

wish商户平台可能会在 Wish 应用和网站的搜索结果、相关产品标签页以及其他位置展示您的 ProductBoost 产品。与非 ProductBoost 产品相比,ProductBoost 产品在搜索结果中出现的位置更靠前。您的 ProductBoost 产品将只展示给您能够配送的国家/地区。

首次参与 ProductBoost 推广的产品是否有学习期?

是的。对于首次参加 ProductBoost 推广的产品,wish商户平台的系统会自动经历一个学习期,以了解您的产品并确定最佳投放位置,从而使产品曝光量最大化。

wish商户平台强烈建议商户将首次参加 ProductBoost 的产品至少在一个活动中放置28天,以便于wish商户平台的系统了解哪里是最佳投放位置。在此自动学习期间,您的 ProductBoost 活动处于运行状态,产品曝光量也会因为 ProductBoost 活动得到提升,您的产品也可能会获得曝光。学习期结束后,wish商户平台的系统会将您的推广产品持续展示给最有可能购买的用户。


Where will my products be shown?

Your ProductBoost products may be shown on the Wish app and website, in the search results, in the related tab, and on other placements. ProductBoost enables products to show up higher in search results than they would otherwise be shown without ProductBoost. Your ProductBoost products will only be shown in the countries to which your store ships.

Is there a training period for products being boosted through ProductBoost for the first time?

Yes. For products newly boosted through ProductBoost, our system will automatically go through a training period to learn about your products and determine optimal placement of the products to maximize impressions.

We strongly recommend that merchants put newly boosted products in a ProductBoost campaign for at least 28 days so our system can learn where to best place your product. During this training period, your ProductBoost campaign is still active, your product is still being impression boosted via the ProductBoost campaign, and your product may still receive impressions. After this training period is complete, our system will consistently place your boosted product in front of customers most likely to purchase it.

