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订单的资金将预留 7 天(自预计最迟送达日期 (EDD) 后算起),以确保您有足够的资金来处理买家提出的任何退款申请。

点击此处进一步了解 EDD。

如果您使用合作配送服务提供商提供的货件追踪服务,亚马逊将收到每个订单的实际送达日期。订单的资金将预留 7 天,自实际送达日期(而非预计最迟送达日期)后算起。

在 7 天预留期过后,相应资金可在下一付款日转入您的银行账户,前提是您的账户余额为正值。每个卖家的付款日期因注册日期而异。


假设您在 1 月 1 日售出了一本图书,预计最迟送达日期为 1 月 12 日。资金在 7 天预留期结束后的次日上午(1 月 20 日)才会到账。然后,您将在下一付款日(在本例中为 1 月 24 日)收到这笔资金。

注意: 我们会自动从您的可用余额中扣除亚马逊所收费用或退款,这可能会减少您通过该订单获得的净金额。


如果您使用合作配送服务提供商提供的货件追踪服务,订单的资金将预留 7 天(自每个订单的实际送达日期后算起)。因为实际送达日期通常早于预计最迟送达日期,因此资金将会在更短时间内到账。

在以下示例中,假设您在 1 月 1 日售出了一本图书,实际送达日期为 1 月 6 日。7 天预留期结束后的次日上午就是 1 月 14 日。


这允许每 24 小时支付一次款项。



  • 快速配送商品并在管理订单中确认发货。

  • 在确认发货时提供有效的追踪编码。这样,买家将会了解到包裹正在配送途中,因而便可放心。



Payments based on delivery date

Funds from an order are reserved until 7 days after the latest estimated delivery date (EDD) to ensure that you have enough funds to fulfill any refund requests from buyers.

Click here to learn more about the EDD.

If you use ship tracking through these integrated shipping providers, Amazon receives the actual delivery date of each order. We will reserve funds for 7 days after the actual delivery date instead of the latest estimated delivery date.

After the 7-day reserve period, the funds will be available for transfer to your bank account on your next payment date, as long as you have a positive account balance. Payment dates vary for each seller based on registration date.

Here’s how the timing works:

Assume that you sell a book on January 1 and the latest estimated delivery date is January 12.

Note: We automatically deduct Amazon fees or refunds from your available balance, and this may reduce the net amount you receive for an order.

Want to get paid faster?

If you use ship tracking through these integrated shipping providers, funds from orders are reserved for 7 days after the actual delivery date of each order. Because actual delivery date is often sooner than the latest estimated delivery date, funds become available faster.

In the example below, assume that you sell a book on January 1 and the actual delivery date is January 6.

If your account is in good standing, you can transfer Available Balance funds by clicking the Request transfer button on the Payments report.

This allows the funds to be disbursed once every 24 hours.

In the above example, the funds will be disbursed on January 14. You won't see this option if you have transitioned to a delivery date payment schedule because of a performance review.

To speed up your payments, you can also:

  • Be quick to ship your items, and confirm shipments in Manage Orders.

  • Provide valid tracking numbers when confirming shipment. This gives buyers peace of mind in knowing that their package is on the way.

Go to the Account Health page in Seller Central to learn more about your payment policy and account performance.

