
重要: 如果您在亚马逊上销售商品,则必须遵守适用于这些商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和地方法律以及亚马逊政策

我们的政策: 销售植物和种子商品时,必须遵守所有适用的联邦法律。您还必须遵守适用于商品销售地司法管辖区和发货地司法管辖区的州和地方法律。例如,许多州法律在配送活体植物时都有货件标签要求。此外,您有责任获取所有需要的许可证和许可,并有责任承担违规行为所导致的所有处罚。植物、植物制品和种子不能从美国境外进口。




每个植物、植物制品或种子货件均必须具有: (1) 发货人或所有人的名称和地址;(2) 货件收货人的姓名;(3) 内含物产地国家、州或地区的名称;以及 (4) 内含物声明。州和当地政府可能对某些植物、植物制品和种子的州间和州内配送与贴标有额外要求。


销售活体或鲜切的圣诞树和圣诞绿植(如圣诞花环)需要获得亚马逊的批准。根据亚马逊的政策,只有经过认证的供应商才有资格在 Amazon.com 上发布活体或鲜切的圣诞树和圣诞绿植。



  • 未经 USDA 或适用的州或地方政府检疫禁止销售;

  • 并非从美国境外进口或由非美国居民销售;

  • 由获得许可的供应商和卖家销售;

  • 遵守所有其他法律、法规和许可要求。



  • 由 USDA 指定为“有毒”物质,或由适用的州或地方政府当局进行了类似分类;

  • 须接受联邦、州或地方政府机构的检疫(如 USDA 的柑橘溃疡检疫或华盛顿州葡萄病毒检疫);

  • 雷斯法案禁止购买、持有、运输或销售;

  • 接触或食用时危险或致命(如海檬树种子);

  • 从美国境外进口或由非美国居民销售;

  • 不符合所有其他法律、法规和许可要求。


Plant and Seed Products

Important: If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

Our policy: You must comply with all applicable federal laws when selling plant and seed products. You must also comply with state and local laws applicable to the jurisdiction into which your products are sold as well as the jurisdiction from which you ship. For example, many state laws have shipping label requirements when shipping a live plant. In addition, you are responsible for obtaining any required licenses and permits and are liable for any penalties resulting from non-compliance. Plants, plant products, and seeds may not be imported from outside of the United States.

The following examples of permitted and prohibited listings are not exhaustive, but should be instructive in evaluating products for listing and sale.

For sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon, please also see FBA prohibited products for additional product restrictions.

Shipping and Labeling Requirements

Each shipment of plants, plant products, or seeds must have: (1) the name and address of the shipper or owner; (2) the name of the person to whom the shipment is being sent; (3) the name of the country, state, or territory where the contents were grown; and (4) a statement of the contents. State and local governments may have additional requirements for both interstate and intrastate shipment and labeling of certain plants, plant products, and seeds.

Christmas Trees & Christmas Greenery

Approval from Amazon is required to sell live or fresh-cut Christmas Trees and greenery, such as Christmas wreaths and garlands. As per Amazon policy, only certified vendors are eligible to list live or fresh-cut Christmas trees and greenery on Amazon.com.

Examples of Permitted Listings

Plants, plant products, and seeds that are:

  • not prohibited by the USDA or applicable state or local government quarantines;

  • not imported from outside of the United States or sold by a non-U.S. resident;

  • sold by licensed vendors and sellers; and,

  • in compliance with all other legal, regulatory, and licensing requirements.

Examples of Prohibited Listings

Plants, plant products, and seeds that are:

  • designated by the USDA as “noxious” or similarly classified by applicable state or local government authorities;

  • subject to federal, state, or local government quarantines (such as the USDA’s citrus canker quarantine or the Washington State grape virus quarantine);

  • taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of the Lacey Act;

  • dangerous or fatal when touched or consumed (such as the pong pong seed);

  • imported from outside of the U.S. or sold by a non-U.S. resident; and,

  • not in compliance with all other legal, regulatory, and licensing requirements.

