wish配送合并计划之API 变化

V3 API 文档中新增了“产品”一节。商户可通过下面新添加的 API 端口执行以下相关操作:

  • 通过 /api/v3/products/{id}/first_mile_shipping 执行 GET 请求

    • 商户可以使用此 API 端口执行“GET”请求,以检索 Wish 为产品计算的初始首程运费、最终生效的首程运费(不管商户是否更新)以及每个仓库中的产品的合并计划状态(启用或禁用)。

  • 通过 /api/v3/products/{id}/first-mile-shipping 执行 PUT 请求

    • 商户可以使用此 API 端口执行“PUT”请求,以更新Wish 为产品计算的首程运费以及每个仓库中的产品的合并计划状态。要禁用合并计划涵盖的所有国家/地区的配送以及适用于这些国家/地区的首程运费,商户需要使用“国家/地区运费”API 端口进行设置并通过 /api/v3/products/{id}/first-mile-shipping 执行 PUT 请求。



a. 首先,查询 v2/product/multi-get,看看哪些产品在上一次查看后进行了更新(使用“since”参数)。

b. 接着,查询 /v3/products/{id}/first_mile_shipping,查看各更新产品的 first_mile_shipping 信息。

c. 最后,要区分“首程运费”已计算但未生效的产品 ID 和“首程运费”已生效的产品 ID,商户可以通过上述步骤 b 中查询到的字段“effective_date”查看生效日期。

    • 如果当前日期早于生效日期,则表明产品的“首程运费”尚未生效;

    • 否则,表明产品的“首程运费”已于指定的生效日期起生效。

此外,与订单相关的 V2 API 更新如下:

  • 对于发往合并计划涵盖的目的国/地区的订单,现有的“order_total”属性现在将包括初始 WishPost 运费(即,创建运单时商户向 WishPost 支付的金额,没有任何退款或调整)。

  • wish商户平台新增添了一个新属性“shipping_reimbursement_amount”,用于表示发往 Wish 合并计划所涵盖国家/地区的订单的 WishPost 运费报销金额。最终金额将在 WishPost 物流记录表明订单已确认履行之后显示。

    • 注意:如果“shipping_reimbursement_status”的值为 PENDING,则此新属性的值将为“0.0”(请参见下文解释)。

  • 新增“eligible_for_shipping_reimbursement”属性。如果订单发往 Wish 合并计划涵盖的国家/地区,则此属性为 True,否则为 False

  • 我们新增添了一个新属性“shipping_reimbursement_status”,用于表示 Wish 合并计划所涵盖国家/地区的订单的状态。具体而言:

    • N/A:表示此订单并非发往 Wish 合并计划涵盖的目的国/地区的订单。

    • PENDING:表示该订单没有初始 WishPost 运费(即,没有任何退款或调整)。

    • FINAL:表示该订单已有初始 WishPost 运费(即,没有任何退款或调整)。


最后,要通过 API 确认哪些订单需要选用哪种安速派物流渠道进行配送,您可以利用属性“requires_delivery_confirmation”。

  • 在 WishPost 中创建的运单中,如果此属性对商户平台中所有订单 ID 返回的值为 False,则商户必须选择 WishPost 的“安速派经济”物流渠道来履行此运单。

  • 相反,在 WishPost 中创建的运单中,如果此属性对商户平台中至少一个订单 ID 返回的值为 True,则商户必须选择 WishPost 的“安速派标准”物流渠道来履行此运单。


API changes

A new “Products” section has been added to the V3 API Documentation. Merchants are able to conduct the following relevant actions via the newly-added API endpoints below:

  • GET request on /api/v3/products/{id}/first_mile_shipping

    • Merchants may perform the “GET” request using this API endpoint to retrieve the Wish-calculated initial First-Mile Shipping Price, the finalized effective First-Mile Shipping Price (with or without merchant updates), and unification initiative statuses (enabled or disabled) of the product in each warehouse.

  • PUT request on /api/v3/products/{id}/first-mile-shipping

    • Merchants may perform the “PUT” request using this API endpoint to update the Wish-calculated First-Mile Shipping Price and unification initiative statuses of the product in each warehouse. To disable shipping to all countries included in the unification countries as well as the First-Mile Shipping Price to be applied to these countries, merchants need to utilize BOTH the Country Shipping API endpoint and the PUT request on /api/v3/products/{id}/first-mile-shipping.

Before taking the above actions, to discover relevant products before and after the First-Mile Shipping Price becomes effective, merchants may find more information about unification initiative-related APIs here (v3 APIs) and here (v2 APIs).

As a summary:

a. First, query v2/product/multi-get to see which products have been updated since the last time they checked (using the 'since' parameter).

b. Then, query /v3/products/{id}/first_mile_shipping to check the first_mile_shipping information for each product that was updated.

c. Lastly, to distinguish Product IDs with Wish-calculated First-Mile Shipping Price before it becomes effective AND Product IDs with already-effective First-Mile Shipping Price, merchants may identify the field “effective_date” based on the information queried in step b above

    • If the current date is prior to the effective date, then the product’s First-Mile Shipping Price is not yet effective;

    • Otherwise, the product’s First-Mile Shipping Price is effective starting on the effective date specified. 

In addition, the Order-related V2 APIs have been updated as below:

  • The existing “order_total” attribute will now include the initial WishPost Shipping amount (i.e., the amount that merchants initially pay to WishPost when creating a shipping order, without any refunds or adjustments) for orders bound for destination countries included in the unification initiative.

  • A new attribute “shipping_reimbursement_amount” is now added, indicating the WishPost Shipping reimbursement amount of the order bound for countries included in Wish’s unification initiative. Final amount will display after the order is confirmed fulfilled per WishPost record.

    • NOTE: the value for this new attribute will be “0.0” if the “shipping_reimbursement_status” is PENDING (see bullet point below).

  • A new attribute “eligible_for_shipping_reimbursement” has been added. This attribute will be True if the order is an order bound for a country included in Wish’s unification initiative, False otherwise.

  • A new attribute “shipping_reimbursement_status” has been added, indicating the state of the order bound for a country included in Wish’s unification initiative. Specifically:

    • N/A: meaning this is NOT an order bound for a destination country included in Wish’s unification initiative.

    • PENDING: meaning the order does NOT yet have an initial WishPost Shipping amount (i.e., without any refunds or adjustments).

    • FINAL: meaning the order now has an initial WishPost Shipping amount (i.e., without any refunds or adjustments).

To find recently updated orders bound for countries included in the unification initiative, you can use the “last_update' field combined with the above new fields to retrieve these relevant orders that may have recent updates in shipping reimbursement statuses.

Lastly, to identify which orders are required to use which A-Super logistics channels via API, you may leverage the attribute “requires_delivery_confirmation”.

  • If this value for all Order IDs from Merchant Dashboard within a WishPost shipping order is False, then merchants must choose the A-Super ECONOMY WishPost logistics channel to fulfill this shipping order.

  • On the other hand, if this value for at least one Order ID from Merchant Dashboard within a WishPost shipping order is True, then merchants must choose the A-Super STANDARD WishPost logistics channel to fulfill this shipping order.

