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由于合并计划上线时涵盖的国家/地区都是 A+ 物流计划支持的国家/地区,因此与 A+ 物流计划有关的所有履行政策同样适用于标有“合并计划”标记的订单,因为这些订单仍然属于 A+ 物流计划订单。

关于此类订单的配送,唯一有改变的要求是 WishPost 物流渠道选择标准。具体而言,对于“首程运费”已生效(且已启用上述国家/地区)的产品的 A+ 物流计划订单(即同时有“合并计划”和“A+ 物流计划”标记的订单),商户在 WishPost 中下运单时应遵守以下最新的物流渠道选择标准:

  • 在至少含有一个“合并计划订单”的 WishPost 运单中,如果其中所有相应订单 ID 的(商户设定产品价格 + 首程运费 + WishPost 预估运费)* 数量小于10美元,则商户必须选择 WishPost 的“安速派经济”物流渠道来履行订单。

  • 在一个 WishPost 运单中,如果其中至少一个订单 ID 的(商户设定产品价格 + 首程运费 + WishPost 预估运费)* 数量大于或等于10美元,则商户必须选择 WishPost 的“安速派标准”物流渠道来履行订单。

请注意,此要求与没有“合并计划”标记的 A+ 物流计划订单的现有物流渠道选择标准不同。

要通过 API 确认某个“合并计划”订单是否需要选用特定的安速派物流渠道进行配送,请参阅其他文章“API 变化”部分。


Fulfillment policy for relevant orders

Because select countries supported by the Advanced Logistics Program are included in the unification initiative at launch, all fulfillment policies related to the Advanced Logistics Program still apply to orders marked with the “Unification Initiative” flag, as these orders are still Advanced Logistics Program orders.

The only updated requirement for shipping these orders is the WishPost logistics channel selection criteria. Specifically, Advanced Logistics Program shipping orders created in WishPost for “Unification Initiative” orders with effective First-Mile Shipping Price in place (and countries listed above enabled for the corresponding product) will be subject to the following updated logistics channel selection criteria:

  • Within a WishPost shipping order with at least one "Unification Order" Order ID from Merchant Dashboard, if the (merchant price + First-Mile Shipping Price + estimated WishPost Shipping) * quantity for all corresponding Order IDs from Merchant Dashboard is less than $10, merchants must choose the A-Super ECONOMY WishPost logistics channel to fulfill.

  • Within a shipping order created in WishPost, if the (merchant price + First-Mile Shipping Price + estimated WishPost Shipping) * quantity for at least one corresponding Order IDs from Merchant Dashboard is greater than or equal to $10, merchants must choose A-Super STANDARD WishPost logistics channel to fulfill.

Note that this is different from the current logistics channel selection criteria outlined for Advanced Logistics Program orders that are NOT marked with the “Unification Initiative” flag.

To identify whether a “Unification Initiative” order is required to ship with a specific A-Super logistics channel via API, please visit the “API Changes” section at the bottom of this article.

