Edit product page).

This category (or in the case of multiple categories, the category that results in the lowest revenue share percentage for the order) is used to calculate the order’s revenue share percentage. Merchants may in turn dispute this category if they believe the product is categorized incorrectly. For more details on this Product Category Dispute process, please visit this Help Center article.


Merchants may also view revenue share percentage per order via the Orders GET APIs below:

V2 APIs:

  • /order

  • /order/multi-get

  • /order/get-fulfill

  • /order/multi-get-fbw

  • /order/multi-get-fbs

V3 APIs:

  • /orders/{id}

  • /orders

