
1. 运送至 WishPost 智选项目仓库的包裹(罗马尼亚路向订单)有哪些尺寸和重量限制?


Wish 邮智选经济

Wish 邮智选标准






  • 单边长度 ≤ 60厘米;

  • 三边总长 ≤ 90厘米;

  • 任一侧面积 ≥ 9厘米 * 14厘米




请注意,自北京时间2020年8月6日凌晨0时起,所有在此时间之后送达仓库的 WishPost 智选项目订单,如果包裹的任一边长大于55厘米,wish商户平台将对包裹的长宽高进行测量。


2. WishPost 智选项目(罗马尼亚路向订单)可接受的最大包裹申报价值是多少?

目前,WishPost 智选项目罗马尼亚路向不接受申报价值超过150欧元的包裹。

如果您对 WishPost 智选项目还有其他疑问,请随时联系 WishPost 客服,wish商户平台将尽快给您答复


2. What are the dimensions and weight limits for packages delivered to the Smart Logistics Program warehouse (Romania-bound orders)?

The dimension and weight limits for packages depend on the product types and logistics channels, as shown below: 

WishPost Smart Economy

WishPost Smart Standard

Dimension limit requirements

Maximum weight (kg)

General products



  • length of any one side ≤ 60cm;

  • length + width + height ≤ 90cm;

  • area of any side ≥ 9cm * 14cm


Special products


Note that starting August 6, 2020 12:00AM Beijing Time, for all Smart Logistics Program orders arriving at the warehouses after this time with the length of any side exceeding 55cm, the packages’ length, width, and height will be measured.

The dimension weight of the packages will be calculated as (Length x Width x Height) / 8,000 (measured in kg). And shipping fees will be charged based on the dimension weight or actual weight of the packages, whichever is greater.

3. What is the maximum declared value of the package acceptable to the Smart Logistics Program (Romania-bound orders)?

Currently, the Smart Logistics Program does NOT accept Romania-bound packages with declared value above €150 Euro.

If you have more questions about the Smart Logistics Program, please do not hesitate to contact WishPost Customer Service, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

