亚马逊 Horizon 物流的条款与条件







  1. 客户委托服务供应商办理的具体运输事项以客户在第三方ERP系统或亚马逊托运人平台(以下统称“包裹订单系统”)提交的内容和信息为准。客户应积极配合服务供应商办理与本协议有关的整套委托手续。

  2. 客户同意服务供应商有权聘请独立的承包商、代理人、供应商来提供客户委托的运输和其它相关服务。

二、 货物出口包裹订单

  1. 客户应通过包裹订单系统按照系统流程和要求提交包裹订单申请(“包裹订单申请”)。如果客户未按照系统流程和要求提交相关信息或者填写错误,由此引起的所有后果、损失、责任和其他损害均由客户承担。

  2. 客户下单后暂不支持取消包裹订单。

  3. 客户承诺其托运的货物应符合附件一关于托运货物范围的规定。若客户未能遵守前述要求,客户应承担所有后果、损失、责任和其他损害。服务供应商对货物运输过程中因货物不符合前述要求而发生的破损不负任何责任,并且客户应赔偿服务供应商因此遭受的所有后果、损失、责任和其他损害。


  1. 客户保证,托运的货物均已按照规定在订单、运单及任何相关文件上加以详细说明,并且适于国际货运。托运货物均已按照规定注明标记、写明地址并妥善包装,以便按照常规处理可以确保安全运送。

  2. 客户承诺,其托运的货物不含任何禁运品,包括但不限于:

    1. 其内容、外形、运输或存储违反了法定禁令或公共机构公布的禁令的货物,特别,但不限于违反原产国、目的国或转运国的出口、进口或海关法,或对设备(如温控产品)、安全措施或批准有特殊要求的货物;

    2.  万国邮政联盟 (UPUC)、国际航空运输协会(IATA)或国际民航组织(ICAO)规定禁止运输或特殊限制的货物或物品;

    3. 贵重物品、军用物品、烟制品、有毒有害物品、易燃易爆物品、氧化物及有机过氧化物;

    4. 任何在适用的国际法规中定义的危险品以及运输业中被普遍认为的带锂电池的产品

    5. 侵犯知识产权的物品。


  3. 服务供应商并无开包检查货物是否包含禁运品的义务。但是,服务供应商或其所聘请的第三方有权根据需要或者任何时候根据政府部门的要求,不经通知对货物进行开包查验。客户同意,不管客户是否进行了上文定义的禁运品的申报,对于因禁运品造成的或与之相关的货物损失、额外费用、海关等监管部门罚款及其他任何损害,均由客户承担。因前述情形引起的任何损失、损害、和解、成本、费用及其他责任(包括合理的律师费),客户兹免除,并且客户确保免除服务供应商及/或其子公司、关联企业、董事、管理人员、雇员、代理人、继承人和受让人的责任,且客户应负责为他们抗辩并对他们提供充分补偿,使其免受损害。

  4. 服务供应商有权检查客户交付的或应客户指示交付的货物的品名、规格、数量和包装,但进行该等检查并非服务供应商的义务。如果客户交付的货物与客户包裹订单申请/申报的内容不一致,无论服务供应商是否对交付的货物进行检查,服务供应商均不承担因此产生的或与之相关的任何责任,客户应独自承担因此而产生的或与之相关的所有损害赔偿、索赔和后果,并就服务供应商因此而遭受或与之相关的所有损失、损害、额外费用、罚款、诉讼或其他索赔作出赔偿、为其进行辩护并使其免受损害。

  5. 若货物包含上文定义的禁运品,则服务供应商有权(i)拒收货物;或(ii)若货物已进行交接,根据相关法规要求及双方约定的退运条款(参照附件二)将其退回或销毁。

  6. 若货物不包含上文定义的禁运品,但货物因其性质(尺寸、样式、重量及货物内容等)或其它原因不符合服务供应商要求的情形下,服务供应商有权视情形和/或按照适用法规的要求 1)进行重新包装 2)选择不同路线对货物进行运输,而无需通知客户。

