
问:哪些产品最适合 ProductBoost?


a) 在其他平台上获得成功的产品

b) 需求旺盛的热门季节性产品

c) wish商户平台平台上没有的、让 Wish 用户觉得“新鲜”的产品

d) 您专营的并且具有竞争优势的产品(即出色的领域知识、优惠的价格和更好的质量)


答:wish商户平台会过滤掉缺货 (OOS) 产品,当您的产品售罄后,wish商户平台将不再向用户展示该产品,因此不会再向您收取曝光费。






Choosing the Right Products

Q: What products are most suitable for ProductBoost?

A: In general, we encourage good quality products with a lot of sales potential. This includes:

a) products that see success on other platforms

b) trending, in-season products with a lot of demand

c) products that our platform does not have, products that are “fresh” to Wish users

d) products that you are specialized in and have a competitive edge (i.e., good domain knowledge, better price and quality)

Q: What happens if a product is sold out? Will I still be charged for impression fees?

A: We filter out of stock (OOS) products, after your product is sold out, we will no longer show user this product, and hence you won't be charged for impression fee anymore.   

Q: How many products should I submit for my campaign? Is it the more products, the better?

A: We suggest to submit products that you can be reasonably covered by your budget. If your store does not have as much of a budget constraint, you can submit more products with a large budget. For stores with smaller budgets, you will want to focus on products that you have a competitive edge. Do not submit 200 products if your budget is only $20. A rule of thumb is that your budget should allow you to allocate at least tens of thousands of impressions per product per week.

Q: Can I change a product during the middle of a campaign? What if I made a mistake?

A: Unfortunately, no. Once a campaign is live, it will remain fixed for a certain time. If you made a mistake, the easiest way is to mark the product sold out. This way can minimize your loss.

