



1. 商品信息和规范


1.1 黄金

  1. 卖家必须遵守以下有关黄金纯度容差范围的规定。对于普通的黄金物品,冲压印记纯度的容差是 +/- 0.003。对于以焊接方式制作的商品(例如手链),总容差是 0.007。

  2. 将商品作为金制品发布时,必须明确标注黄金纯度(例如 10K、14K、24K)。

1.2 银

  1. 所有纯银商品的鉴定含银量必须达到 92.5%。对于普通的纯银商品(非焊接品),容差是 +/- 0.002。对于焊接品,容差是 +/- 0.006。

  2. 所有铸银商品的鉴定含银量必须达到 90.0%。对于普通的纯银商品(非焊接品),容差是 +/- 0.002。对于焊接品,容差是 +/- 0.006。

  3. 将商品作为银制品发布时,必须明确标注银纯度(例如 500、750、850、925)。

  4. 银饰上的某些物件无需进行鉴定:针杆、安全扣针等。接受镍制针杆。

1.3 铂金

  1. 标有“PLAT”或“PLATINUM”且显示为纯铂金的商品必须进行 950/1000 的含量鉴定。

  2. 如果铂金含量低于 950/1000,必须在质量标志中公开铂金含量,如“900 PLAT”。

  3. 如果铂金含量低于 850/1000,必须在质量标志中公开铂金含量,如“500 PLAT”,并且后面必须紧跟合金中使用的含量和元素,如“415 CO”。

  4. 作为别扣一部分的手链和项链搭扣无需进行铂金含量鉴定。

1.4 冲压印记


  1. 贵金属

  1. 电镀贵重金属/镀金银饰:

    注意: 美国和加拿大规定了商品成为镀金产品需达到的最低镀金层厚度(随使用的电镀方法而异)和贵重金属的纯度。如果商品具有贵重金属基底,冲压印记应反映贵重金属基底。


    注意: 如果您不太确定镀金银饰是什么,FTC 法规的定义如下:如果行业商品包含镀有纯银的基底或在重要表面镀有黄金或镀有含量不低于 10k 的金合金,且全方位电镀厚度等于 2.5 微米(约等于100/1,000,000 英寸)纯金,则商品可被描述或标注为银镀金。

  1. 有镀层的基底金属/镀金金属

    注意: 镀有贵金属的基底金属无需压印印记。


    重要: 对于采用高级金属和基底金属的多金属构件,商品描述必须准确地注明商品的哪一部分具有哪种金属。

1.5 金属重量

为您商品提供误差不超过 5% 的最小金属重量。您商品的最小金属重量应该包括珠宝首饰商品的所有部件,如耳饰背扣、耳针、吊坠和链条。不同的指环大小可能有不同的金属重量。

1.6 金属镀层和含多种金属的商品

  1. 除非金属镀层的纯度为 24K 金、925 银或 950PT,否则必须公开金属镀层的纯度。

  2. 如果镀有铑,则必须公开这一信息。

  3. 必须按其相对重量的顺序列出贵金属(例如,“铂银戒指”表示铂金的含量多于银)。但是,如果使用了镀层或限定词,也可以按反序列出贵金属(例如,允许使用“镀铂金的银戒指)。

1.7 低过敏性标准


  1. 不含镍、钴和其他致敏物质。

  2. 纯金属(如铂金、医用钢、纯银,或不低于 18K 的黄金)。

  3. 您有充分且可靠的科学证据,表明商品材质在导致过敏反应的可能性上与纯金属无异。不得将包含钨、不锈钢和镍镀纯银等的珠宝首饰描述为低过敏性。

1.8 变体关系

所有父 ASIN 和子 ASIN 的关系必须符合变体关系概览帮助页面中列出的亚马逊变体关系指南。具体而言,父 ASIN 信息(包括商品名称)必须代表核心商品并准确描述与之有父子关系的所有子 ASIN。