  7. 客户应当确保对货物进行适当的包装以使货物包装符合适用法律的要求以及服务供应商或承运人的运输要求。服务供应商仅接收外包装完整的货物,除非服务供应商同意根据客户的特别要求为外包装破损的货物办理本协议项下的运输事宜。在此情况下,服务供应商对接收货物时外包装已破损的货物的任何损坏或损毁不承担任何责任。


  1. 客户陈述并保证其有义务遵守所有适用的法律、规则和法令,包括但不限于任何运送托运货物可能涉及的始发地、目的地、过境或途经国家/地区的进出口法规和海关规定,并应当积极配合清关、提供相关海关所需的相关信息及文件资料。

  2. 服务供应商有权委托第三方代表客户负责清关。服务供应商有权委托第三方的事项包括填写各类清关申报文件、更正货物申报内容、按照有关法律的要求缴纳相关税费、或在合适的口岸完成货物出/进口清关手续。

  3. 服务供应商不对任何客户的虚假声明承担责任。客户陈述并保证其必须对其托运货物及其价值作出正确描述和全面地申报。

  4. 服务供应商对于货物内容及随附文件或申报文件不承担任何责任,即使这些文件应客户的请求由服务供应商或以服务供应商名义准备。客户应独立承担进出口货物的所有风险、后果、损失和责任。

  5. 服务供应商及其关联方将不担当货物在中国口岸海关进行出口报关的名义或实际的出口人或在目的地国家口岸进行进口报关的名义或实际的进口人。 如果客户在中国口岸海关进行出口报关或目的地国家口岸进行进口报关时受到任何处罚,服务供应商不承担任何责任,客户应独自承担因此而产生的或与之相关的所有后果、损失、责任和其他损害,并就服务供应商因此而遭受或与之相关的所有后果、损失、责任和其他损害作出赔偿、为其进行辩护并使其免受损害。





  1. 客户应当及时向服务供应商提供完成本协议委托事项所需的所有相关文件和信息。如服务供应商无法按照协议约定完成本服务的,服务供应商在主动和客户协商后,承担相应责任。

  2. 客户同意:

    1. 服务供应商对本协议项下的免费服务不承担任何关于货物的直接损坏、丢失、迟延送达、未送达等相关的一切责任;

    2. 服务供应商也不承担任何其他类型的损失或损害(包括但不限于利润、收入、利息及未来业务的损失),无论该等损失和损害是否是特殊的或间接的。

  3. 服务供应商不对因不可抗力、货物本身的自然属性(包括任何瑕疵、特性或固有缺陷)、货物的合理损耗和客户或客户指定收货人本身过错所导致的货物损毁、短少、污染、变质或灭失承担任何赔偿责任。

  4. 如果由于客户在货物中夹带、匿报违禁物品,致使货物、共同运输的其他物品、运输工具、机械设备受损、人员伤亡或主管机关对服务供应商和/或实际承运人处以罚款的,则客户应当承担全部责任和损失。

  5. 客户在此明确授权服务供应商可以将合同中的全部或部分内容转委托给任何第三方处理。

  6. 如果由于客户货物包装缺陷产生破损,导致货物、共同运输的其他物品、运输工具、机械设备被污染腐蚀、损坏或造成人员伤亡的,客户应当承担因此产生的全部后果、损失、责任和其他损害。

  7. 货物出运后如客户要求退运,在货物出口清关完成前,服务供应商将向客户提供基于附件二(退运政策)及服务供应商退运操作准则提供免费国内退运服务,如货物不满足附件二所列条件或服务商退运操作准则,则服务供应商有权对货物进行销毁处理。

  8. 客户应赔偿因其违反本协议中对服务供应商做出的陈述或承诺而给服务供应商造成的全部损失。


  1. 不可抗力是指不可预见并且其发生和后果是双方无法控制和避免的事件,包括天灾、风暴、洪水、闪电、火灾、事故、战争、暴动、民乱、罢工、封锁、中断或非一方自身的劳资纠纷、在法律程序下进行的查封或没收、适用法律或政策的变动以及在国际商业中被普遍认为属于“不可抗力”的其他事件。

