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亚马逊销售服务赔偿 (SAFE-T) 是什么?该如何索赔?


亚马逊销售服务赔偿 (SAFE-T) 索赔

当您的订单需要亚马逊手动付款时,可通过卖家电子商务交易保证 (SAFE-T) 流程提出赔偿索赔。如果亚马逊确定您不是过错方,那么您可能会获得相应赔偿,具体由亚马逊自行决定。





  • 您的服务预约无法完成,并且有资格获得运费款项
  • 您认为自己被处罚款不妥,想对此提出争议
  • 亚马逊确定订单被意外取消或取消不当
  • 亚马逊已预先批准第二次服务预约以更正问题
    注意: 只有在证明第二次预约完成后,才可申请索赔。




  • 您只能为分配给您的订单申请赔偿,每个订单只能申请一次索赔。
  • 符合条件的运费款项将按统一费率支付 $50。
  • 本政策不适用于信用卡拒付索赔。如果您收到信用卡拒付索赔,您应负责回复亚马逊调查员的信息请求。如果未能提供充分的信息,则可能会导致您的索赔遭拒。
注意: 提出索赔后,请务必回复调查员的所有其他请求。如需更多信息,您应在 2 个工作日内向调查员提供必要信息,否则您的索赔将自动关闭。

如何提出 Safe-T 赔偿索赔

  1. 在卖家平台的【订单】选项卡中,转至【管理 SAFE-T 索赔】。
  2. 点击页面右上角的【提出新的 SAFE-T 索赔】。
  3. 输入退货所对应的订单编号,然后点击【检查资格】。
  4. 如果您的订单符合要求,请继续执行下一步操作。如果不符合,请选择符合要求的订单以提出索赔。
    注意: SAFE-T 索赔不会对您的绩效指标产生不利影响。
  5. 选择您提出赔偿索赔的原因。
  6. 请在索赔中详细说明您认为亚马逊应向您提供赔偿的原因。例如,如果您对取消罚款有争议,请解释发生了什么情况,并提供支持您索赔的文件。
  7. 请附上所有必要的证明文件,然后点击【提交 SAFE-T 索赔】。您将收到一封确认已收到您索赔申请的电子邮件。

亚马逊将审核您的索赔并可能要求您提供其他信息。亚马逊会在做出决定后通知您。您可以在管理 SAFE-T 索赔页面追踪您的索赔状态。


为了加快审核和批准流程,请在提交 Safe-T 索赔时附上所有支持文件。该文件是批准您的索赔的必要条件。


  • 服务订单编号
  • 商品订单编号(如果与服务订单编号不同)
  • 证明已完成约定工作的文件(经买家批准拍摄的图片或视频、买家与卖家消息等)
  • 显示错误影响了您服务付款的促销错价的文件
  • 确定有缺陷的商品和缺陷性质的文件(已获批准的亚马逊商城交易保障索赔、图片、视频等)
  • 支持推翻罚款要求的文件(图片、买家与卖家消息等)
  • 支持您的请求的任何其他文件

Service Safe-T Claims

Last Updated 06/21/18

Selling Services on Amazon reimbursement (SAFE-T) claims

The Seller Assurance for e-Commerce Transactions (SAFE-T) process allows you to file a claim for reimbursement when Amazon manual payment is required for your order. At Amazon’s sole discretion, you may be issued a reimbursement in cases where Amazon determines that you were not at fault.

You might be eligible for reimbursement if a customer has been refunded for one of the following reasons. This list does not guarantee a reimbursement, and Amazon maintains all rights to determine what reimbursement value, if any, is issued.

Possible cases for reimbursement

Below is a list of possible cases where you could be considered eligible for a reimbursement. These situations do not guarantee a reimbursement, and Amazon maintains sole discretion to determine what reimbursement value, if any, is issued.

You may be eligible for reimbursement if:

  • Your service appointment could not be completed, and is eligible for a Trip Credit
  • You have been charged a penalty fee that you believe is incorrect and would like to dispute it
  • Amazon determines that the order was cancelled unintentionally or incorrectly
  • Amazon has pre-approved a second service appointment for correction of an issue
    Note: The claim should only be requested after documenting that the second appointment is completed.

With all reimbursement claims, its your responsibility to reply to information requests from Amazon investigators. Failure to provide sufficient information will result denial of your claim.

Reimbursement values and restrictions

The following restrictions apply to reimbursements:

  • You may only request reimbursements for orders that are assigned to you, and may only file one claim per order.
  • Eligible Trip Credits are reimbursed for a flat rate of $50.
  • Chargeback claims are not covered by this policy. If you receive a chargeback claim, it is your responsibility to reply to information requests from Amazon investigators. Failure to provide sufficient information will result in denial of your claim.
Note: After filing your claim, make sure to respond to any further requests from investigators. If further information is required, you will have 2 business days to respond to investigators with the necessary information or your claim will be closed automatically.

How to file a Safe-T claim for reimbursement

  1. From the Orders tab in Seller Central, go to Manage SAFE-T Claims.
  2. Click File a new SAFE-T Claim, in the top right hand corner of the page.
  3. Enter the Order ID for the return and then click Check Eligibility.
  4. If your order is eligible, proceed to the next step. If not, please select an eligible order to file a claim.
    Note: SAFE-T claims do not count against your performance metrics.
  5. Select the reason for your reimbursement claim.
  6. In your claim, provide detail as to why you believe Amazon should reimburse you. For example, if you are disputing a cancellation penalty fee, explain what happened and provide documentation that supports your claim.
  7. Attach all necessary supporting documentation, and then click Submit SAFE-T Claim. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your claim.

Amazon will review your claim and might request additional information from you. Amazon will notify you once a decision has been made. You can track the status of your claim on the Manage SAFE-T Claims page.

Support your claim with documentation

To expedite the review and approval process, attach all supporting documentation to the Safe-T claim at time of submission. This documentation is a requirement for approval of your claim.

Depending on the situation, examples of good supporting documentation include:

  • Service Order ID
  • Product Order ID (if different from Service Order ID)
  • Documentation proving completion of agreed work (pictures or videos taken with customer approval, Buyer-Seller Messages, etc.)
  • Documentation showing promo pricing error incorrectly affecting your payment for the service
  • Documentation identifying the defective product and the nature of the defect (approved A-to-z claim, pictures, videos, etc.)
  • Documentation supporting claim to overturn penalty (pictures, Buyer-Seller Messages, etc.)
  • Any other documentation that supports your request