wish如何通过 CSV 文件更新产品级运费?

  • 除了在wish商户平台上手动更新每个目的国/地区的产品级运费(参见此处的指南)外,还可以通过 CSV 文件更新产品级运费。本文介绍具体的操作步骤。

创建 CSV 文件

1. 创建一个电子表格 Feed 文件以输入配送信息。您可以在本文的底部下载模板(文件名为 Wish Edit Shipping Feed Template.xlsx),并在模板中填写产品以及各个目的国/地区的运费。

请确保输入您要配送的目的国/地区的“父唯一 ID”和运费(请注意,您不必填写所有目的国/地区,只需填写您要设置运费或更新运费的目的国/地区即可)。

您还可以指定产品的特定仓库(主仓库或二级仓库);只需在“Parent Unique Id”(父唯一 ID)列旁边添加“Warehouse Name”(仓库名称)列即可(参见下面的模板示例)。

2. 创建 Feed 文件后,将其另存为 CSV 文件。如果您使用的是 Excel,则可以点击“文件”>“另存为”,然后选择“逗号分隔值 (CSV)”作为文件格式。如果您使用的是 Google Drive,则可以点击“File”(文件)>“Download as”(下载格式)>“Comma Separated Values”(逗号分隔值)。


上传 Feed 文件并映射属性

3. 转到产品 > 编辑现有产品的运费 > 产品 CSV 文件页面,然后在此处上传 CSV 文件:

4. 将 CSV 文件中的各列映射到相应的 Wish 属性,然后点击“继续”。

5. 接下来,您将看到文件预览。如果出现任何错误,点击“修正映射”进行更正。如果没有错误,则点击“继续”。

6. 点击页面底部的“提交”按钮,开始上传文件。


7. 当您的 CSV Feed 文件被接受后,您将立即收到确认通知。文件处理最多可能需要24小时。

8. 若要查看 CSV 文件的上传状态,可以前往产品 > 产品 CSV 文件状态页面,然后选择相应上传作业的“查看报告”。


How do I update product-level shipping prices via CSV file?

Aside from updating product-level shipping prices per destination manually on Merchant Dashboard (see detailed guide here), you can also do so via CSV file. This article walks you through this process.

Creating a CSV File

1. Create a spreadsheet for your shipping feed. At the bottom of this article, you may download a template you can use to fill in with your products and shipping prices per destination (the file name is Wish Edit Shipping Feed Template.xlsx).

Please be sure to enter the Parent Unique Id and the shipping price for each destination you intend to ship to (note that it's not necessary to include all destinations in your CSV file, just the ones you intend to set or update shipping prices for).

You may also designate the specific warehouse (Primary or Secondary) of the relevant product; simply add the "Warehouse Name" column next to the Parent Unique Id column (see template example attached below).

2. Once you are done creating your feed, now it's time to save it as a CSV file. If you are using Excel, you can click on File > Save As and then select 'Comma Separated Values (CSV)' as your format. If you are using Google Drive, you can do this by clicking on File > Download as > Comma Separated Values.  

Uploading the Feed and Mapping Attributes

3. Go to the Products > Edit Shipping Prices for Existing Products > Product CSV File page and upload your CSV file here:

4. You will be able to map the columns from your CSV to the corresponding Wish attributes. Click 'Continue'.

5. Next, you will see a preview of the file you uploaded. Click 'Fix Mapping' to correct any errors that may appear. Otherwise, click 'Continue'.

6. Click 'Submit' at the end of the page to upload the file.

Confirmation and Status of Upload

7. You will receive an immediate confirmation when your CSV feed is accepted. It may take up to 24 hours to finish processing.

8. To check on the status of the CSV upload, you may visit the Products > Product CSV File Status page and select 'View Report' for this particular job uploaded.

