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是的,FBS 项目在不断开拓新的市场,致力于与全球的线下店铺合作。目前,北美洲(包括美国、墨西哥和加拿大)和欧洲的多个路向国里已有超过3万个合作店铺。

由于 Wish 负责将 FBS 产品配送至这些市场,wish商户平台强烈建议商户为其 FBW 产品提供正确的海关 HS 编码,以便产品顺利进入美国以外的国际市场,避免海关延误或其他问题。

HS 编码由《商品名称及编码协调制度》(又称为“关税术语协调制度”)引入,是一项对贸易产品进行分类的国际标准名称和编号系统。

请注意,对于从中国大陆通过 WishPost 发货的订单,商户可以使用 WishPost 中的 HS 编码查询工具来搜索相关的海关 HS 编码(只需在工具中输入产品名称即可)。

您可以在商户平台上为产品手动提供海关 HS 编码或通过 API 提供。如需手动操作,请先前往产品 > 更新现有产品 > 手动页面:


此时将显示“物流信息”页面,请在“海关 HS 编码”旁输入正确的编号:

此外,商户也可以使用以下 API 端口提供海关 HS 编码:

  • /api/v2/variant/update:用于更新产品变体

  • /api/v2/variant/add:用于添加产品变体


3. Can my products reach global markets?

Yes, FBS continues to expand into new markets and partner with offline stores across the globe. Currently, 30,000+ partner pickup stores exist in a number of destination countries in North America (including the United States, Mexico, and Canada) and Europe.

As Wish takes care of shipping FBS products to these markets, we strongly encourage merchants to provide the Custom HS Code for their FBW products to reach international markets outside of the U.S. smoothly with no customs delay or other issues.

The HS Code is introduced by the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature, is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products.

Note that merchants shipping orders from Mainland China via WishPost can use the HS Code search tool in WishPost to search for relevant Customs HS Codes by entering the product name.

Merchants may provide the Customs HS Code for their products manually on the Merchant Dashboard or via API. To do so manually, first navigate to the Products > Update Existing Products > Manual page:

Then locate the targeted product listings and select “Edit Logistics” under the “Actions” dropdown menu:

Lastly, input the correct number next to the “Customs HS Code” field on the “Logistics Information” page that follows:

Alternatively, merchants may also provide the Customs HS Code using the following API endpoints: 

  • /api/v2/variant/update: to update a product variation

  • /api/v2/variant/add: to add a product variation

