


  1. CNE-AT挂号小包:阿鲁巴、阿富汗、安哥拉、安道尔等219个路向价格调整;

  2. CNE-AT平邮小包:澳大利亚、比利时、保加利亚、加拿大、瑞士等217个路向价格调整;

  3. CNE-全球经济:法国1个路向价格调整;

  4. CNE-全球通挂号:美国、奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、捷克等215个路向价格调整;

  5. CNE-全球通平邮:奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、德国、丹麦、芬兰等212个路向价格调整;

  6. CNE-全球优先:德国、法国2个路向价格调整;

  7. CNE-全球特惠:德国、法国2个路向价格调整;

  8. LU挂号小包:华南揽收法国、比利时、瑞典、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、丹麦、德国、卢森堡、奥地利、波兰11个路向价格调整


  1. WISH燕文航空挂号小包-普货:摩尔多瓦、摩纳哥、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、印度尼西亚共4个国家价格调整;

  2. WISH燕文航空挂号小包-特货:摩尔多瓦、罗马尼亚共2个国家价格调整;

  3. WISH燕文专线平邮小包-普货:比利时,英国,德国,爱沙尼亚共4个国家价格调整;

  4. WISH燕文专线平邮小包-特货:英国,比利时,爱沙尼亚共3个国家价格调整;

  5. WISH燕文C挂号小包:摩尔多瓦、摩纳哥、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、印度尼西亚共4个国家价格调整;


  1. UBI 快速专线:新西兰1个路向价格调整;


  1. WishPost Shipping Rate Updates for Certain Logistics Channels & Destination Countries (Effective August 19, 2021 Beijing Time)

    Effective August 19, 2021 12:00AM Beijing Time, shipping rates will be updated for certain WishPost logistics channels and their corresponding destinations. Please see detailed changes below (merchants may view the updated pricing cards after the effective date):


  1. 【燕文】

  2. 【UBI】

    1. UBI 快速专线:shipping rates will be updated for New Zealand; 

    2. WISH燕文航空挂号小包-普货:shipping rates will be updated for Moldova, Monaco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Indonesia;

    3. WISH燕文航空挂号小包-特货:shipping rates will be updated for Moldova, and Romania;

    4. WISH燕文专线平邮小包-普货:shipping rates will be updated for Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, and Estonia;

    5. WISH燕文专线平邮小包-特货:shipping rates will be updated for Belgium, Great Britain, and Estonia;

    6. WISH燕文C挂号小包:shipping rates will be updated for Moldova, Monaco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Indonesia; 

    7. CNE-AT挂号小包:shipping rates will be updated for 219 destination countries including Aruba, Afghanistan, and Angola, etc.;

    8. CNE-AT平邮小包:shipping rates will be updated for 217 destination countries including Australia, Belgium, and Bulgaria, etc.;

    9. CNE-全球经济:shipping rates will be updated for France;

    10. CNE-全球通挂号:shipping rates will be updated for 215 destination countries including  the United States, Austria, and Belgium, etc.;

    11. CNE-全球通平邮:shipping rates will be updated for 212 destination countries including  Austria, Belgium, and Bulgaria, etc.;

    12. CNE-全球优先:shipping rates will be updated for Germany, and France;

    13. CNE-全球特惠:shipping rates will be updated for Germany, and France;

    14. LU挂号小包:shipping rates will be updated for 11 destination countries including  France, and Belgium, etc.; 