  2. 如因任何不可抗力发生而导致服务供应商不能履行其在本协议项下的义务,则该等不能履行不视为对协议的违反。

  3. 如果协议一方认为发生了不可抗力事件,受到该等事件影响的一方应当在最短的时间内以传真或电子邮件方式书面通知另一方该不可抗力事件的发生,同时应采取相应措施最大限度地缩小可能发生的损失。在该等不可抗力事件发生的14天内,受到该事件影响的一方应向对方提供由政府机关或公证机构出具的证明文件(如有)供对方确认。受到不可抗力影响的一方应竭尽所能在合理能够履行的范围内履行协议义务,并且应将包括任何其他合理履行方式的任何建议告知另一方。但是,在另一方同意该等建议之前,该受到不可抗力影响的一方不得实施该建议。


  1. 本协议的成立、效力、解释和履行,以及本协议项下发生的任何争议,均适用中华人民共和国法律。

  2. 如果发生由本协议引起的或与本协议有关的双方之间的任何争议,双方应首先尽力通过友好协商解决该等争议。如协商不成,任何一方有权将该等争议提交北京市朝阳区法院或根据法律规定要求由其上级法院专属管辖。


  1. 本协议的期限应自生效日期起至客户或服务供应商按照本协议规定终止协议。

  2. 服务供应商可以在任何时候基于任何理由通知客户立即终止本协议。客户可以基于任何理由提前30日书面通知服务供应商立即终止本协议。

  3. 服务供应商提前一周通知客户开始就本服务进行收费后,本协议立即终止。如果客户选择使用收费服务,则客户应与服务供应商签署一份收费服务协议。

  4. 本协议的任何补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力,若补充协议与本协议条款有不一致处的,以补充协议为准。


  1. 客户确认其知悉、理解并同意本协议项下包括服务供应商免责条款、责任限制条款在内的全部条款。客户确认在其签署本协议前,服务供应商已就此类免责、责任限制条款向客户作出了符合适用法律要求的特别提示,并全面解答了客户对此有关的问题。

  2. 客户向服务供应商承诺并保证,在本协议签署时及整个协议期限内:(a)客户是依据设立地法律合法设立、有效存续并良好运营的实体;(b)客户拥有所有必需的法定资质、权利、能力和授权签订本协议并履行相应义务,并已获得为经营其业务依法所需的所有许可、批准、证照和授权;(c)客户是注册于亚马逊海外商城上的卖家或卖家代理;(d)客户及其所有的承包商、代理人和供应商将在客户履行本协议项下义务和行使权利过程中遵守适用的法律;以及(e)客户对其交给服务供应商的货物享有合法的所有权或已获得了足够的授权,并且货物在本协议项下的交付及运输不会侵犯任何第三方的权利,包括但不限于第三方的知识产权;(f)客户声明并保证,其已向其员工提供足够的培训,以识别和适当识别危险品,以确保交付给提供商的货物不包含危险品; (g) 客户陈述并保证客户及其金融机构并不受制裁,亦未作为禁止或受限实体被列入任何名单,或被此等禁止或受限实体持有或控制。维护前述名单的机构包括但不限于联合国安全理事会、美国政府(例如美国财政部特别指定国民名单和海外逃避制裁者名单,及美国商务部的实体名单)、欧盟或其成员国,或其他适用的政府机关;(h)客户不会滥用服务提供商在本协议下免费提供的服务。

  3. 未经协议一方事先书面同意,协议另一方不得全部或部分转让本协议。任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。下列情况下,服务供应商可以转让本协议(或其在本协议项下的任何权利和义务):(1)转让给其关联企业;或(2)当发生合并、重组、出售全部或重要资产或类似交易时。

  4. 在本协议履行过程中,一方可能收到有关对方的不为公众所知悉的信息(“保密信息”)。收到保密信息的一方同意:(a)所有保密信息均为对方的独占财产;(b)该方仅在履行本协议的合理必要的范围内使用保密信息,并保证接触保密信息的人知悉并遵守本条规定的保密义务;(c)该方不能将保密信息向除上述规定外的任何个人、公司或其他第三方披露;以及(d)该方将采取一切合理措施来保护保密信息,使其不被以非经本协议明确允许的方式使用或披露。未经对方事先书面许可,不得以任何方式(包括在宣传材料中)发布有关服务的任何新闻稿或公开声明,或使用对方的名称、商标或标识,也不得以任何方式使人误解其与对方之间的关系。