1.9 儿童珠宝首饰


2. 设计要求

2.1 总则

  1. 使用一个 ASIN 提供的所有商品必须在设计、构造、颜色、表面处理方面保持一致,宝石必须达到宝石指南中规定的标准(参见“珍珠和彩色宝石标准”)。

  2. 戒圈厚度必须足以支撑适度的手施压力。建议的最小厚度为 0.8 毫米,侧面厚度为 1.4 毫米,但必须与首饰的风格协调。

  3. 所有珠宝首饰必须具有精致的外观,包括功能部件(搭扣、耳扣等)。商品不应缺失任何可拆下的部件(如耳扣),并应完全能够轻松使用。

2.2 测量

  1. 戒指大小的容差范围是不得比详情页面上规定的尺码高出 1/4 且不得比其小 1/8。如果戒环较窄,可在前缘处测量大小;如果戒指较宽,可在戒圈中心处测量大小。

  2. 项链和手链长度的容差范围即装箱单/发票上标注的 + ¼ 英寸,以扣接后的可用长度为准,测量时容差为零。这是因为线上买家期望链子长度不低于他们所订购的长度。宽度必须与装箱单/发票上的毫米测量值匹配一致。手镯从内缘处进行测量,容差范围同样是 + ¼ 英寸,测量时容差为零。为了确保测量准确度,我们建议您使用弹性塑料尺,例如 Franklin Planner 记事本和 Filofax Organizer 活页笔记本所附带的软尺。


  1. 从 12 英寸的“半臂”距离处观察,任何数量或位置的肉眼可见孔隙或孔洞都属于严重缺陷。

  2. 铸造件不得存在气泡产生的闪光现象或多余金属。

  3. 所有焊接珠宝首饰必须采用相似纯度,且不得有变色。不得有开缝、开裂、未填充的区域、断裂或过多焊料。

  4. 焊料不得焊死任何可以移动的配件(例如链索)。

  5. 从顶部或侧面观察时,环形头必须是平直的。

  6. 艺术加工必须对称、光洁。

2.4 磨光和抛光

  1. 如果订购的商品为磨光产品,则金属表面应高度磨光,且没有肉眼可见的刮痕或刀痕。设计细节必须光洁、独特。

  2. 如果订购了特殊抛光处理,如锻光、磨毛、哑光等,则必须均匀进行抛光处理,且如果与其他抛光处理结合进行,不得与周围非指定区域重叠。

  3. 所有商品必须光洁、干燥,不含指纹、油渍或残余的抛光铁丹。

  4. 不允许磨光轮/布的线头残留于爪托下。

  5. 电镀表面(如 18k 镀铑白金)的颜色应保持均匀一致,不得存在剥落、断裂或锈污迹象。

2.5 宝石镶嵌

  1. 任何种类的粗糙宝石均被视为缺陷。用镶嵌测试机测试宝石的牢固度,并使用镊子测试镶嵌的稳固性。

  2. 宝石必须放平,且高度按设计保持一致。

  3. 爪托必须在形状、长度和位置方面保持一致。爪托和宝石之间不应存在间隙。

  4. 金属托必须光滑整洁,厚度均匀,且与它们固定的宝石大小相协调,金属托和宝石之间不得存在间隙。

  5. 在夹镶中,宝石面必须位于同一平面中,或按设计沿一定曲线。槽缝壁应保持平整、光滑,且依照宝石腰棱均匀开槽。宝石应连腰逐一嵌入。

  6. 上钻时不应露出底面。有些设计可能要求露出底面,但是不应在佩戴或取下饰品时感受到底面。

  7. 珍珠类首饰(如耳饰、戒指、手镯、搭扣等)必须为每颗珍珠设计一个托座和针(或至少有一个针,具体视设计/布局而定),并将半打孔珍珠用环氧树脂胶粘到托座和针上。

  8. 可对珍珠、镶嵌和一些不透明的圆宝石(如缟玛瑙、翡翠等)使用环氧树脂胶或胶水,但不得在亚宝石或宝石中使用。

2.6 首饰用具

  1. 具有可移动部件的首饰用具必须完全实用,使用期间不会存在明显勒紧感,且持久耐用,能经受反复使用的考验。

  2. 首饰用具的大小和重量必须与首饰协调。

  3. 吊坠托必须足够大,允使吊坠能在链条上自由摆动。如果链条不随附吊坠一同出售,则吊坠托必须足够大,能容纳买家常用的各种链条。

  4. 耳针必须足够坚固,能够承受正常使用的考验,且耳针末端必须圆润光滑。耳钩和耳扣应使用顺手,牢固扣合。耳针应具有大约 9.5 毫米或 3/8 英寸的可用长度,且其厚度大约为 70 毫米(+/- .04 毫米),视其设计/类型而定。

