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您申请要销售的激光商品 ASIN 列表
您申请要销售的每个 ASIN 的食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 文件登录号
国家认可的检测实验室 (NRTL) 颁发的文件,证明您的商品已根据下表中所列的标准进行了测试
商品 | 认证要求 | 提交文件的电子邮件地址: |
激光指示器、303s 和手持激光宠物玩具 | 不再接受申请 | |
激光演示遥控器 | 21 CFR 1040.10 或 IEC 60825-1 | electronics-safety@amazon.com |
非手持激光宠物玩具 | ||
儿童激光玩具 | ||
激光投影仪和舞台照明 | ||
园艺激光投影仪 | ||
用于监控和安全设备的红外照明激光装置 |
重要: 请保证您提交的所有材料均真实、可信且准确。请注意,如果不符合这些要求,亚马逊可能会撤销您的销售权限。
激光商品包含激光设计。FDA 未授权危险等级为 IIIB 和 IV 的激光产品在美国进行无差别销售,所以亚马逊目前不支持销售此类商品。亚马逊为下列商品制定了安全政策:
激光指示器、303s 和手持激光宠物玩具
参考: https://www.rli.com/resources/articles/classification.aspx
激光指示器通常不允许在亚马逊上销售。笔状定位设备(通常由电池供电),包含会发射强光束的小型二极管激光装置。手持激光宠物玩具和 303s 是激光指示器的变体。可见光束激光器分为四个等级:2 级、3R 级、3B 级和 4 级。
激光在儿童玩具中的应用差异很大。激光在儿童玩具中的常见应用是带激光测距仪的玩具枪、带旋转灯的陀螺、激光剑以及使用激光在室内产生光学效应的玩具。FDA 建议,带激光的儿童玩具应设有危险等级 I(1 mW 输出功率)的安全限制。亚马逊不允许销售超过危险等级 I 的儿童激光玩具。
激光显示器(或激光投影仪)使用激光灯来娱乐观众。这些激光束通常被用于娱乐表演中。这些表演中使用的激光受 FDA 监管,它们通常是高能光束。这些商品使用的激光直射眼睛和皮肤,可能会对眼睛和皮肤造成伤害。
红外 (IR) 激光装置能够发射长距离强光。它们通常用于夜视摄像机、安全系统的远距离照明和制造波长为 810 纳米的投射光束。
Laser products
Important: If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.
This page describes Amazon’s policies regarding the sale of products that incorporate a laser in the product’s design. Laser products in hazard classes IIIB and IV are not authorized for sale by the FDA in the United Sates without a variance, which Amazon does not currently support. Amazon has developed safety policies for the following products:
Product Type Description Laser pointers Laser pointers are generally not allowed on Amazon. These products are typically a pen-shaped pointing device (usually powered by a battery) that contains a small diode laser that emits an intense beam of light. Handheld laser pet toys and 303s are variations of laser pointers. There are four classes of visible-beam lasers: Class 2, Class 3R, Class 3B, and Class 4. Laser presentation remotes Presentation remotes may be sold on Amazon with prior approval. These products are typically a remote control device primarily used to control visual aids, such as a slide deck, in a group presentation. A low-powered laser pointer has been incorporated as an ancillary feature to direct attention during a presentation. Non-handheld laser pet toys Non-handheld laser pet toys may be sold on Amazon with prior approval. These products are free-standing devices and can have a pet-themed shape. They should not have a pen shape. The laser beam provides stimulation to pets. Children’s toys with lasers Amazon does not allow children's toys that incorporate lasers if they exceed hazard class I, but other products may be sold with prior approval. Applications of lasers in children's toys can vary widely. Common uses of lasers in children's toys are toy guns with laser range finders, spinning tops with spinning lights, laser light sabers, and toys which use lasers to create optical effects in a room. The FDA recommends that children's toys that incorporate lasers have a safety limit of hazard class I (1 mW output). Laser light shows and stage lighting Laser light shows and stage lights may be sold on Amazon with prior approval. Laser lighting displays (or laser light shows) involve the use of laser lights to entertain an audience. These laser beams are often projected and are generally incorporated into entertainment performances. The lasers used in these shows are regulated by the FDA and are often high-powered beams of light. The lasers used in these products can cause damage to eyes and skin if exposure to the beam occurs. Garden laser projectors Garden laser projectors may be sold on Amazon with prior approval. These systems are weatherproof and come in a special outdoor housing. Often used for seasonal lighting effects, garden laser projectors and outdoor laser lighting have diffraction gratings to split a laser beam into numerous dots of light onto the projected surface which may move and change colors. Infrared illumination lasers for surveillance and security equipment Infrared (IR) lasers may be sold on Amazon with prior approval. IR lasers are capable of emitting intense light for long distances and are often used for long-range distance illumination for night-vision cameras, security systems, and project light beams with a wavelength of 810 nm. Reference: https://www.rli.com/resources/articles/classification.aspx
Pre-approval to sell laser products
In order to sell laser products on Amazon, you must apply by sending the following information to the email address listed in the table below
Company name
Seller ID
Email address
Phone number
A list of laser products ASINs you are applying to sell
Documentation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accession number for each of the ASINs you are applying to sell
A document from a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) that shows evidence that your product was tested according to the standard listed in the table below
Product Certification requirement Email documentation to: Laser pointers, 303s and handheld laser pet toys No longer accepting applications Laser presentation remotes 21 CFR 1040.10, or IEC 60825-1 electronics-safety@amazon.com Non-handheld laser pet toys Children's toys with lasers Laser light shows and stage lighting Garden laser projectors Infrared illumination lasers for surveillance and security equipment Important: You certify that all materials that you submit are true, authentic, and accurate. Note that Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these requirements.