




有兴趣销售高级珠宝首饰商品的卖家必须参加珠宝首饰质量保证审查。要参加该审查,您必须遵循我们提供的流程,包括提供有关想要销售的高级珠宝首饰商品的信息,并在我们提出要求时,将 6 件高级珠宝首饰商品递送给我们进行审查。您应负责支付向我们发送高级珠宝商品所需的所有运费,并提供预付费退货标签。提交给我们的商品将以我们决定的方式进行评估。如果可以,我们会将这些商品退还给您。但是,商品可能需要接受破坏性试验,可能会损坏或无法销售。对于任何丢失、延迟、残损、贬值或损坏的商品,我们不承担任何责任。您负责所有海关放行事宜和费用。


在审查珠宝首饰类商品的销售申请时,我们会考虑多个因素。我们通常需要 6 周左右的时间完成申请的审查,但最长可能需要 10 周,具体视您是否及时履行我们的要求而定。我们有权自行决定拒绝申请。即使我们批准了您销售高级珠宝首饰的申请,也并不能保证您的商品一定会投放在网站上。






Fine Jewelry Terms and Conditions

These Fine Jewelry Terms and Conditions supplement your seller agreement.

Applying to sell Fine Jewelry

You must apply to sell Fine Jewelry. To learn more about the requirements for selling in the Jewelry category and to request approval, click here. To learn more about the distinction between Fine and Fashion Jewelry, click here.

Jewelry Quality Assurance

Sellers interested in selling Fine Jewelry products must participate in a jewelry quality assurance review. To participate in this review, you must follow the procedures we give you, including providing information about the Fine Jewelry items you wish to sell and, at our request, sending us up to 6 Fine Jewelry items for review. You are responsible for paying any shipping charges for sending your Fine Jewelry items to us, and for providing a pre-paid return label. Items submitted to us may be evaluated in the manner we determine. If reasonably possible, we will return these items to you; however, items may be subjected to destructive testing and may be destroyed or unsaleable. We are not responsible for any lost, delayed, damaged, devalued or destroyed items. You are responsible for all customs clearances and fees.

Application Review

We may consider many factors in reviewing applications to sell in the Jewelry category. We usually take around 6 weeks, but may take up to 10 weeks, to complete our review of your application, subject to your prompt compliance with our requests. We reserve the right to reject applications at our discretion. If we approve your application to sell Fine Jewelry, we do not guarantee that your listings will receive placement on the site.

Ongoing Listing Quality Assurance

We may periodically review the quality of Jewelry listings with or without notice. We may revoke Jewelry selling privileges at any time and for any reason upon notice.


If we revoke your Jewelry selling privileges, you may reapply to sell Fine Jewelry, subject to these terms. Additionally, as part of your reapplication, you must reimburse us for the total sales price (including the item price and any shipping charges) of any jewelry items we return to you. By submitting an application, you represent that you have reviewed and updated your Fine Jewelry listings as applicable and that your listings comply with our Program Policies. If we approve your application, we may, in our discretion, limit the placement of your Fine Jewelry listings in search results and on the site.

