重要: 不遵守亚马逊物流商品准备要求、安全要求及商品限制条件可能会产生以下后果:亚马逊运营中心拒收库存;弃置或退还库存;阻止今后向亚马逊运营中心发送货件;或者亚马逊运营中心针对未尽的准备工作或额外包装工作收取费用。
所有发往亚马逊运营中心并采用树脂玻璃制成或包装的商品均要求粘贴至少 2 英寸 x 3 英寸的标签,表明该商品为树脂玻璃商品。
Packaging plexiglas
Proper preparation of products packaged in plexiglas or made of plexiglas is required to prevent damage throughout the fulfillment process.
Important: Failure to comply with FBA product prep requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center, disposal or return of inventory, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charging for preparation for noncompliance at the fulfillment center.
All items shipped to an Amazon fulfillment center that are made of or packaged in plexiglas require a label at least 2"x3" that states that the product is plexiglas.
These labels help distinguish plexiglas products from products that are made of glass, which require special packaging and handling.