

  • 有竞争力的价格

  • 亚马逊 Prime 服务资格

  • 有存货率



该指标的衡量方式为过去 30 天内价格比其他零售商有竞争力的商品的页面浏览量所占的百分比。这意味着浏览次数最多的商品比页面浏览量较少的商品对品牌健康度指标的影响更大。如果我们无法在其他主要国内零售商处找到您商品的价格,您会发现“有竞争力”和“无竞争力”页面浏览量为 0。



自动定价使您能够自动调整目录中 SKU 的商品价格,以应对有竞争力的价格变化等事件。为了让您使用自动定价工具更轻松地自动执行定价决策,亚马逊已为您创建了预定义规则。只需将您的 SKU 注册到预定义的规则即可开始重新定价。

亚马逊销售计划 (SBA)

亚马逊销售计划”(SBA) 为亚马逊物流 (FBA) 商品提供全新的、直线式的销售体验,旨在帮助卖家拓展业务。卖家选择要在 SBA 中注册的商品,一旦注册,亚马逊就会为这些商品定价。亚马逊的定价引擎会调整定价,以便买家获得有竞争力的价格。为确保让您安心,对于每个 SBA 商品,亚马逊都将提供一个最低总收入 (MGP) 金额以保护您的利润,您绝不会收到低于此价格的付款。SBA 商品向买家显示为“由 Amazon.com 发货和售出”,与亚马逊自营店销售的商品一样。

注意: 亚马逊销售计划 (SBA) 目前是一项仅面向受邀用户的计划,仅面向部分销售伙伴开放。

Prime 服务资格

Prime 服务资格的计算方式为过去 30 天不符合 Prime 服务资格的品牌对应的页面浏览量所占的比例。这意味着浏览次数最多的商品比页面浏览量较少的商品对品牌健康度指标的影响更大。缺货商品或非在售商品不会计入此指标。


我们发现,商品缺货对流量和销量在短期和长期方面都有影响。有存货率的计算方式为过去 30 内有存货的可补货品牌商品的页面浏览量所占的比例。停售或禁止显示商品信息的商品不计入此指标。

注意: 此指标的计算方式不同于亚马逊物流有存货率,亚马逊物流有存货率只涵盖您的亚马逊物流库存。



注意: 品牌健康度状态基于您的历史绩效(过去 30 天的平均值),因此现在采取的措施需要一段时间才能反映在您的得分上。如果您刚刚在“亚马逊品牌注册”中注册您的品牌,则数据需要至少 5 个工作日才能反映在品牌控制面板中。


  • 有竞争力的价格

  • Prime 服务资格

  • 有存货率




Brand Health

Currently, Amazon measures the following three Brand Health metrics to help brands be successful and meet our customer experience standards:

  • Competitive Price

  • Amazon Prime Eligibility

  • In-stock Rate

Competitive Price

The Competitive Price is the lowest price for the item from other major national retailers; it does not include the prices from other sellers in the Amazon store. We regularly review which national retailers provide comparable selection for each country and product group.

Performance in this metric is measured by the percentage of item page views that are currently priced competitively against other retailers over the trailing 30 days. This means that your most viewed items influence your Brand Health metrics more than items with fewer page views. You may find the Competitive and Uncompetitive page views to be 0 if we cannot find any prices for your products on other major national retailers.

It is recommended that you enroll your products in automated pricing solutions such as Automate Pricing and Sold by Amazon to increase your products’ chances to become the featured offer. Visit the View Automate Pricing option in the Competitive Price page for more details

Automate Pricing

Automate pricing allows you to automatically adjust prices on SKUs in your catalog in response to events such as competitive price changes. To make it easier for you to automate your pricing decisions with Automate Pricing, Amazon has created pre-defined rules for you. Simply enroll your SKUs to the pre-defined rule to start repricing.

Sold by Amazon (SBA)

Sold by Amazon (SBA) provides a new, hands-off-the-wheel selling experience for FBA listings that is designed to help Sellers grow their business. Sellers choose which products to enroll in SBA, and once enrolled these products are priced by Amazon. Amazon’s pricing engine will make pricing adjustments so customers receive competitive prices. To ensure peace of mind, for each SBA product Amazon will provide a Minimum Gross Proceed (MGP) amount to protect your margins - you will never receive less than this price. SBA listings will appear to customers as “Ships from and Sold by Amazon.com,” just like products sold by Amazon retail.

Note: Sold by Amazon (SBA) is currently an invite-only program that is available for select selling partners.

Prime Eligibility

We calculate Prime Eligibility by measuring the portion of page views on your brand that was not eligible for Prime over the trailing 30 days. This means that your most viewed products influence your Brand Health metrics more than products with fewer page views. Products that are out-of-stock or inactive do not count towards this metric.

In-stock Rate

We see that when products go out-of-stock it has both a short-term and long-term effect on traffic and sales. We calculate In-stock Rate by measuring the portion of page views on your replenishable branded products that were in-stock over the trailing 30 days. Products with closed or suppressed listings do not count towards this metric.

Note: This metric is calculated differently from the FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) In-stock rate that covers only your FBA inventory.

Best practices for maintaining your Brand Health

The best way to maintain your Brand Health is to regularly monitor your prices and respond to push notifications. To learn more, see notifications settings.

Note: The Brand Health status is based on your historical performance (an average of the past 30 days), so actions taken today will take time to reflect in your score. If you just registered your brand in Brand Registry, allow at least 5 business days for the data to be reflected in the Brand Dashboard.

The following factors also affect your Brand Health:

  • Competitive Price

  • Prime Eligibility

  • In-stock rate

The metrics and recommendation in the Conversion and Traffic section do not influence your core Brand Health metrics.

Brands that do not meet our customer experience standards might lose certain privileges associated with operating as a seller on Amazon, including the eligibility of featured offers on product detail pages.

