



该功能集支持三种定制类型,如下所示。所有定制类型均可在一个表面上相互使用。每种类型最多支持五 (5) 个可定制区域(即表面),每个表面最多支持十 (10) 个可定制区域。

注意: 如果不添加定制选项,买家将无法向购物车中添加定制 ASIN。


  • 文本定制: 让买家可以使用您在卖家平台中指定的颜色和字体选项向您的商品添加文本。每个商品表面支持多达 10 个文本定制选项,使您能够指定字体颜色和字体、限制字符数、限制字符类型(包括字母和数字、大写字母和表情符号)以及定义多行文本。文本定制可用于雕刻、刺绣等工艺。
  • 商品配置或选项下拉菜单: 使您能够创建一系列下拉选项,供买家用于定制自己的商品。每个表面允许您指定最多 100 个选项定制。借助此功能,您还可以针对部分定制选项收取额外费用,还可以上传有助于买家直观查看其选择的缩略图。
  • 图片定制: 可让买家通过上传自己的图片来定制商品。买家也可以添加要在自己图片上显示的文本。每个商品表面支持多达 10 张图片定制,让您能够允许买家向商品的任何位置上传一张或多张图片文件。
  • 数据输入或注释定制: 数据输入或注释定制为文本字段,买家可在其中输入注释或其他不影响预览的文本。此定制类型最适合用于定制尺寸或买家备注。
注意: 所有定制类型均可用于同一商品



  • 您必须参与专业销售计划。有关更多信息,请点击此处。
  • 所有订单都必须由卖家自行配送。该计划不适用于由亚马逊配送的商品。
  • 所有定制商品都必须以新品状况销售。不允许销售二手定制商品。有关更多信息,请参阅状况指南。
  • 您的商品信息必须包含符合规定的商品图片。有关更多信息,请参阅商品图片要求。
  • 要启用定制,您必须是提供该商品的唯一卖家。如果已有其他卖家在亚马逊商城提供该商品,您需要创建自己的独特商品信息以展示您的定制功能。
  • 您需要遵守我们的退货政策。有关详情,请参阅定制商品退货政策


重要: 参与“定制商品”计划即表示您同意接受面向卖家的定制计划条款。

Custom Products

Custom is a feature set that allows you to offer customizable and make-on-demand products to Amazon customers. With Custom, you collect configuration or customization requirements from the customer in order to finish the product before shipping. If you're a Professional Seller offering customizable or make on-demand products, register today by clicking the link below.

Register here

Customization options

The feature set supports three customization types, which are listed below. All customization types can be used with one another on one surface. For each type, we support up to five (5) customizable areas known as surfaces and up to ten (10) customizable areas per surface.

Note: Customers will not be able to add a Custom ASIN to their cart without adding one point of customization.


  • Text customization: Enables customers to add text to your products using color and font options you have specified within Seller Central. Each product surface supports up to 10 text customizations with the ability to specify font colors and fonts, limit the numbers of characters, restrict character types including letters and numbers, capital letters, and emojis, and define multiple lines of text. Text customizations can be used for engraving, embroidery, and more.
  • Product configuration or Options dropdown: Enables you to create a series of dropdown options that customers can use to build their own product. Each surface allows you to specify up to 100 options customizations. This feature also enables you to charge an additional fee for select customization options, upload thumbnail images that help customers visualize their choices.
  • Image customization: Enables customers to customize your product by uploading their own image. Customers can also add text to display on their own images. Each product surface supports up to 10 image customizations with the ability to permit customers to upload one or more image files to any location on the product.
  • Data Input of Notes customization: Data input or notes customizations are text fields that provide buyers the ability to enter notes or other text that does not affect the preview. This customization type is best used for custom sizing or for notes from the Customer.
Note: All customization types can be used on one product


Registration criteria

  • You must be on a Professional selling plan. For more information, click here.
  • All orders must be fulfilled by you. The program is not available for products that are fulfilled by Amazon.
  • All Custom Products must be sold in New condition. Used listings are not permitted. For more information, see the Condition guidelines.
  • Your listings must have compliant product images. For more information, see Product image requirements.
  • To enable customization, you must be the only seller offering the product. If other sellers have existing offers on the product on Amazon, you’ll need to create your own unique listing to represent your customization capabilities.
  • You are able to comply with our return policies. For details, review the Custom products returns policies.
Important: By participating in Custom Products, you agree to the Customization Program Terms for Sellers.