

答:ProductBoost 允许商户在推广活动中为产品添加可选关键词。商户提供关键词后,在 Wish 生成的关键词和商户提供的关键词共同作用下,ProductBoost 推广活动中的产品可能会获得额外的曝光量和更高的排名。

此外,Wish 可以根据商户提供的关键词为其新添加的产品生成更高级的关键词。


答:强烈建议不要在此项目中使用不相关的可选关键词。这会浪费双方的资源:如果在不相关的搜索查询中向用户展示某个产品,不仅浪费 Wish 的曝光量,还浪费商户的广告支出。鉴于这个原因,wish商户平台会过滤掉给定产品的不相关关键词,尤其是热门关键词。因此,如果您选择了竞价和预算都高但不相关的热门关键词,却没有展示您的产品,请不要感到意外,这是正常的。wish商户平台还会检查关键词的质量。wish商户平台将对反复提交不相关关键词的商户发出警告,如果他们不加改正,可能会被 Wish 从 ProductBoost 项目中移除。


Choosing the Right Optional Keywords 

Q: What are Optional Keywords?

A: ProductBoost allows merchants to add optional keywords to their products in their campaigns. With the additional keywords provided by merchants, products in ProductBoost campaigns may receive extra exposure and higher rankings based on both Wish-generated and merchant-provided keywords.

In addition, Wish may generate more advanced keywords for merchants’ newly-added products based on the merchant-provided keywords.

Q: What will happen if I choose an irrelevant optional keyword?

A: Irrelevant optional keywords are strongly discouraged in this program. It is a waste of resources on both ends: it wastes Wish's impressions and the merchant's ad spend if a product is shown to our users under an irrelevant search query. As a result, we filter out irrelevant keywords for a given product, especially if a keyword is popular. So do not be surprised if you pick a popular irrelevant keyword with a high bid and budget, and a product does not show up. We also check for keyword quality. For merchants who repeatedly submit irrelevant keywords, we will issue warnings, and if they do not correct, they might be removed from the ProductBoost program.    

