

  1. 确保畅销品可供出售

  2. 准备充足库存

  3. 安排好物流


请注意,所有 Wish 政策在节假日期间依然有效。以下是节假日期间需要特别关注的三个政策:

  • 延时履行政策

  • 延时妥投政策

  • 产品高退款率政策




也可以点击“导出 CSV”,下载当周的产品数据。





节假日期间,Wish 的各项政策和赔款规定依然有效。请与您的物流合作伙伴做好妥善安排,避免出现任何业务中断。请确保所有包裹都按照 Wish 的政策进行履行和发货。


How to Prepare for the Holidays

If you would like to continue operating your store during the holidays, we strongly encourage merchants to make the following preparation in advance: 

  1. Keep your top selling products available for sale

  2. Preparing extra inventory

  3. Securing reliable shipping logistics

If merchants choose to pause the operation of your Primary warehouse or all your warehouse(s), you may update your vacation settings on the Vacation Settings page. To learn more about how to configure the vacation settings, please check this article.

Please note that all Wish Policies are in effect during the holidays. Here are three policies that are especially relevant during holiday breaks:

  • Late Fulfillment Policy

  • Late Delivery Policy

  • High Product Refund Ratio Policy

  • Keep top selling products available for sale

    To determine which of your products are best-sellers, please check the Sales Performance tab on your Merchant Dashboard: https://merchant.wish.com/performance-table

    Click “View Product Breakdown” to see your store’s popular items for a specific week.

    You may also click “Export CSV” to download a file with this weekly product data.

    Prepare enough inventory in-house for active products instead of relying on your suppliers

    Since your suppliers may not be available for repurchase during the holiday season, please make sure to pre-stock extra inventory before the holiday begins so you are still able to fulfill orders efficiently.

    To estimate the number of products you need during the holidays, check each product's weekly sales performance here: https://merchant.wish.com/performance-table

    Select reliable shipping carriers to ensure proper fulfillment

    Wish policies and fines are not suspended during holidays. Please make any necessary arrangements with your shipping partners to avoid any disruption of business. Please ensure that all packages are fulfilled and shipped in accordance with Wish policies.