  5. 客户和服务供应商是独立的合同方,本协议并不在客户和服务供应商之间产生任何合伙、合资、代理、特许权使用、销售代表或雇佣关系。

  6. 基于客户及/或其人员的故意或过失(包括但不限于违反本协议或侵权、严格责任或不当行为)而导致的任何第三方对服务供应商的主张或索赔要求,或因其故意或过失造成的服务供应商的损失、损害,导致服务供应商支出的成本、费用,为达成和解而支出的款项或承担的其他责任,客户兹免除服务供应商及/或其子公司、关联企业、董事、管理人员、雇员、代理人、继承人和受让人的责任,并应负责为他们抗辩和充分补偿以使其免受损失。

  7. 若本协议的任何条款被法院、仲裁机构或有权政府机构认定为无效或部分无效,则双方同意除无效条款以外仍应执行本协议其它条款,部分有效条款在其可执行的范围内仍继续执行。

  8. 如因特殊原因,本协议终止后,双方仍承担协议终止前规定的双方应当履行而尚未履行完毕的一切责任和义务。本协议中与终止、陈述和保证、保密、赔偿、责任和责任限制相关的规定应在本协议终止后继续有效。

  9. 本协议由中文写成并以中文为准,如有英文译本,英文译本仅供参考。

附件一 寄送限制












15.2 CM<=长<= 60 CM
10.1 CM <=宽<= 40 CM
0 CM <=高<= 50 CM


  • 本服务为普货渠道,不能寄送带电以及任何危险品

  • 服务供应商暂时只针对上述三城市提供揽收服务,不接受客户发货到服务供应商仓库

附件二 退运政策













分拣失败 (例如收货地址错误)








分拣失败 (例如标签质量)












  • 客户应在第三方ERP系统中声明对于异常包裹的处理偏好(退回或丢弃),此偏好仅适用于中国出口清关完成前的包裹

  • 对于未按相关法规标准包装及标贴的锂电池产品及其它危险品,服务供应商将统一销毁处理不提供国内段退运服务

  • 对于包含在国家邮政局《禁止寄递物品管理规定》清单的商品,服务供应商将统一销毁处理不提供国内段退运服务


Amazon Horizon Shipping Terms and Conditions

Thank you (the "Customer", "you" or "Consignor") for choosing the service under this service agreement (the "Service"). This service agreement, including the main body and the appendixes (the "Agreement"), will govern the Services contemplated by this Agreement and constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Beijing Century Joyo Courier Service Co., Limited ("Provider"). The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Customer represents and warrants that it has authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Customer.

Customer is a seller registered on Amazon worldwide marketplaces (i.e. Amazon marketplaces outside mainland China, "Amazon Worldwide Marketplaces") ("Seller"), or a shipping agent authorized to purchase the Service on behalf of Seller (the "Seller's Agent").

By clicking through this Agreement, you agree to create an account at (the "Service Account") and to allow the Provider to coordinate handling the export of your goods for you in accordance with this Agreement. This Agreement becomes effective on the date on which you create your Service Account (the "Effective Date"). Please carefully read this Agreement in its entirety prior to accepting this Agreement. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including any Appendix hereto, please do not click to confirm this Agreement or use this Service.

Any information related with Customer under this Agreement will be subject to the Customer information provided by you within the Service Account. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your information in the Service Account at all times. You are responsible for any consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information in the Service Account.

You agree and acknowledge that the Provider may modify or update this Agreement (including any Appendix hereto) at any time with or without notice to you. You are responsible for reviewing and complying with this Agreement and any of its amendments at all times. By clicking confirm this Agreement, you agree to accept the terms of this Agreement which are effective when you use the Service, and to be bound by this Agreement (as amended).

I. Scope of Engagement:

  1. Any Service rendered by Provider to Customer pursuant to this Agreement is subject to the content and information Customer submits either on a third-party ERP system or on an Amazon shipper platform (both referred as “Package Order System”). Customer shall actively cooperate with Provider to complete the entire engagement formalities under this Agreement.

