




  1. 转到 帖子发布者,使用您的凭据登录。

  2. 单击要将帖子个人资料链接到的品牌旗舰店的【创建个人资料】。

  3. 为您的个人资料输入相应的信息。

    1. 个人资料名称: 个人资料名称面向买家,并根据品牌名称填写。您可以选择编辑它。

    2. 个人资料徽标: 选择一个 640x640 像素或更大的图像,小于 100MB,RBG 颜色格式。

  4. 选择“条款和条件”的复选框,然后提交您的个人资料进行审核。您可以在构建个人资料期间继续创建帖子。


  1. 在帖子发布者中,单击“创建帖子”。

  2. 上传图片: 选择一个 640x640 像素或更大的图像,小于 100MB。

  3. 为您的帖子写一个标题。

  4. 添加与您的帖子相关的 ASIN。如果 ASIN 缺货或商品详情页面上没有图片,则不会显示您的帖子。

  5. 提交帖子进行审核。提交之前,请查看所有信息以确保正确无误。

您的帖子通过我们的审核流程后,才能上线。通过单击帖子控制面板中的【查看详情】按钮,您可以查看状态。审查流程通常在 4 小时内完成。


Create a Post

Posts feature a profile banner, a custom image, a product icon, caption text, and category tags. Posts are displayed in vertically-scrolling feeds where Amazon shoppers can browse more Posts for related products or pivot to various product categories.

To create a Post, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. Additionally, when you create a Post, it must meet certain requirements before it gets approved. For more information, see Posts eligibility requirements.

Before starting with Posts, first-time users will need to create a profile.

To create a profile:

  1. Go to Posts Publisher and sign-in using your credentials.

  2. Click Create profile for the Store that you’d like to link Posts profile to.

  3. Enter the appropriate information for your profile.

    1. Profile name: The profile name is shopper-facing and filled in based on the brand name. You have an option to edit it.

    2. Profile logo: Choose a 640x640 pixel or larger image under 100MB in RBG color format.

  4. Select the checkbox for the Terms and Conditions and submit your profile for review. You can proceed with creating a Post while the profile is under construction.

To create a Post:

  1. In Posts Publisher, click Create Post.

  2. Upload an image: Choose a 640x640 pixel or larger image under 100MB.

  3. Write a caption for your Post.

  4. Add the ASIN related to your Post. If the ASIN is out of stock or there is no image on the product detail page, your Post will not be shown.

  5. Submit Post for review. Before submitting, review all of the information to ensure it’s correct.

Your Post will go through our review process before it goes live. You can view the status, by clicking on View Details button in the Posts Dashboard. The review process is usually completed within 4 hours.

