• 禁运品类 | 常见产品示例 |
枪支和弹药 | 1. 枪支(含仿制品和主要零部件):如手枪、步枪、冲锋枪、防暴枪、气枪等。 2. 弹药(含仿制品):如子弹、炸弹、手榴弹、火箭弹、炮弹、火药等。 |
管制器具、进攻性武器 | 1. 管制刀具:如匕首、三棱刮刀等 2. 厨房刀具:如菜刀、水果刀等。 |
易燃易爆物品 | 1. 爆破材料/装备:如炸药、雷管、导火索、引爆装置、引线、导爆索、爆破剂等。 2. 烟花爆竹:如烟花、鞭炮、摔炮、拉炮、砸炮、彩药弹等烟花爆竹,以及黑火药、烟火药、点火纸、引火线等。 3. 易燃固体:如硫磺、蜡烛和乒乓球等。 4. 易燃液体:如汽油、煤油、油漆、花露水、香水、指甲油、啫喱膏、驱蚊水、杀虫剂、碳酸饮料、酒精、香蕉水、松节油和其他违禁品。 5. 自燃物品:如黄磷、油纸、油布及其制品等。 6. 遇水易燃物品:如金属钠和铝粉。 7. 腐蚀性物品:如盐酸、硝酸和过氧化氢。 8. 易爆产品:如雷管、炸药、导火索、鞭炮、烟花、打火机、锂电池等。 9. 其他:如火石、镁棒、活性炭、推进剂、硝化棉、电点火头等。 |
压缩和液化气体及其容器 | 1. 易燃气体:如氢气、甲烷、乙烷、丁烷、天然气、液化石油气、乙烯、丙烯、乙炔、打火机等 2. 有毒气体:如一氧化碳、一氧化氮、氯气等 3. 爆炸性或窒息性气体:压缩氧气、氮气、氦气、氖气、气雾剂等 |
植物及其制品 | 1. 花卉、水果、蔬菜、种子、植物标本、松果等 |
动物及其制品 | 1. 贝壳、螃蟹、动物标本、毛皮等 |
药物 | 1. 麻醉剂、药膏、足贴等 |
食品 | 1. 肉类、饮料、咖啡、水果、零食、茶等 |
液体和粉末产品 | 1. 精油、卸妆油、化妆水、精华乳、面膜、唇彩、胶水等 2. 单瓶容量超过100毫升的液体产品。 3. 粉末产品:如滑石粉、定妆粉等。 4. 喷雾产品:如定型喷雾、防晒喷雾等。 |
蓄电池和移动电源 | 1. 配套电池每个包装不得超过2块电池,并且不接受任何形式的移动电源。 |
非法伪造物品 | 1. 伪造或者变造的货币、证件、公章等 |
侵犯知识产权和仿品 | 1. 侵犯知识产权:例如侵犯专利权、商标权、著作权的图书、音像制品等,包括外观和商标侵权。 2. 假冒伪劣:如假冒伪劣食品、药品、儿童用品、电子产品、化妆品、纺织品等。 |
毒性物质 | 1. 砷、汞、铊化物、氰化物、硒粉、苯酚、剧毒农药等。 |
腐蚀性物质 | 1. 硫酸、硝酸、盐酸、蓄电池/充电电池、氢氧化钠、氢氧化钾等。 |
吸毒装备/工具、非法麻醉药品和精神药物、非法易制毒化学品 | 1. 毒品、麻醉药品和精神药物:如鸦片(包括罂粟壳、花、苞、叶)、吗啡、海洛因、可卡因、大麻、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、氯胺酮、甲基丙酮、苯丙胺、咖啡因和苯甲酸钠等。 2. 易制毒化学品:如胡椒醛、黄樟素、麻黄素、伪麻黄素、羟基嘧啶、邻酮、苯乙酸、溴苯乙酮、乙酸酐、甲苯、丙酮等。 3. 吸毒装备/工具。 |
非法出版物、印刷品、音像制品和其他宣传材料 | 1. 含有反动、煽动种族仇恨、破坏民族团结、破坏社会稳定、宣传邪教、宗教极端主义、淫秽等内容的图书、刊物、图片、照片、音像制品等。 |
间谍专用器材 | 1. 暗藏式窃听器材、窃照器材、突发式收发报机、一次性密码本/密码板、密写工具、用于获取情报的电子监听和截收器材等。 |
涉及 FDA 认证的产品 | 1. 太阳镜和光学眼镜、化妆品、医疗设备和诊断产品。 |
成人用品 | / |
香烟 | / |
木制产品(仅针对澳大利亚路向的 A+ 物流计划订单) | 1. 积木、木头、木板、木制(质)的任何物品 |
新型冠状病毒防疫类产品 | 1. 医用口罩、医用防护服、医用护目镜、消毒剂、消毒湿巾、医用手套、呼吸机等。 |
此外,wish商户的所有订单和产品均应符合商户政策2.7 - 禁售品政策的要求。您可以参考其他相关文章常见问题解答,查看完整的禁售品清单。
如果某个产品不在 A+ 物流计划支持发运的品类范围内,请前往 WishPost > 申诉工具页面提交在线申诉,尽快将该产品或相关订单从 A+ 物流计划中移除。若要提交在线申诉,请前往“提交申诉”页面,点击“template downloads”(模板下载)以下载最新的模板,然后填写“产品 ID”和/或“订单 ID”以及申请从 A+ 物流计划中移除的理由。Wish 将在3-4个工作日内审核并处理您的申请。如果审核通过,该产品和/或相关订单将从 A+ 物流计划中移除,之后商户可以将相关订单直发给用户。
3. Product categories unsupported by the Advanced Logistics Program
The following table outlines products that are NOT supported by the Advanced Logistics Program (subject to change):
Unsupported product categories
Example products
Gun & Ammunition
1. Guns (including imitations and main components): such as pistols, rifles, submachine guns, riot guns, air guns, etc.
2. Ammunition (including imitations): such as bullets, bombs, grenades, rockets, artillery shells, gunpowder, etc.
Control instruments, offensive weapons
1. Control knives: such as daggers, three-edged scrapers, etc.
2. Kitchen knives: such as kitchen knives, fruit knives, etc.
inflammable and explosives
1. Blasting materials/equipment: such as explosives, detonators, fuses, detonators, fuse, detonating cord, blasting agent, etc.