  2. Customer agrees that Provider has the right to engage independent contractors, agents, and suppliers to provide transport and other related services to provide the agreed-upon Service.

II. Package Order for Export of Goods

  1. Customer shall submit the package shipment creation (the "Package Shipment Creation") in accordance with the system process and requirements through the Package Order System. If Customer fails to submit relevant information in accordance with the process and requirements or fills in wrong information, Customer will be responsible for all consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages arising therefrom.

  2. Currently, no Package Shipment Creation submitted by Customer may be cancelled.

  3. Customer undertakes that all consigned shipments shall comply with the provisions on scope of consignment in Appendix 1. You are responsible for any consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages resulting from a failure to comply with the aforementioned requirements. Provider will not be liable for any damage to the goods during shipping due to their failure to meet the aforementioned requirements, and Customer shall compensate Provider for any consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages Provider may suffer.

III. Delivery and Inspection of Goods

  1. Customer undertakes that the consigned goods are specified in detail in accordance with the provisions in the order, waybill, and any relevant documents, and are qualified for international shipment. The consigned shipment has been marked, addressed, and properly packed in compliance with the regulations to ensure safe delivery in accordance with conventional procedures.

  2. Customer undertakes that the consigned shipment does not contain any prohibited goods, including without limitation:

    1. Items the content, contour dimension, transport or storage of which violates any statutory ban or any ban issued by a public authority, in particular but without limitation the regulations regarding export, import or customs law of the countries of origin, destination or transit, or regarding the goods for which special equipment (in the case of temperature-controlled goods for example), safety precautions or authorizations are required;

    2. Shipments or items the transport of which is prohibited or is subject to special restrictions under Universal Postal Union Convention (UPUC), International Air Transport Association (IATA) or International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rules;

    3. Valuables, military items, tobacco products, toxic and harmful substances, flammable and explosive materials, oxides and organic peroxides;

    4. Any dangerous goods as defined pursuant to applicable international regulations and lithium batteries as that term is generally understood within the shipping industry; and

    5. Goods infringing intellectual property rights.

For the avoidance of doubt, the list does not exhaust all prohibited goods. Goods consigned by Customer shall comply with the provisions hereof on scope of consignment.

3. Provider is not obliged to check whether a consigned shipment contains any prohibited goods. However, Provider or third parties engaged by Provider shall have the right to open and inspect the consignment, at any time without notice, as necessary or in accordance with the requirements of the government. Customer agrees that regardless whether Customer declares prohibited goods as defined above or not, Customer shall bear all losses, additional costs, penalties imposed by customs or other supervision authorities, and other damages arising from or related to prohibited goods. Customer hereby releases, and shall have released, defend, fully indemnify and hold Provider and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns harmless from any losses, damages, reconciliation, costs, expenses and other liabilities (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from or related to the aforementioned circumstances.

4. Provider has the right to inspect the name, specifications, quantity and packaging of the goods delivered by or at the instruction of Customer; provided, however, that such inspection is not Provider’s obligation. If the goods delivered by Customer are inconsistent with those specified in the Package Shipment Creation/declaration by Customer, Provider shall not be liable for any liabilities arising from or related to such inconsistency, regardless of whether or not Provider actually inspects the goods delivered by Customer; Customer shall be solely responsible for all damages, claims, and consequences and shall indemnify, defend, and hold Provider harmless from all losses, damages, additional costs, penalties, actions, suits, or other claims arising from or relating to such inconsistency.

5. If the consigned shipment contains prohibited goods as defined above, Provider shall have the right to (i) refuse acceptance of the consigned shipment; or (ii) return or abandon it in accordance with the relevant regulations and the mutually agreed return rules (see Appendix 2) if the consigned shipment has already been handed over.

6. If the consigned shipment does not contain prohibited goods as defined above, but the shipment does not meet Provider’s requirements due to its properties (such as size, shape, weight, and substance of goods) or otherwise, Provider shall also have the right to (i) repackage; (ii) choose a different route to transport the shipment, based on circumstances and/or applicable regulations without notifying the Customer.