  5. 具有桶形或盒状钩扣的手链必须至少达到 8 级安全标准。

3. 珍珠和彩色宝石标准

3.1 总则

  1. 无论金属类型为何,使用的任何宝石都必须达到本部分列出的标准。

  2. 按照亚马逊的要求,所有珠宝首饰类商品均须符合 GIA 制定的国际评级标准。这适用于所有商品名称、商品描述和商品规格。

  3. 宝石的色彩范围不得超出两种饱和度色调。

  4. 如果应用了新宝石、有机材质或处理工艺,卖家须提供一份 GIA 鉴定报告以证明其真实性。

  5. 仅接受稳定永久的处理和优化。必须以全面、充分的方式公开所有处理和优化,并且可能需要对处理稳定度进行单独检验。不接受玻璃填注或其他非永久性处理或优化。增强型彩色宝石的商品信息必须包含宝石制作、宝石处理和宝石护理方法。

  6. 必须在商品详情页面上充分、全面地公开珍珠制作方法(即天然、培植还是仿制/合成)。可能需要对制作方法进行单独检验。天然珍珠的生成不能有任何人为的促成因素。培植珍珠的培植方法是人为地在贝壳或软体动物体内植入一粒残骸,使其不断覆上珍珠母。仿制或合成珍珠是在外观上仿制珍珠或培植珍珠的人工制成品。

  7. 仅可在能够证实的情况下才能声明宝石的原产地(例如锡兰蓝宝石);即便如此,也仅可在此地理位置是宝石的开采地区时才可使用其名称。亚马逊可能要求提供经卖家署名的宝石原产地声明,以验证产地。而且,如果注明了未经处理,亚马逊可能会要求卖家签署一份文件来证实未经处理,而且亚马逊可能会要求为样品提供一份 GIA 实验室报告作为证据。

  8. 使用肉眼观察标准对宝石进行评估。小型放大镜仅用于缺陷澄清目的。

  9. 宝石不得存在划痕、抛光纹、碎屑、裂痕和磨痕。不得有任何明显的缺陷。

  10. 宝石必须保持对称且妥善切割。刻面和深度必须与材料的直径、形状和类型协调,且必须在整个配送期间保持一致。宝石的腰棱必须已经过磨光。

  11. 确保将制作方法(例如,实验室制造、仿制、合成或人造)标注于所有非天然宝石、诞生石、珍珠和钻石的名称之前。

  12. 为所有宝石商品提供准确的最小重量、切工、净度和若干宝石属性。

  13. 确保所有珍珠属性(包括珍珠尺寸、形状、铸流长度、颜色等)的准确性。

4. 钻石标准


  1. 如果商品所含宝石来自与民事冲突、犯罪活动或恐怖活动相关的来源,则亚马逊禁止卖家销售此类商品。在亚马逊上销售即表示您声明并保证您不会蓄意购买或销售与此类活动存在关联的任何宝石。

  2. 按照亚马逊的要求,珠宝首饰类的所有商品均须符合 GIA 制定的国际评级标准。这适用于所有商品名称、商品描述和商品规格。

  3. 激光钻孔、裂隙填充、透明度强化或其他任何处理都不可接受。增强型彩色宝石的商品信息必须包含宝石制作、宝石处理和宝石护理方法。

  4. 钻石颜色将通过与 GIA 比色石的直接对比来确定。

  5. 钻石重量将通过直接称重或重量估算公式进行验证。采用小数表示钻石重量时,应精确到小数点后两位。例如,0.47 克拉表示重量至少为 0.465 克拉。采用分数表示钻石重量时,克拉重量容差范围如下所示:

    1 ¼1.22
    1 ½1.45
    1 ¾1.70
    2 ½2.45

  6. 所有钻石必须至少具有 17 个磨光对称刻面,且卖家发布的商品中不得包含描述为钻石但未达到此标准的宝石。


  1. 具有极厚或极薄腰棱的钻石。

  2. 大底面的钻石。

  3. 含有开腔式内含物的钻石。

  4. 影响腰棱轮廓或经过评估存在镶嵌风险的天然宝石。

  5. 内含物的尺寸、性质和位置导致钻石结构不够合理,以致钻石不适合安装或佩戴的钻石。

  6. 10 倍放大下可轻易看到划痕、碎屑、烧灼面或磨光痕的钻石。

  7. 有重大对称缺陷的钻石。

5. 钻石等级报告或真品证书


  1. 钻石耳钉:如果耳钉中心宝石的标注总重量大于 1.0 克拉,亚马逊会要求卖家提供等级报告。

  2. 耳环或吊坠:如果中心宝石的标注重量为 ¾ 克拉或更大,亚马逊会要求卖家提供等级报告。如果侧石的标注重量为 ½ 克拉或更大,则还需附有证书且必须包含在中心宝石的证书中。

