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亚马逊全球收款的使用受您与 Amazon Services LLC 或其附属公司之一(以下简称“我们”或“我们的”)签订的亚马逊卖家服务协议(例如,《亚马逊服务商业解决方案协议》、《Merchants@Amazon.com 计划协议》或《商城参与协议》)的约束,且具有以下增补条款和条件。除了亚马逊全球收款,亚马逊卖家服务协议还约束您通过 Amazon.com(以下简称“亚马逊网站”)提供待售商品以及我们为您配送商品的行为,包括我们向您在亚马逊卖家账户中指定的银行账户(以下简称“您的银行账户”)支付任何款项(以下简称“付款”),以及您向我们支付任何应付的退款、费用、成本和赔偿款项(以下简称“反向交易”)。

  1. 当您选择使用亚马逊全球收款时,您仅要求我们将我们支付的每笔付款(及任何必要的反向交易)转换为您的银行账户所在国家/地区的货币(以下简称“您的银行所在地货币”),而不是买家在亚马逊网站付款所用的货币。您不会以一种货币向我们付款,却以另一种货币收到我们的付款。

  2. 当我们发起付款或反向交易时,亚马逊全球收款会按照第三方服务提供商应用的汇率将货币转换为您的银行所在地货币,或者从您的银行所在地货币转换为其他货币,其中包含并反映以您选择的货币支付的所有费用和收费(“适用汇率”)。然后,此类第三方服务提供商将协助把每笔付款或反向交易的货币转换为您的银行所在地货币,或者从您的银行所在地货币转换为其他货币。我们可能会根据需要与任何此类第三方服务提供商分享有关您或您交易的信息,以完成付款或反向交易(如适用)。汇率会在不受我们控制的市场条件下发生浮动,因此每笔付款和每笔反向交易的适用汇率可能会有所不同。适用汇率仅适用于每笔付款或反向交易发生时,可能会在未来付款和反向交易时改变。

  3. 此外,我们可能会根据我们在预计金额时从服务提供商处获得的汇率(以下简称“预计汇率”)且以您的银行所在地货币,显示每笔未决付款和/或反向交易的预计金额。另外请注意,由于汇率会在不受我们控制的市场条件下浮动,预计汇率可能会与适用汇率不同。

  4. 您可通过点击您的亚马逊卖家账户中的【“查看汇率”】链接,查看每笔未决付款和反向交易的预计汇率,以及每笔已完成付款和反向交易的适用汇率。

  5. 您可随时停止使用亚马逊全球收款。如果您这样做,必须首先更新您的银行账户信息,以包含本地货币与亚马逊网站货币相同的银行账户。之后的付款最长可能需要额外 14 天,才能让更新的银行账户信息生效。

  6. 使用亚马逊全球收款时,您需承担以下风险(如果有的话):您在亚马逊网站销售商品时或发生退款、支付、费用或成本时的汇率与预计汇率和/或适用汇率不同。使用亚马逊全球收款及这些条款和条件不受您对亚马逊网站上的商品买家承担的合同义务约束,也不会为其提供这方面的任何额外权利。在亚马逊网站上购买您的商品的买家不参与向您提供亚马逊全球收款服务的过程,也不是这些条款和条件的履行方。

  7. 我们随时可以自行决定更改亚马逊全球收款服务以及这些条款和条件。以下变更将在您的亚马逊卖家账户或亚马逊网站上发布此类变更后立即生效:(a) 由于法律、监管、欺诈和滥用预防或安全原因引起的变更;(b) 更改亚马逊全球收款的现有功能或向其添加其他功能(这不会对亚马逊全球收款的使用产生重大不利影响);或 (c) 为了限制我们认为不安全、不合适或令人反感的商品或活动所做的变更。任何其他变更将在您的亚马逊卖家账户或亚马逊网站发布此类变更后 15 天内生效。您应负责查看这些位置并了解所有适用的变更或通知。您应定期查阅亚马逊卖家账户和亚马逊网站,以了解与亚马逊全球收款服务相关的现行条款和条件。如果您在任何此类变更生效之后继续使用亚马逊全球收款,则表示您接受此类变更或修改。如果您不同意接受对亚马逊全球收款以及这些条款和条件的任何变更,则不得继续使用亚马逊全球收款。当您使用亚马逊全球收款时,您需遵守有效的条款和条件制约,除非法律或政府部门要求对此类条款和条件进行任何变更(在此情况下,它适用于该法律或政府部门要求的所有订单)。如果此类条款和条件中的任何部分被视为无效、失效或因任何原因无法由法院执行,则该条款或条件将被视作可分割,不会影响其余任何条款或条件的有效性和可执行性。

  8. 我们未要求您严格执行这些条款和条件的任何规定,不构成我们放弃以后要求您严格执行这些条件和条款的此类规定或任何其他规定的权利。

  9. 为方便起见,我们会提前 30 天发出通知,终止您对亚马逊全球收款的使用。此外,如果我们认定您存在以下行为,我们有权立即暂停或终止您对亚马逊全球收款服务的使用权限:(a) 您严重违反了与我们签订的适用协议,且未能在收到补救通知后的 7 天内实现补救,除非您的违规行为使我们对第三方负有责任(在这种情况下,我们有权自行决定缩短或放弃上述补救期);(b) 您的账户已经用于或被我们的管控系统确定可能用于欺骗性、欺诈性或非法活动;或 (c) 您对亚马逊全球收款服务的使用已经损害或被我们的管控系统确定可能损害其他卖家、买家或亚马逊的合法利益。


Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers Terms and Conditions

Use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers is governed by the Amazon seller service agreement (e.g. Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, Merchants@Amazon.com Program Agreement or Marketplace Participation Agreement) that you have entered into with Amazon Services LLC or one of its affiliates ("we", "us", "our"), as supplemented by the following terms and conditions. In addition to Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers, the Amazon seller service agreement governs your offering of products for purchase on Amazon.com (the "Amazon Site") and our fulfillment of your products, including disbursement of any funds ("Disbursement") to the bank account that you specify in your Amazon seller account ("Your Bank Account"), as well as any refunds, fees, costs and reimbursements due to us ("Reverse Transactions").

  1. When you elect to use Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers, you are only asking us to change the currency in which we make each Disbursement (and any necessary Reverse Transaction) to the currency of the country/region in which Your Bank Account is located ("Your Bank Location Currency") rather than the currency paid by customers on the Amazon Site. You are not tendering payment in one currency and receiving from us another currency.

  2. Any conversion from or to Your Bank Location Currency using Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers will take place at the exchange rate applied by our third party service provider at the time we initiate the Disbursement or Reverse Transaction, which incorporates and reflects all fees and charges for payment in the currency you select ("Applicable Exchange Rate"). Such third party service provider will then facilitate the conversion of the currency of each Disbursement or Reverse Transaction from or to Your Bank Location Currency. We may share information about you or your transactions with any such third party service provider as required to complete your Disbursement or Reverse Transaction, as applicable. Exchange rates fluctuate under market conditions that are not under our control, so the Applicable Exchange Rate for each Disbursement and each Reverse Transaction might be different. The Applicable Exchange Rate only applies at the time of each Disbursement or Reverse Transaction and may change for future Disbursements and Reverse Transactions.

  3. In addition, we may show an estimated amount in Your Bank Location Currency for each pending Disbursement and/or Reverse Transaction, based on the exchange rate received by us from our service provider at the time we estimate the amount (the "Estimated Exchange Rate"). Please also note that the Estimated Exchange Rate may differ from the Applicable Exchange Rate due to fluctuations under market conditions that are not under our control.

  4. You can view the Estimated Exchange Rate for each pending Disbursement and Reverse Transaction, as well as the Applicable Exchange Rate for each completed Disbursement and Reverse Transaction, by clicking the "View Exchange Rate" link in your Amazon seller account.

  5. You may discontinue use of the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers at any time. If you do so, you must first update the information for Your Bank Account to include a bank account for which the local currency is the same as the currency of the Amazon Site. Subsequent Disbursements may take up to an extra 14 days to allow for the updated bank account information to take effect.

  6. When using Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers, you bear the risk, if any, that the exchange rate at the time of sale of your products on the Amazon Site, or at the time when any refund, reimbursement, fee or cost is incurred, differs from the Estimated Exchange Rate and/or the Applicable Exchange Rate. Your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers and these terms and conditions are independent of, and do not provide any additional rights with respect to, your contractual obligations to buyers of your products on the Amazon Site. The buyer of your products on the Amazon Site is neither involved in providing Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers to you, nor a party to these terms and conditions.

  7. We may make changes to Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers and these terms and conditions at any time and solely at our discretion. Any changes (a) for legal, regulatory, fraud and abuse prevention, or security reasons; (b) to change existing features or add additional features to the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers (where this does not materially adversely affect your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers); or (c) to restrict products or activities that we deem unsafe, inappropriate, or offensive will be effective upon the posting of such changes on your Amazon seller account or on the Amazon Site. Any other changes will be effective 15 days after the posting of such changes on your Amazon seller account or on the Amazon Site. You are responsible for reviewing these locations and informing yourself of all applicable changes or notices. You should refer regularly to your Amazon seller account and the Amazon Site respectively to understand the current terms and conditions related to Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF AMAZON CURRENCY CONVERTER FOR SELLERS AFTER ANY SUCH CHANGES HAVE BECOME EFFECTIVE WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ANY CHANGES TO AMAZON CURRENCY CONVERTER FOR SELLERS AND/OR THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MUST NOT CONTINUE TO USE AMAZON CURRENCY CONVERTER FOR SELLERS. You will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that you use Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers, unless any change to these terms and conditions is required to be made by law or government authority (in which case it will apply to all orders as required by that law or government authority). If any of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable by a court, that term or condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining term or condition.

  8. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of these terms and conditions will not constitute a waiver of our right to enforce such provision or any other provision of these terms and conditions subsequently.

  9. We may terminate your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We also retain the right to immediately suspend or terminate your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers if we determine that (a) you have materially breached an applicable agreement with us and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice unless your breach exposes us to liability toward a third party, in which case we are entitled to reduce, or waive, the aforementioned cure period at our reasonable discretion; (b) your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be, used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; or (c) your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers has harmed, or our controls identify that it might harm, other Sellers, customers, or Amazon’s legitimate interests.