7. Customer shall ensure that the goods delivered to Provider are properly packaged in accordance with applicable law and any shipping requirements of Provider or carrier. Provider only accepts goods whose external packaging appears intact, unless, upon special request from Customer, Provider agrees in writing to handle the shipment of goods with damaged external packaging under this Agreement. In such a case, Provider will not be liable for any damage to, or destruction of, the goods whose external packaging is damaged at the time of Provider’s acceptance of the goods.

IV. Customs Clearance

  1. Customer represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including without limitation, any export, import, or customs laws in the goods’ country of origin, country of destination, or any transit country/region through which the consigned shipment will pass, and shall actively cooperate with the relevant customs clearance authorities, including by providing all required or requested information and customs documentation.

  2. Provider reserves the right to delegate or subcontract customs clearance responsibilities to a third party on behalf of Customer. The Provider may delegate or subcontract duties including, but not limited to, completing custom declaration documents, correcting declared content of consigned shipments, paying relevant duties and taxes required under applicable laws and regulations, and completing export or import custom clearance processes in an appropriate port.

  3. Provider shall not be liable for any false statement made by Customer. Customer represents and warrants that it will fully and properly describe and declare a consigned shipment, including but not limited to its contents and value.

  4. Provider does not assume any liability for the content of the consigned shipment or any accompanying documents or declarations, even if they are prepared by or in the name of Provider upon Customer’s request. Customer remains solely responsible for all risks, consequences, losses, and liabilities that result from importing and exporting goods.

  5. Neither Provider nor any of its affiliates will act as the exporter of record or the actual exporter for a consigned shipment in the export declaration with the Chinese customs authorities, or act as the importer of record or the actual importer for a consigned shipment in the import declaration with the port of the destination country. If the Customer is subject to any penalty from the Chinese customs authority during its export declaration or from the port of the destination country during its import declaration, Provider shall not be held liable, and Customer shall be solely responsible for and shall indemnify, defend, and hold Provider harmless from any consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages arising therefrom or in connection therewith.

V. Fee

Provider will not charge any fee for the Service provided to Customer, unless and until it notifies Customer in writing that it will charge for the Service; provided however that, Provider may charge for the Service at any time with a notice to Customer, after receipt of which Customer may either pay for and use the Service or opt out of the Service from the date when fees will be charged.

Customer shall be responsible, as required under applicable law, for identifying and paying all taxes and other governmental fees and charges (and any penalties, interest, and other additions thereto) that are imposed on that party upon or with respect to the transactions and payments under this agreement. Even if the Service is provided by Provider to Customer for free, Customer shall still bear all value-added taxes and taxes in connection with the Service, if any.

VI. Assumption of Liability and Limitation of Liability

  1. Customer shall promptly provide Provider with all documents and information required for completing the matters provided under this Agreement. If Provider fails to perform the Service according to this Agreement, Provider shall proactively negotiate with Customer and be responsible for relevant liabilities.

  2. Customer agrees that:

    1. Provider will not be liable for the direct damage, loss, delayed delivery, failure of delivery or otherwise of the goods if the Service hereunder is provided for free;

    2. Provider will not be liable for any other type of loss or damage (including but not limited to any loss of profits, revenue, interest and future business), whether or not such loss and damage are special or indirect.

  3. Provider shall not be held liable for damage to, shortage, contamination, deterioration, or loss of the goods caused by force majeure, reasons attributable to the natural character of the goods (including any flaws, characteristics or inherent defects), reasonable wear and tear of the goods, or fault of Customer or the recipient of goods designated by Customer.

  4. If Customer hides or withholds any report on any prohibited products in the goods, which result in damage to the goods, other goods shipped together, shipping vehicles or machinery, or casualty in personnel, or the penalty on Provider and/or actual carrier by the competent authorities, Customer is responsible for all of the liabilities and losses arising therefrom.

  5. Customer hereby expressly agrees that Provider may subcontract all or part of the Service under this Agreement to any third party.

  6. If Customer's Goods is damaged due to packaging defects, causing contamination, erosion or damage of goods, other goods shipped together, shipping vehicles or machinery, or casualty in personnel, Customer shall be liable for any consequences, losses, liabilities, and other damages arising therefrom.

