要显示您提供箱内物品信息所用的方式,请调用 【CreateInboundShipment】 或 【UpdateInboundShipment】,然后将 【InboundShipmentHeader】 的 【IntendedBoxContentsSource】 设置为以下可用选项之一: “NONE”、“FEED”或“2D_BARCODE”。默认选项是“NONE”。如果在确认货件时 IntendedBoxContentSource 的值为“NONE”,则运营中心会在接收您的库存时评估人工处理费。如果您选择了“FEED”或“2D_BARCODE”但未提供箱内物品信息,则您的货件将产生人工处理费。
有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊 MWS 文档和论坛公告。
重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们可能会阻止您今后运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。
注意: 所有货件都需要准确的纸箱重量和尺寸,即使您选择不在卖家平台提供箱内物品信息也是如此。有关更多信息,请参阅: 运输和路线安排要求
Provide box content information through Amazon Marketplace Web Services
To indicate which method you're using to provide box content information, call CreateInboundShipment or UpdateInboundShipment and set the IntendedBoxContentsSource of the InboundShipmentHeader to one of the available options: NONE, FEED, or 2D_BARCODE. The default option is NONE. If the value of IntendedBoxContentSource is NONE at the time a shipment is confirmed, the manual processing fee will be assessed when the fulfillment center receives your inventory. If FEED or 2D_BARCODE is selected but box content information is not provided, your shipment will incur a manual processing fee.
For more information, see the Amazon MWS documentation and the forum announcement.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
Skip providing box contents
If your shipping processes do not support providing box content information, you can choose to skip this step and have Amazon manually process your shipment for a fee.
Note: Accurate carton weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central. For more information, see: Shipping and routing requirements.