




a) 您的产品转化率欠佳。如果出现这种情况,Wish 会减少分配给该产品的曝光量,从而避免让您产生不必要的超支。这样,您就不必为没有带来销量或者销量很少的曝光量付费。

b) 来自其他商户的竞争激烈。系统总是会奖励那些预算较高、转化率更佳以及可选关键词更有相关性的产品。如果某些关键词的竞争太激烈,请考虑其他具有相关性但竞争较小的关键词。


ProductBoost Budgets and Optional Keywords FAQ


Q: What is the budget? What is the budget used for?

A: A budget is the maximum amount of money you are willing to spend for a given campaign. A budget caps the maximum advertising spend, and gives merchants safety protection.

Q: Why did my impressions decrease even when I raise my budget?

A: There are mainly 2 reasons why this may happen:

a) Your product did not convert well. When this happens, Wish will protect you from unnecessary overspending by reducing the number of impressions allocated to this product. This way, you do not have to pay for impressions that yield no/very little sales.

b) Competition from other merchants might be high. The system will always reward products with higher budgets, better conversion rate, and more relevant optional keywords. If the competition is too high for certain keywords, think about other relevant but less competing keywords.  

