


  • 在单个电子表格中对不同的广告活动进行多次编辑。

  • 同时为数百个关键词和目标商品添加新广告活动。

  • 离线管理和修改批量电子表格。




创建批量电子表格的方法有两种。转到【广告活动管理】 > 【批量操作】,然后执行以下操作之一:

  • 下载现有广告活动的批量文件: 选择日期范围,然后点击【创建电子表格并下载】。当您想要对现有广告活动进行更改时,此方法是理想之选。批量文件将包含在指定日期范围内至少获得一次展示的广告活动、广告组、关键词和广告。

  • 下载批量模板: 点击【下载批量操作模板】。当您想要批量创建新广告活动时,此方法是理想之选。批量模板包含说明、定义、示例批量模板和批量模板选项卡,供您在其中输入广告活动信息。



要上传电子表格,请转到【广告活动管理】 >【批量操作】,然后上传文件。支持的文件类型为 .xlsx 和 .xls。

请在【批量电子表格历史记录】部分的【上传】区域监控上传处理情况。在大多数情况下,文件将在 30 分钟内处理;但在某些情况下,这可能需要几个小时。处理完毕后,您的更改将应用于您的广告活动。



Bulk operations

Instead of making changes individually in the campaign manager, you can make broad scale changes to your campaigns using a spreadsheet. This is an efficient way to manage multiple campaigns, keywords, ads, and ad groups.

There are many advantages to using bulk operations:

  • Make multiple edits across campaigns within a single spreadsheet.

  • Add new campaigns spanning hundreds of keywords and target products at once.

  • Manage and modify your bulk spreadsheet when you are not connected to the internet.

To get started, download a bulk spreadsheet, enter the desired changes, and upload it.

Download a bulk operations spreadsheet

To begin making broad scale changes to your campaigns, download a bulk file of your existing campaigns, or download a bulk template.

There are two ways to create a bulk spreadsheet. Go to Campaign Manager > Bulk operations and do one of the following:

  • Download a bulk file of existing campaigns: Select a date range and click Create spreadsheet for download. This method is ideal when you want to make changes for existing campaigns. The bulk file will have campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads that have received at least one impression during the specified date range.

  • Download a bulk template: Click Download a bulk operations template. This method is ideal when you want to create new campaigns in bulk. The bulk template has instructions, definitions, an example bulk template, and the bulk template tab where you will enter your campaign information.

Upload a bulk spreadsheet

After you download your spreadsheet and enter the desired changes, upload your spreadsheet to make your bulk changes go live.

To upload your spreadsheet, go to Campaign Manager > Bulk operations and upload your file. Supported file types are .xlsx and .xls.

Monitor your upload processing in the Uploads area of the Bulk spreadsheet history section. In most cases, your file will process in less than 30 minutes; however, in some cases it can take a few hours. Once processed, your changes will apply to your campaigns.

If you receive errors or warnings, download the report and follow up on any corrections that are needed.