  7. After shipment of the goods, if Customer requests return before the export customs clearance is completed, Provider will provide domestic return service for free to Customer based on Appendix 2 (Return Policy) and its return procedures. If the conditions set forth in Appendix 2 or Provider’s return procedures are not satisfied with respect to the goods, Provider may abandon such goods.

  8. Customer shall be liable for compensating Provider’s full losses caused by Customer’s breach of its representations and warranties to Provider contained in this Agreement.

VII. Force Majeure

  1. Force majeure refers to an unforeseeable event the occurrence and consequences of which cannot be controlled or avoided by a Party, including act of God, storm, flood, lighting, fire, accident, war, riot, civil commotion, strike, blockade, interruption, labor dispute not due to a Party’s own reason, attachment or confiscation under legal proceedings, change of applicable law or policy, and other events that are generally deemed as “force majeure” in international business.

  2. If the occurrence of force majeure results in Provider’s failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, then such failure shall not be deemed as a breach of this Agreement.

  3. If a Party to this Agreement deems that a force majeure event has occurred, then the Party affected by such event shall give a written notice of the occurrence of this force majeure event to the other Party within the shortest time possible by fax or via email, and shall take corresponding measures to minimize the possible loss. Within 14 days of the occurrence of such force majeure event, the affected Party shall provide certificate issued by a government authority or notary public office (if any) to the other Party for confirmation. The affected Party shall use its best efforts to perform its obligations under this Agreement to the extent reasonably possible, and shall advise the other Party of any other reasonable method of performance, provided, however, that the affected Party may not implement such alternate method of performance unless such method is agreed by the other Party.

VIII. Governing Laws and Dispute Resolution

  1. The formation, validity, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement, and any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

  2. Any disputes between the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall first be resolved by the Parties using their best efforts through amicable negotiation. If such negotiation fails, either Party has the right to submit such dispute to the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing or to the exclusive jurisdiction of its superior court as required by law.

IX. Term

  1. The term of this Agreement shall be from the Effective Date to the date of termination of this Agreement by Customer or Provider according to the terms hereof.

  2. Provider may immediately terminate this Agreement by notifying Customer at any time for any reason; Customer may terminate this Agreement by notifying Provider 30 days in advance in writing for any reason.

  3. This Agreement will terminate one week after Provider notifies Customer that fees will be charged for the Service. If Customer chooses to use paid Service, Customer and Provider shall execute a paid service agreement.

  4. Any supplementary agreement to this Agreement shall be of equal legal effect as this Agreement. In case there is any discrepancy between supplementary agreements and this Agreement, supplementary agreements shall prevail.

X. Miscellaneous

  1. Customer acknowledges that it knows, understands and accepts all of the provisions of this Agreement, including provisions on disclaimer and limitation of liability of Provider. Customer acknowledges that prior to the execution of this Agreement, Provider has specifically notified Customer of all such disclaimer and limitation of liability of Provider according to the requirement under the applicable law, and has responded to all the questions raised by Customer.

  2. Customer undertakes and warrants to Provider that, upon execution and during the term of this Agreement: (a) Customer is an entity duly established, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country/region of its incorporation; (b) Customer has all of the legal qualification, rights, ability, and authority necessary to sign this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder, and has obtained all permits, approvals, licenses and authorizations statutorily required for its business; (c) Customer is Seller registered on Amazon Worldwide Marketplaces or Seller’s Agent; (d) Customer and all of its contractors, agents and suppliers will comply with applicable laws in Customer’s performance of its obligations and exercise of its rights under this Agreement (e) Customer has lawful title to, or has obtained sufficient authority for, the goods it delivers to Provider, and the delivery and shipping of the goods to Provider hereunder will not infringe the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, the intellectual property rights of a third party; (f) Customer has provided sufficient training to its employees to recognize and appropriately identify dangerous goods to ensure that the goods delivered to Provider do not contain dangerous goods; (g) Customer and its financial institution(s) are not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted entities or owned or controlled by such an entity, including but not limited to the lists maintained by the United Nations Security Council, the US Government (e.g., the US Department of Treasury’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List and Foreign Sanctions Evaders List and the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List), the European Union or its member states, or other applicable government authorities; and (h) Customer will not abuse the Service provided for free by Provider hereunder.