我们仅接受以下四个认证机构之一提供的真品证书或钻石等级报告:GIA、IGI、AGS 和 GCAL。

  1. 所有等级报告必须表明,钻石的克拉重量、纯度、颜色和切割达到或超出了您的商品在亚马逊网站上的声明。

  2. 必须在等级报告上完整、充分地公开所有提升处理。

  3. 等级报告上必须明确说明制作方法。

6. 独立的实验室检测




Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards

To sell jewelry products on Amazon, sellers must ensure that their products meet Amazon's Quality Assurance Standards, which help sellers deliver exceptional value to jewelry customers. In addition, jewelry products and their associated listings must adhere to all applicable laws, regulations and standards, as well as the standards outlined on this page.

This page outlines the Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards that aid sellers to clearly and accurately describe all aspects of their products. These include product titles, product features, specifications, and descriptions. Sellers must ensure that their products meet or exceed the description of their product listing on Amazon. This page also explains Amazon's review process.

We may suspend or terminate any seller's Fine Jewelry or Jewelry listing privileges for any reason at any time upon providing notice to the seller. Sellers may cease to list Fine Jewelry or Jewelry products for any reason at any time.

1. Product information and specifications

Sellers are required to comply with applicable metal quality mark and stamp requirements in the US and Canada and must provide accurate metal content information in their product listings. The following sections provide additional detail on metal content requirements.

1.1 Gold

  1. Sellers must comply with the following acceptable tolerance for gold fineness. For normal gold items, the tolerance is +/- 0.003 of the stamped fineness. For items constructed with solder (bracelets, for example), the overall tolerance is 0.007.

  2. Gold fineness (for example, 10K, 14K, 24K) must be clearly disclosed when listing a product as gold.

1.2 Silver

  1. All Sterling Silver items must assay at 92.5% sterling. For normal sterling silver items (without solder), the tolerance is +/- 0.002. With solder, the tolerance is +/- 0.006.

  2. All Coin Silver items must assay at 90.0% sterling. For normal sterling silver items (without solder), the tolerance is +/- 0.002. With solder, the tolerance is +/- 0.006.

  3. Silver fineness (for example 500, 750, 850, 925) must be clearly disclosed when listing a product as silver.

  4. Certain findings on silver jewelry are exempt from assay considerations: pin stems, clasp safety tongues, etc. Nickel pin stems are acceptable.

1.3 Platinum

  1. Products labeled "PLAT" or "PLATINUM" and presented as pure platinum must assay at 950 parts per thousand.

  2. If the platinum content falls below 950/1000, the platinum content must be disclosed in the quality mark, such as "900 PLAT".

  3. If the platinum content falls below 850/1000, the platinum content must be disclosed in the quality mark, such as "500 PLAT", and must be immediately followed with the content and element used in the alloy, such as "415 CO".

  4. Bracelet and necklace snap tongues as part of the clasp are exempt from platinum assay.

1.4 Stamping

Any metal stamping must be accurate, complete, and accompanied either by a trademark or by the name of the manufacturer.

  1. Precious metals

    MetalCommon stamps
    Gold6k, 9k, 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k, 24k
    SilverSterling silver, .925, .999, 500
    PlatinumPlat, 950Plat, PT950
  1. Plated previous metals/Vermeil

    Note: The US and Canada require a minimum plating thickness (which varies based on the plating method and material used) and fineness of the precious metal for a product to be called plated. If the item has a precious metal base, stamp should reflect the precious metal base.

