卖家合作推广是亚马逊的许可计划,其中品牌所有者与合格的设计师和制造商合作,为品牌拥护者打造全球最大规模的精选品牌商品。借助该计划,许可工作就像“一键点击购买”一样简单。 品牌所有者只需批准和推广各种商品。亚马逊会追踪销售情况和支付使用费。




  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 要查看已提交的设计作品,请点击【查看】选项卡,然后点击右列中的【查看】。
  3. 要批准设计作品,请点击右上方的【批准】。



  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 要查看已提交的设计作品,请点击【查看】选项卡,然后点击右列中的【查看】。
  3. 要拒绝设计作品,请为设计者添加备注,以供设计者了解遭拒原因并使用反馈来改进未来的设计作品。
  4. 添加备注后,请点击右上方的【拒绝】。出现提示时,请针对“拒绝原因”输入相应内容。请务必选择一个适当原因。


  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 要查看已提交的设计作品,请点击【查看】选项卡,然后点击右列中的【查看】。
  3. 要请求修改,请在备注框中输入您的请求。请务必尽可能具体说明。添加备注后,请点击右上角的【修改】。



  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 点击页面右上方的【添加新设计】。
  3. 在此页面上,请填写以下字段:
    • 品牌(您为其提交设计作品的品牌)
    • 设计名称
    • 应用设计的商品
    • 使用设计模板上传您的设计作品
  4. 点击【下一步】,系统将提示您确认您已准备好向品牌提交设计作品。确认后,即完成提交。


  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 找到您想要撤销的设计作品,然后点击右列中的【编辑】。
  3. 点击页面右上方的【撤销】。


  1. 登录您的卖家平台账户访问合作推广控制面板。
  2. 找到您想要上传的经过修改的设计作品,然后点击右列中的【编辑】。
  3. 点击页面右上方的【修改】。
  4. 上传修改后的模板并添加备注,以突出显示所作的修改以及所有品牌相关说明,以便查看更新版设计作品时能够考虑到这些内容。



How to use the Collab tool

As a Brand owner, follow the below steps to approve, reject, and revise design submissions.

How to approve designs

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. To review a submitted design, click the Review tab and then click Review in the right column.
  3. To approve a design, click Approve on the top right.

    You can choose to add comments for the designer. This is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended, as the feedback will guide designers towards generating designs that are likelier to get approval.

How to reject designs

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. To review a submitted design, click the Review tab and then click Review in the right column.
  3. To reject a design, add your comments for the designer to understand the reason for rejection and use the feedback to influence future submissions.
  4. On adding your comments, click Reject on the top right. When prompted, enter the ‘Reject reason‘. Please be sure to choose the appropriate one.

How to request revisions

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. To review a submitted design, click the Review tab and then click Review in the right column.
  3. To request revisions, enter your request in the comment box. Be sure to be as specific as possible. On adding your comments, click Revision on the top right.

As a designer, follow the below steps to submit and withdraw designs and submit revisions.

How to submit designs

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. Click Add New Design on the top right of the page.
  3. On this page, complete the following fields:
    • Brand (that you are submitting a design for)
    • Design Title
    • Products your design will be placed on
    • Upload your design using the design template
  4. Click Next and you will be prompted to confirm that you are ready to submit your design to the brand. Once you confirm, the submission is complete.

How to withdraw designs

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. Locate the design you would like to withdraw, and click Edit in the right column.
  3. Click Withdraw on the top right of the page.

How to submit revisions

  1. Access your Collab Dashboard by logging into your Seller Central account.
  2. Locate the design you would like to upload a revised version of, and click Edit in the right column.
  3. Click Revise on the top right of the page.
  4. Upload your revised template and add comments to highlight the revisions made along with any pertinent notes to the Brand to consider while reviewing the updated design.


