wish商户如何选择适当的物流渠道履行 A+ 物流计划订单?

在Wish商户平台上,符合A+物流计划条件的订单将显示“A+ 物流计划”标志。商户须使用以下 WishPost 物流渠道之一来履行这些订单,并将订单包裹送达 Wish 商户平台和 WishPost 上显示的国内仓库地址。

  • 安速派经济 (otype: 5001-1)

  • 安速派标准 (otype: 5002-1)


  • 在一个 WishPost 运单中,如果其中每个订单的订单金额,即“数量 *(商户设定产品价格 + 商户设定运费)”均小于10美元,则商户可以选择 WishPost 的“安速派经济”或“安速派标准”物流渠道。

  • 在一个 WishPost 运单中,如果其中至少有一个订单的订单金额,即“数量 *(商户设定产品价格 + 商户设定运费)”大于或等于10美元,则商户必须选择 WishPost 的“安速派标准”物流渠道。


同时请注意,上述两个 WishPost 物流渠道仅可用于配送 A+ 物流计划订单,不支持发运普通订单。

* 例外:参加 Wish 配送合并计划的少数特定商户需依照不同的标准。更多详情请参阅此文。

在wish商户平台上,商户可能会注意到某些订单带有“可选 A+ 物流计划”标记。这是已从 A+ 物流计划移除的产品在被移除后产生的订单。为了商户在履行这些订单时有更多物流选择,商户现可选择任何 WishPost 物流渠道(包括上述两个安速派渠道)来履行这些订单。

商户还可以通过 API 来识别这种订单,即通过 Order 项

(https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v2#order) 中新添加的“optional_advanced_logistics”属性来识别(对于使用 ERP 的商户,EPR 需要先集成这个新属性)。

对于这些订单,wish平台将为商户显示用户所在目的国的配送地址。如果商户选择安速派物流渠道,则仍然需要先将订单运送至位于中国大陆的 A+ 物流计划仓库;仓库地址会在商户创建运单并生成物流标签时在 WishPost 中显示给商户,也会通过 WishPost API 端口 https://www.wishpost.cn/documentation/api/v2#create_order 在响应中新添加的“warehouse”(仓库)字段显示给商户。选择其他 WishPost 物流渠道的商户只需使用用户的目的国地址创建运单即可。

如果带有“可选 A+ 物流计划”标记的订单受商户政策5.4 - 确认妥投政策的约束,则商户必须使用 WishPost 中提供确认妥投信息的物流渠道和服务等级。如果商户选择安速派物流渠道,则必须通过安速派标准物流渠道来履行此类订单。

如果商户选择安速派物流渠道来履行“可选 A+ 物流计划”订单,则商户需遵守所有与 A+ 物流计划有关的订单履行政策(商户政策5.10-5.13)。 


2. Selecting the appropriate logistics channel after receiving an Advanced Logistics Program order

If an order is eligible for the Advanced Logistics Program, the order will be indicated to merchants with Advanced Logistics Program flags in the Merchant Dashboard. Merchants must fulfill eligible orders through one of the following WishPost logistics channels and deliver the corresponding product to the warehouse indicated by the shipping address shown in Merchant Dashboard and WishPost:

  • A-Super ECONOMY (otype: 5001-1)

  • A-Super STANDARD (otype: 5002-1)

To help merchants comply with Merchant Policy 5.4 - Confirmed Delivery Policy, the criteria for selecting the appropriate logistics channels are as follows* (applicable for orders bound for each destination country released after the respective launch date):

  • Within a WishPost shipping order, if the quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping) of all corresponding Order IDs from Merchant Dashboard is less than $10, merchants may choose either the A-Super ECONOMY or A-Super STANDARD WishPost logistics channel to fulfill.

  • Within a WishPost shipping order, if the quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping) for at least one corresponding Order IDs from Merchant Dashboard is greater than or equal to $10, merchants must choose the A-Super STANDARD WishPost logistics channel to fulfill.

Note that for merchants currently providing only CNY price value for their products, the above threshold is ¥70.

Also note that the above two WishPost logistics channels may only be used to fulfill Advanced Logistics Program orders and will not support regular orders.

* Exception: the above selection criteria are different for a limited number of select merchants participating in Wish’s shipping unification initiative. Visit this article for more details.

Merchants may notice that some orders are marked with an “Optional Advanced Logistics Program” flag in the Merchant Dashboard. These orders are generated from products that have been removed from the program. To provide merchants logistics flexibility for fulfilling these orders, these orders can be fulfilled with any of the WishPost logistics channels of the merchants’ choice (including the two A-Super channels outlined above).

Merchants may also identify this type of orders via API, in particular, the newly-added “optional_advanced_logistics” attribute in the Order object: https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/api/v2#order (for merchants working with ERPs, EPRs need to complete integration of this new attribute first).

These orders will display the customers’ destination addresses for merchants. If merchants select an A-Super logistics channel, they still need to first deliver the order to an Advanced Logistics Program warehouse located within Mainland China; the warehouse name will be displayed to merchants in WishPost when merchants create a shipping order and generate a shipping label and via the WishPost API endpoint https://www.wishpost.cn/documentation/api/v2#create_order with the newly-added “warehouse” field in the response. Merchants selecting any other WishPost logistics channels may simply create shipping orders with the customers’ destination addresses.

If an order marked with the “Optional Advanced Logistics Program” flag is subject to Merchant Policy 5.4 - Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants are required to select a WishPost logistics channel and service level that provides delivery confirmation. Should merchants select an A-Super logistics channel, the A-Super STANDARD logistics channel is required for this type of orders.

If merchants select an A-Super logistics channel to fulfill an "Optional Advanced Logistics Program" order, merchants are then subject to all fulfillment policies related to Advanced Logistics Program (Merchant Policy 5.10 - 5.13).