    Gold-plated sterling silver.925
    Rhodium-plated gold14k

    Note: If you are unclear about what Vermeil is, the definition according to FTC regulations is: An industry product may be described or marked as "vermeil" if it consists of a base of sterling silver coated or plated on all significant surfaces with gold, or gold alloy of not less than 10 karat fineness, that is of substantial thickness and a minimum thickness throughout equivalent to two and one half (2 ½) microns (or approximately 100/1,000,000ths of an inch) of fine gold.

  1. Plated Base Metals/Gold-Filled Metal

    Note: Base metals that are plated with a precious metal do not need to be stamped.

    Gold-plated copperNone
    SIlver-plated baseNone

    Important: For multi-metal pieces that have fine metal and base metals, the product description needs to accurately state which part of the item has which metal.

1.5 Metal weight

Provide minimum metal weight for your products within 5% accuracy. The minimum metal weight for your items should include all components of the jewelry item such as earring backs, posts, pendants, and chains. Different ring sizes may have different metal weights.

1.6 Metal plating and products containing multiple metals

  1. The purity of the metal plating must be disclosed, unless the purity of the metal plating is 24K Gold, 925 Silver, or 950 PT.

  2. Rhodium plating must be disclosed when present.

  3. Precious metals must be listed in the order of their relative weight (for example, "Platinum Silver Ring" indicates there is more platinum than silver). However, it is acceptable to reverse the order if a plating or qualifier is used (for example, "Platinum-Plated Silver Ring" is acceptable).

1.7 Hypoallergenic standards

Do not refer to the Jewelry item as being "Hypoallergenic" unless it meets one of the following requirements:

  1. Free of Nickel, Cobalt, and other known allergens.

  2. A pure metal (such as Platinum, Surgical Steel, Sterling Silver, or 18 or higher karat Gold).

  3. You have competent and reliable scientific evidence that the product does not differ materially from pure metal in terms of its capacity to cause allergic reactions. Jewelry containing Tungsten, Stainless Steel, and Nickel plated Sterling Silver etc. may not be described as hypoallergenic.

1.8 Variation relationships

All Parent and Child ASIN relationships must comply with Amazon's variation relationship guidelines, as outlined on the Variation Relationships Overview Help page. Specifically, the Parent ASIN information, including the product title, must represent the core product and accurately describe all Child ASINs within the relationship.

1.9 Children's jewelry

All Children's jewelry must comply with all federal laws and regulations, including the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Children’s Jewellery Regulations, Surface Coating Materials Regulations and the most stringent US state laws and Canadian provincial regulations.

2. Design requirements

2.1 General

  1. All units offered against a single ASIN must be uniform with regard to design, construction, color and surface finish, and gemstones must meet the standards set forth in the gemstone guidelines (see Pearls and colored gemstone standards).

  2. Ring shanks must be thick enough to withstand a moderate amount of hand-applied pressure. A suggested minimum thickness is .8mm thick, and 1.4mm side, but must be proportionate to the styling of the piece.

  3. All jewelry items should have a well-finished appearance, including functional parts (clasps, earring backs, etc.). They should not be missing any removable components, such as earring backs, and should be fully and easily operational.

2.2 Measurement

  1. Tolerance for ring size is 1/4 size over or 1/8 size under stated ring size on detail page. For narrow rings, the size will be measured at the leading edge, and for wider rings, at the center of the shank.

  2. Tolerance for chain and bracelet length is + ¼ inch as stated on packing slip/invoice, and is based on usable length when clasped, with a zero tolerance for under-measurement. This is due to online customers' expectations that the chain not be LESS than the length ordered. The width must match the millimeter measurement on packing slip/invoice. Bangles are measured by inside circumference, and the tolerance is also + ¼ inch, with zero tolerance for under measurement. To ensure measuring accuracy, we recommend using a flexible plastic ruler, such as those used as accessories with Franklin Planners and Filofax organizers.

2.3 Casting and construction

  1. Eye-visible porosity or holes, when viewed from a "bent elbow" distance of 12 inches, in any amount or location is a critical defect.

  2. Castings must be free of flashing and excess metal from air bubbles.

  3. All soldered jewelry must be of like karat with no discoloration. There can be no open seams or joints, unfilled areas, cracks, or excessive solder.

  4. Solder must not freeze any parts that should be moveable (for example, chain links).

  5. Ring heads must be straight and plumb when viewed from top or side profile.

  6. Gallery work must be symmetrical and clean.

2.4 Polishing and finishing

  1. If ordered as polished, metal surfaces should be of high polish and free of eye-visible scratches or tool marks. Design details must be clean and distinct.

