Amazon Handmade: 商品名称最佳实践


检查您的商品名称,以确保买家能够找到您的商品。商品名称应清晰、简洁;主要使用简短、简洁的字词来描述商品。有关如何编辑商品名称的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon Handmade: 编辑商品信息。


  • 使用充分的描述性词语来完整描述商品。例如,针对搜索进行合理优化的商品名称可以是“个性化的12 盎司棕色陶瓷咖啡杯。” 这个名称只用寥寥数语就涵盖了所有商品细节,无需买家查看详细信息。

  • 我们建议商品名称的字符数不超过 60 个。

  • 在添加商品的颜色、印花图案或描述等更多详情时,要使其特定于商品,而不是使用通用或宽泛的商品名称。

  • 在商品名称中添加“手工艺品”或“手工制作”字眼,以便买家知道这是手工制作的独特商品。

  • 您无需将大量额外字词添加到商品名称中,可以将它们添加到【搜索词】部分。亚马逊搜索引擎将自动包含您的商品名称和搜索词,因此无需重复添加。


  • 纯银仙人掌耳钉

  • 手工玫瑰金耳钉 - 玫瑰金耳钉 - 小棒耳钉简单棒式耳钉

  • 个性化手镯手链诞生石姓名

  • 个性化礼品 8 盎司香薰蜡烛 - 定制礼品,可在 3 天内发货,100% 天然大豆蜡制成。

  • 壁画花卉牡丹墙贴,牡丹花束鲜花可拆卸即剥即贴墙纸


  • 避免商品名称过长且过于详细。将关键词添加到【搜索词】而不是商品名称中。示例: “还记得小时候去过的海滩吗? 带贝壳装饰的相框 - 母亲节生日好友女儿姐妹妈妈海滩装饰品”

  • 避免使用过于模糊的商品名称,确保足够详细地描述商品,以免听起来过于模糊或宽泛。示例: “美国地图照片”


Amazon Handmade: Product Title Best Practices

Pay special attention to your titles to make sure they help customers search and find your items easily.

Review your Product Titles to ensure your customers find your products. Titles should be clear and succinct, focusing on short, simple words that describe the product. For details on how to edit your Product Titles, see Amazon Handmade: Edit Product Listings.

Title Best Practices

  • Use enough descriptive words to provide a complete idea of the product. For example, a well-optimized title for search is “Personalized brown ceramic 12oz coffee mug.” It covers all the product specifics in as few words as possible without going into the details.

  • 60 characters or less is recommended.

  • When adding additional detail such as color, print, or description of the product, make it specific to the product rather than a general or a broad title.

  • Add Handmade or Handcrafted to the title so customers know this is a unique item made by hand.

  • You don’t need to add a lot of additional words to the title, rather add these in the section Search Terms. The Amazon search engine will include both your title and search terms automatically, so no need to replicate.

Good Title Examples

  • Sterling Silver Cactus Stud Earrings

  • Handmade Rose Gold Bar Earrings - Rose Gold Stud Earrings -Tiny Bar Studs Simple Bar Studs

  • Personalized Bangle Bracelet Birthstone Names

  • Personalized Gift 8oz Scented Candle - Custom gift ready to ship within 3 days, made with 100% Natural Soy Wax.

  • Murwall Floral Peonies Wall Decal, Peony Bouquet Flowers Removable Peel and Stick Wall Sticker

Titles to Avoid

  • Avoid titles that are too long and detailed. Instead, add keywords to Search Terms instead of the title. Example: “Remember going to the beach as a kid? Photo frame with seashells – great mother’s day birthday best friends daughters sisters mom beach décor”

  • Avoid titles that are too vague, be sure to describe the product in enough detail so it does not sound vague or generic. Example: “USA Map Photo”

