
1. 添加辅图

如果为产品添加辅图,从不同角度展示产品的各种细节、用法或功效,用户会更愿意相信并购买您的产品。有数据显示,额外添加四张或更多照片可能会使产品销量提高 15-20%。

2. 添加演示视频,让产品故事生动起来

为了帮助您更好地向全球的意向用户展示产品,讲述产品故事,Wish 推出了演示视频功能。您可以利用该功能上传短视频,重点展示所售产品的功能、使用场景和功效。

质量出众并配有生动视频的产品更容易吸引用户,可帮助您提升销量并提高产品知名度。此外,Wish 还为部分商户推出了一项限时优惠的 ProductBoost 活动,只要 ProductBoost 活动中的所有产品均有演示视频且视频经 Wish 审核通过,该活动就有可能享受我们的补贴预算。此优惠有助于您的产品在 Wish 平台上获得更多曝光量。

如需了解有关演示视频和 ProductBoost 限时优惠补贴预算的更多信息,请点击此处。

3. 配送全球

Wish 平台上有超过 50% 的订单来自美国以外的用户。为了赢得更多国家和/或地区的用户,您可以将配送范围扩大到特定目的国/地区乃至全球,从而提高产品的全球销量。

若要为店铺设置或更改配送设置,请前往商户平台的账户 > 配送设置页面进行操作。您可以在该页面设置店铺的配送目的国/地区。如需了解更多信息,请点击此处

您也可以通过 API 端口 PUT /api/v3/merchant/shipping_settings 更新配送设置。


为了帮助您建立全球配送的物流配送网络,Wish 还提供以下功能/项目:

  • 主仓库和/或二级仓库功能,您可以创建合适的仓库来存储相应库存。

  • Wish Express 项目,您可以参与此项目为用户提供快速配送和确认妥投服务。

  • Fulfillment By Wish 和 Fulfillment By Store 项目,可为您提供库存产品的仓储、打包和配送服务。

  • 其他物流解决方案,如 WishPost 和 A+ 物流计划(仅适用于从中国大陆发货的商户)。



4. Add extra images

Customers are more likely to trust and buy a product if tere are extra images showcasing various details, angles, use cases, or benefits of the product. Data has shown a potential boost of 15-20% in sales when four or more extra photos arer added for a product.

5. Add demo videos to make your product story come alive

To help you best demonstrate and tell the story of your products to interested customers around the globe, Wish’s demo video feature allows you to upload a brief video that highlights the functionality, use cases, and benefits of a product that you are selling.

Products with high-quality and delightful demo videos attract customers further, help you generate more sales, and increase product visibility. For a limited-time and available to select merchants, products with approved demo videos and are included in ProductBoost campaigns can enjoy a Bonus Budget to further maximize their exposure on Wish.

Learn more a bout demo videos and the limited-time Bonus Budget ProductBoost promotion here.

6. Ship worldwide

Over 50% of Wish orders are shipped to customers outside of the United Statates. To gain customer base from more regions and countries of the world, you may choose to increase your global sales by shipping worldwide or destinations of your choice.

To establish or adjust your stores' Shipping Settings, first navigate to Merchant Dashboard Account > Shipping Settings page. You can configure the shipping destinations for your store. Learn more about using this page here.

You may also update your Shipping Settings via API PUT /api/v3/merchant/shipping_settings.

In addition, you may also configure the shipping setting and shipping options on a product level, as needed. Learn more here.

To help you set up your logistics and shipping infrastructure to ship worldwide, Wish also provides you with the following functionalities, options, and programs:

  • The ability to set up your Primary and/or Secondary warehouses to store inventory across the globe.

  • Wish Express program that offers you additional benefits for providing your customers with express shipping & confirmed delivery.

  • Fulfillment By Wish and Fulfillment By Store programs that take care of stocking, packing, and shipping of your inventory directly.

  • Other logistics solutions such as WishPost and Advanced Logistics Program (available to merchants shipping from Mainland China only).

  • Please also familiarize yourself with various product and tax regulations when considering shipping internationally.