  2. If item ordered with special finish such as satin, brushed, matte, etc., the finish must be uniformly applied , and if combined with another finish must not overlap adjacent areas where not intended.

  3. All items must be clean and dry with no fingerprints, oils, or polishing rouge remaining.

  4. Lint left under prongs from the polishing wheels/cloths is unacceptable.

  5. Plated surfaces, such as 18 karat white gold with rhodium plating, should be uniform in color and show no signs of peeling, cracking or tarnishing.

2.5 Stone setting

  1. Loose stones of any kind are considered a defect. Stones will be tested with a set-testing machine to test tightness, as well as tweezers to test security.

  2. Stones must be set level and consistent in height with respect to design.

  3. Prongs must be even in shape, length, and placement. There should be no gaps between prongs and the stones.

  4. Bezels must be smooth and even in thickness, and in proportion to the size of the stone they secure, with no gaps between the bezel and the stone.

  5. In channel settings, stone tables must be set in the same plane, or follow a curve consistent with the design. The channel walls should be even and smooth, with a consistent seat cut for the girdle of the stones. Stones should be set girdle to girdle.

  6. Stones should be set so that the culet is not exposed. Some designs may call for exposed culets, but the culet should not be felt during wear or taking item on or off.

  7. Pearl jewelry such as earrings, rings, brooches, clasps, etc. must incorporate a cup and post for each pearl (or at least a post, depending on design/placement), with the pearl half-drilled and epoxied onto the cup and post.

  8. Epoxy or glue may be used for pearls, inlay, and some cabochon opaque stones such as onyx, jade, etc. It may not be used for semi-precious or precious gemstones.

2.6 Findings

  1. Findings with moveable parts must be fully functional, without significant binding during operation, and durable enough to withstand repeated operation.

  2. Findings must be an appropriate size and weight for the item.

  3. Pendant bales must be large enough to allow the pendant to swing freely on the chain. If pendants are sold without a chain, bales must be large enough to accommodate a normal variety of customer chains.

  4. Earring posts must be strong enough to withstand normal use, and the ends of posts should be rounded and smooth. Ear wires and leverbacks should operate smoothly and close securely. Posts should have a usable length of approximately 9.5mm or 3/8 of an inch, and should have a thickness of approximately .70mm (+/- .04mm), depending on design/type.

  5. Bracelets with a barrel or box clasp must have at least one figure-8 safety.

3. Pearls and colored gemstones standards

3.1 General

  1. Regardless of metal type, any gemstones used must meet the standards listed under this section.

  2. Amazon requires that all listings in the Jewelry category follow the international grading standards as instituted by the GIA. This applies to all product titles, product descriptions, and product specifications.

  3. Color ranges for gemstones cannot exceed two tones of saturation.

  4. If a new gemstone, organic material, or treatment is being supplied, sellers are required to supply an identification report to support its authenticity from GIA.

  5. Only stable, permanent treatments and enhancements will be accepted. All treatments and enhancements must be completely and fully disclosed, and independent verification of stability of treatment may be required. Glass-filled or other nonpermanent treatments or enhancements are not accepted and will be rejected. Listings for enhanced color stones must contain stone creation, stone treatment and stone care method.

  6. Pearl creation method (that is, natural, cultured, or simulated/imitation) must be completely and fully disclosed on the product detail page. Independent verification of creation method may be required. A natural pearl is a pearl whose creation has in no way been caused or induced by humans. A cultured pearl is created when a nucleus is planted by humans inside the shell or in the mantle of a mollusk coated with nacre by the mollusk. A simulated or imitation pearl is a manufactured product that simulates a pearl or cultured pearl in appearance.

  7. A statement as to the geographic origin of a gemstone (for example, Ceylon Sapphire) may only be used when it can be substantiated, and even then, the name of a geographic area may only be used if it denotes the area where the gemstone was mined. Amazon may require a declaration signed by the seller of the gemstones place of origin to verify the origin. Further, if the absence of treatment is denoted, Amazon may require the seller to sign a document verifying the absence of treatment, and Amazon may require a GIA lab report for a sample as proof.

  8. Gemstones will be evaluated with eye-visible criteria. Loupes will be used for defect clarification purposes only.

  9. Gemstones must be free of scratches, polishing lines, chips, cracks and abrasions. No obvious defects will be acceptable.

