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为简化操作,wish平台对不同操作所对应的不同编辑文件进行了细分。现在通过上传仅列示您希望修改的产品Unique ID和属性的批量编辑文件,您即可编辑多个产品。对应产品维持不变。

  • 批量添加产品:产品> 添加新产品> 产品CSV文件

  • 批量更新产品:产品> 更新现有产品> 产品CSV文件

  • 批量更新产品库存:产品> 更新现有库存 > 产品CSV文件

  • 为现有产品添加尺寸或颜色:产品> 向现有产品添加尺寸/颜色 





此文件中唯一的必需属性为“Unique Id”;其余属性均为选填项且会根据对应的“Unique Id”更新产品。若系统无法定位文件所提供的“Unique Id”,那么该行信息将会出错。点击此处查看如何通过批量编辑文件更新产品。



通过使用仅包含“Unique ID”和“Quantity”的批量编辑文件,您即可更新库存。点击此处,查看如何使用批量编辑文件更新产品库存。 




How have feed uploads changed?

We have separated out different actions into different feeds for ease and simplicity. You can now edit multiple products by uploading a feed file that lists only the Unique ID and the attribute(s) you want to edit. Adding products remains the same.

  • To add multiple products: Products > Add New Products > Product CSV File

  • To edit multiple products: Products > Edit Existing Products >Product CSV File

  • To update inventory for multiple products: Products > Update Existing Inventory >Product CSV File

  • To add size or color to existing products: Products > Add Sizes/Colors to Existing Products >Product CSV File

Each method will only perform one action. For example, you cannot add a new product in the edit feed file. Likewise, you cannot edit products in the add feed file.

Adding with a Feed File

Please note that adding products has not changed. To read up on how to add your products with a feed file, click here.

Editing with a Feed File

The only required attribute for editing is the "Unique Id"; all other fields are optional and will edit the product attached to the "Unique Id." If there is no product found with the "Unique Id" provided, then that row will error. To read up on how to edit your products with a feed file, click here.

Important Note: You can use the same feed file to edit products that you used to add products. Make changes to the original file and then re-upload using the Edit Products tool. For example, to update inventory, adjust levels in the "Quantity" column of the original file and upload.

Updating Inventory with a Feed File

You can update inventory using a feed file with one column for "Unique Id" and one for "Quantity". To read up on how to update inventory using a feed file, click here. 

Adding Size/Color Variants with a Feed File

Adding size and color variants to your products has also remained the same. To read up on how to add size and colors variations to your existing products, click here.

