您首次累积获得价值 $1 的点击量。
您累积的额外点击量达到或超过信用额度。您的信用额度初始为 $50,会在您每次达到信用额度并成功付款后增加。信用额度可从 $50 增加到 $150、$200、$350,最高可增加到 $500。
注意: 如果您在该月结束前超过信用额度,我们每月可能会向您收取不止一次费用(请参阅发票重叠)。如果您没有超过信用额度,我们每月仅向您收取一次费用,即每月的第一周
Advertising billing
Amazon charges for the number of clicks you receive on your ads. We charge you each time you accumulate a certain amount of click charges, which we refer to as the credit limit.
You are charged when:
You accumulate your first $1 worth of clicks.
You accumulate additional clicks that meet or exceed your credit limit. Your credit limit begins at $50 and increases each time you reach your credit limit and you make a successful payment. From $50, it increases to $150, $200, $350, and finally $500.
You have a balance due for the previous month, and you haven't reached your credit limit. We'll bill you on the third day of each month.
Note: You may be charged more than once per month, and see an invoice overlap, if you exceed your credit limit before the month is over. If you do not exceed your credit limit, you are charged only once per month, the first week of the month
We automatically create an invoice each time we bill for clicks. You can view your invoices in the Advertising Invoice History page in Seller Central.