  10. Gemstones must be symmetrical and properly cut. Faceting and depth must be appropriate to the diameter, shape, and type of material, and must be consistent throughout shipment. Stone girdles must be polished.

  11. Ensure that the creation method, for example, lab-created, simulated, imitation, or synthetic, immediately precedes the name of all non-natural gemstones, birthstones, pearls, and diamonds.

  12. Provide accurate minimum weight, cut, clarity, and number of stones attributes for all gemstone products.

  13. Ensure that all pearl attributes, including pearl size, shape, length of strand, color, etc. are accurate.

4. Diamond standards

Diamonds must meet the following specific diamond standards:

  1. Amazon prohibits sellers from selling products that include stones from any sources connected with civil conflict, criminal, or terrorist activities. By selling on Amazon, you represent and warrant that you do not knowingly buy or sell any gemstones with links to such activities.

  2. Amazon requires that all listings in the Jewelry category follow the international grading standards as instituted by the GIA. This applies to all product titles, product descriptions, and product specifications.

  3. Any treatments such as laser drilling, fracture-filling, clarity enhancement, or any other treatments are unacceptable and will be rejected. Listings for enhanced color stones must contain stone creation, stone treatment, and stone care method.

  4. Diamond color will be determined by direct comparison against GIA Master Stones.

  5. Diamond weights will be verified, by direct weighing or weight estimation formulas. For diamond weights expressed as decimals, the weight should be expressed to two decimal places. For example, 0.47 carat means the weight is at least 0.465 carats. For diamond weights expressed as fractions, carat weight tolerance is as follows:

    Carat weightMinimum required actual carat weight to round up
    1 ¼1.22
    1 ½1.45
    1 ¾1.70
    2 ½2.45
  1. All diamonds must have a minimum of 17 polished symmetrical facets, and sellers may not list a product containing a stone described as a diamond that does not meet this standard.

Amazon will not accept diamonds with the following:

  1. Extremely thick or thin girdles.

  2. Large culets.

  3. Diamonds containing open-cavity inclusions.

  4. Naturals that affect the outline of the girdle or are assessed to be a setting risk.

  5. Diamonds that contain inclusions that may make the diamond structurally unsound for mounting or wearing due to the size, nature, and location of the inclusion.

  6. Scratches, chips, burned facets, or polish lines that are easily visible under 10X magnification.

  7. Major symmetry defects.

5. Diamond Grading Report or Certificate of Authenticity

A Diamond Grading Report (or Certificate of Authenticity) is required for natural or lab-created diamonds of any clarity and any color (except black diamonds) based on the following:

  1. Diamond Stud Earrings: Amazon requires a grading report if the total stated carat weight of the center stones in the pair of stud-earrings is greater than 1.0.

  2. Rings or Pendants: Amazon requires a grading report if the center stone's stated weight is ¾ carats or larger. If there are side stones with stated weight of ½ carats or larger, they also need to be accompanied with a certificate and may be included in the same certificate as that of the center stone.

We only accept certificates of authenticity or diamond grading reports from one of the four certification houses: GIA, IGI, AGS, and GCAL.

  1. All grading reports must state that the carat weight, clarity, color and cut of the diamond meet or exceed the representation of your item on the Amazon website.

  2. All treatments and enhancements must be completely and fully disclosed on the grading report.

  3. Creation method must be clearly stated on the grading report.

6. Independent laboratory testing

From time to time, Amazon may request, source, or purchase products sold in the Jewelry category for quality assurance testing. Amazon may submit those products to an independent, accredited jewelry testing laboratory for thorough quality testing. Amazon may also require Jewelry suppliers to work with certain designated laboratories for quality testing. The products will be tested for conformance with the Amazon product description at the time of request or purchase, as well as for compliance with Amazon Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards. Amazon may return any items it purchases for these purposes to the applicable sellers.

Amazon will contact sellers if their jewelry fails quality testing. Depending on the number of products that fail testing and the severity and type of failures, Amazon may take further actions, including (but not limited to) working with the seller on a remedial plan to address the underlying cause of failures, returning some or all inventory purchased from the seller at the seller's expense and suspending or terminating a seller's ability to sell in the Jewelry category or on Amazon.