2. Fireworks and firecrackers: such as fireworks, firecrackers, throwing cannons, crackers, smashing cannons, colorful ammunition and other fireworks, as well as black powder, pyrotechnic powder, ignition paper, ignition wire, etc.
3. Inflammable solids: such as sulphur, candles, table tennis, etc.
4. Inflammable liquids: such as gasoline, kerosene, paint, Florida Water, perfume, nail polish, gel paste, mosquito repellent, insecticides, carbonated drinks, alcohol, banana water, turpentine and other embargoes.
5. Spontaneous combustion items: such as yellow phosphorus, oilpaper, oilcloth and its associated products, etc.
6. Inflammable items upon contact with water: such as metallic sodium metal and aluminum powder.
7. Corrosive substance: such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide.
8. Explosive items: such as detonators, explosives, fuse, firecrackers, fireworks, lighters, lithium batteries, etc.
9. Others: such as flint, magnesium rod, activated carbon, propellant, nitrocellulose, electric ignition head, etc.
Compressed and liquefied gases and their containers
1. Flammable gases: such as hydrogen, methane, ethane, butane, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethylene, propylene, acetylene, lighter, etc.
2. Toxic gases: such as carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, chlorine, etc.
3. Explosive or asphyxiating gas: compressed oxygen, nitrogen, helium, neon, aerosol, etc.
Plants and Plant Products
1. Flowers, fruits, vegetables, seeds, plant specimens, pinecones, etc.
Animals and animal products
1. Shells, crabs, animal specimens, furs, etc.
Any medicine
1. Anesthetics, ointments, foot patches, etc.
Any food
1. Meat, drinks, coffee, fruit, snacks, tea, etc.
Liquid and Powder Products
1. Essential oils, cleansing oil, make-up water, essence milk, facial mask, lip gloss, glue, etc.
2. Any liquid product larger than 100ml in a single bottle.
3. Powder products: such as talcum powder, makeup finishing powder, etc.
4. Spray products: such as setting spray, sunscreen spray, etc.
Battery power bank and mobile power supply
1. Matching batteries should not exceed 2 batteries per package, and mobile power supply of any kind is not accepted.
Illegal forgery
1. Forged or altered currency, certificates, official seals, etc.
Infringement of intellectual property rights and counterfeit products
1. Infringement of intellectual property rights: such as infringement of patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights of book and audio-visual products, etc, including infringement of appearance and trademarks.
2. Counterfeit products: such as counterfeit food, medicine, children's products, electronic products, cosmetics, textiles, etc.
Toxic substances
1. Arsenic, arsenic, mercury, thallium compounds, cyanide, selenium powder, phenol, mercury, highly toxic pesticides, etc.
Corrosive substances
1. Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, storage/rechargeable battery, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, etc.
Paraphernalia/tools for drugs and drug abuse, illegal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, illegal precursor chemicals
1. Drugs, narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances: such as opium (including poppy husks, flowers, buds, leaves), morphine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine (meth), ketamine, methyl acetone, amphetamine, caffeine and sodium benzoate, etc.
2. Chemical substances that are prone to produce poisons: such as piperonal, safrole, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, hydroxypyrimidine, o-ketone, phenylacetic acid, bromopropiophenone, acetic anhydride, toluene, acetone, etc.
3. Drug paraphernalia/tools.
Illegal publications, prints, audio-visual products, and other publicity materials
1. Books, publications, pictures, photos, audio-visual products etc. that contain reactionary content, incite ethnic hatred, undermine national unity, undermine social stability, publicize cults, religious extremism, obscenity, etc.
Special equipment for espionage
1. Concealed eavesdropping equipment, photographic eavesdropping equipment, burst transceiver, disposable password book/pad, steganography tools, electronic surveillance and interception equipment for information acquisition, etc.
Products involving FDA certification
1. Sunglasses and optical glasses, cosmetics, medical devices, and diagnostic products.
Adult products
Wood-related products (specific to Australia-bound Advanced Logistics Program orders)
1. Building blocks, wood, planks, any wooden (wood-related) goods
COVID-19 related products
1. Medical masks, medical protective clothing, medical goggles, disinfectant, disinfectant wipes, medical gloves, ventilators, etc.
Unsupported product categories may extend beyond the above list, and may be adjusted according to the rules and regulations of the destination countries.
In addition, please note that merchants should comply with the Merchant Policy 2.7 - Prohibited Listings policy for all their orders & products. Please visit this FAQ to learn more about prohibited product listings.
Merchants shall be responsible for all duties, taxes, penalties, and other fees incurred as a result of shipping prohibited / unsupported products.
If a product is unsupported by the Advanced Logistics Program, please navigate to WishPost > the Dispute Toolkits page, and submit an online dispute as soon as possible in order to remove this product or related orders from the Advanced Logistics Program. To submit the online dispute, please click “template download” on the “Submit Dispute” page to download the latest template and fill in the relevant Product ID/Order ID and reason(s) for removal from the program. Wish will review and process your request within 3-4 business days. If approved, the products and/or orders will be removed from the Advanced Logistics Program, and merchants may directly dropship related orders to customers afterward.