

完整准确的“珠宝首饰”类商品规格对买家做出购买决定至关重要。买家需要根据具体信息来做出相应的购买决定。尤其是珠宝首饰买家,他们从选购之初就在很大程度上依靠商品规格来缩小选择范围。商品详情缺失或含糊不清会挫败买家的积极性。他们可能会浏览其他商品,甚至彻底放弃购买。此外,关键属性值无效的 ASIN 也无法正确分配到相应的珠宝首饰分类节点和细分,也就是说,使用这些工具的买家将无法找到它们。


最后,所有珠宝首饰商品信息必须符合亚马逊的珠宝首饰质量保证标准,且卖家应确保商品遵守珠宝首饰行业的 FTC 指南。每位卖家都有责任确保所有商品数据均符合这两套标准。


  • 珠宝首饰商品数据指南

  • 珠宝首饰发布提示

  • 珠宝首饰风格指南

  • 通过批量上传商品生成更新后的珠宝首饰库存文件模板和有效值列表。



The following requirements apply to listings in the Jewelry category.

Jewelry image requirements

Sellers must follow the following guidelines for jewelry product images on Amazon.

For main images:

  • Use pure white backgrounds (RGB 255, 255, 255). Where the image is a close-up (e.g., a pendant necklace) and part of the item extends beyond the image edge, fade out the product at the outermost edge of the image so that the border remains white.

  • Show the actual product (not a graphic or illustration).

  • Don't include borders, watermarks, inset images, logos, or text.

  • Don't include a mannequin or a model.

For all images:

  • Use one of the supported formats: JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif), or GIF (.gif). We prefer JPEG.

  • Images should measure at least 1,000 pixels or larger in either height or width. This minimum size requirement enables zoom function on the website.

  • The image's longest side can be no less than 500 pixels and no more than 2100 pixels.

  • The product must be outside of any packaging or shrink-wrap that obscures the product.

  • The product should occupy at least 80 percent of the image area.

  • The images must only include what the customer will receive. Do not show accessories that are not part of the product.

For additional guidelines and examples of acceptable and unacceptable images for jewelry products, refer to the Jewelry Style Guide.

Maintain jewelry data quality

Complete and accurate jewelry specifications are important to customers' buying decisions. Customers need information to make educated buying decisions. Jewelry shoppers especially, rely heavily on product specifications to narrow selection from the very beginning of their shopping experience. Missing or vague product details can frustrate customers. They might browse to another product or even skip buying altogether. Additionally, ASINs with invalid values for key attributes can't be assigned properly to relevant jewelry browse nodes and refinements, which means customers using these tools can't find them.

With the goal of improving the customer shopping experience in Jewelry, we require several key data fields to be completed for Jewelry products. Specific data requirements vary by product silhouette and the type of materials the product is made from. For detailed instructions on how to populate product specifications properly for Jewelry items, see Jewelry product data guidelines.

Lastly, all jewelry product listings must meet Amazon's Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards, and sellers should ensure that listings follow FTC guidelines for the jewelry industry. It is each seller's responsibility to ensure all listing data complies with both sets of standards.

Helpful links

  • Jewelry product data guidelines

  • Tips for Listing Jewelry

  • Jewelry Style Guide

  • Gererate updated Jewelry inventory file templates and Valid Values lists via Add Products via Upload.

