
您可以随时取消秒杀建议;但是,我们建议您在距离开始时间至少 25 小时前取消秒杀,从而避免支付费用以及避免将来被禁止创建秒杀。在距离秒杀计划开始 24 小时之前,买家可在亚马逊上看到即将开始的秒杀,并在【即将推出的秒杀】页面上找到它们。如果您需要取消秒杀,请在向买家显示之前进行取消。


  1. 在促销活动管理中,按状态筛选您的促销,进而仅显示【需要注意】或【即将推出】的秒杀。 对于您想要取消的秒杀,请点击【编辑】旁边的下拉按钮。

  2. 从菜单中选择【取消促销】。

注意: 取消秒杀后,将无法重新激活或恢复该秒杀。


Cancel a Deal

You may cancel a proposed Deal at any time; however, we recommend you cancel your deal at least 25 hours before the start time to avoid paying a fee and to avoid being blacklisted from creating Deals in the future. Upcoming Deals will be visible to customers on Amazon 24 hours before the Deal is scheduled to run and can be found in the Upcoming Deals page. If you ever need to cancel your Deal, do so before it becomes visible to customers.

To cancel a Deal:

  1. From the Deals Dashboard, filter your Deals by Status to show only Deals that Needs Attention or are Upcoming. For the Deals that you wish to cancel, click on the drop-down button next to Edit.

  2. Select Cancel Deal from the menu.

Note: Once a Deal is canceled, it cannot be reactivated or reinstated.