  3. Without the prior written consent of the other Party, neither Party to this Agreement shall assign this Agreement in whole or in part. Any purported assignment in violation of this provision shall be deemed void. However, Provider may assign this Agreement (or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement) (1) to Provider’s affiliates; or (2) at the occurrence of merger, reconstruction, or the sales of all or substantial assets or similar transactions.

  4. During the performance of this Agreement, one Party may receive information of the other Party not known to the public (the “Confidential Information”). The Party receiving the Confidential Information agrees that (a) all of the Confidential Information is the proprietary property of the other Party; (b) it will only use the Confidential Information to the extent reasonably necessary for the performance of this Agreement, and ensure that the persons with access to the Confidential Information understand and comply with the confidentiality obligations under this provision; (c) it will not disclose such Confidential Information to any individual, company or other third party other than the persons specified above; and (d) it will take all reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information from being used or disclosed in any manner not expressly authorized in this Agreement. Without the prior written permission of the other Party, neither Party may make any press release or public announcement regarding the Service hereunder in any way (including in marketing materials), nor use the name, trademark or logo of the other Party, nor in any way create a misunderstanding of its relationship with the other Party.

  5. Customer and Provider are independent contracting parties. This Agreement will not create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representation, or employment relationship between Customer and Provider.

  6. Customer hereby releases, and shall defend, fully indemnify and hold Provider and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and assignees harmless from any claim or request for compensation by a third party against Provider, or Provider’s loss or damage, costs or expenses, amounts paid to reach a settlement or any other liability, in each case arising as a result of any intentional act or negligence of Customer and/or its personnel (including, but not limited to, breach of this Agreement, tort, strict liability or improper act).

  7. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court, arbitration institution, or a competent government authority to be invalid or partially invalid, then both Parties agree that the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall still be enforced except for the invalid provisions, and that the partially valid provisions shall continue to be enforced to the extent enforceable.

  8. Upon termination of this Agreement for any cause, Customer and Provider shall still undertake all the outstanding liabilities and obligations accrued prior to the termination of this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement relating to termination, representations and warranties, confidentiality, indemnity, liabilities, and limitation of liabilities shall survive the termination hereof.

  9. This Agreement is written in Chinese language and the Chinese language is the prevailing language. Any English translation shall be for reference only.

Appendix 1 Service Limits





Lithium Battery Permitted

Declared Value

Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou


Up to 2 kg

Length: 15.2 CM to 60 CM (both inclusive)
Width: 10.1 CM to 40 CM (both inclusive)
Height: 0 CM to 50 CM (both inclusive)


Up to USD 800

  • This Service is for ordinary goods, no lithium battery or any other types of dangerous goods are permitted.

  • Provider currently only provide pick up for above three cities and does not accept shipments delivered directly by customers.

Appendix 2 Return Policy

Period of Time



Origin PPH(Parcel Processing Hub)

Transportation damage/loss


Open box check failure for compliance

Return or Abandon

X-Ray failure (due to undeclared lithium battery)

Return or Abandon

Re-SLAM failure due to weight/cube out of limit

Return or Abandon

Sortation failure (e.g. ship address errors)

Return or Abandon

Export & Import

Clearance failure


Destination Sortation

Transportation damage/Loss


Sortation failure (e.g. label quality)


Amazon customer order cancelation



Transportation damage/Loss


Undeliverable (e.g. address, phone number issues)


Amazon customer order cancelation


Exceptional shipment handling rules:

  • Customer shall define its exceptional shipment handing preference (return or abandon) in ERP, which applies only to packages before export customs clearance from China is completed.

  • For lithium battery and other types of dangerous goods not properly packaged or labelled in accordance with the relevant regulations, Provider will always destroy instead of returning them.

  • Should any products within the shipment are listed on the Provisions on Administration of Items Prohibited from Delivery Through Postal Service of State Post Bureau of the People's Republic of China, Provider will always abandon instead of returning them.

