

  • 通过管理库存
  • 通过上传数据
  • 使用 XML 文件
注意: 当您删除企业商品价格时,与其相关的数量折扣也会自动删除。这并不会删除您为该 SKU 设置的议价。


  1. 前往【库存】 > 管理库存。
  2. 选择您要删除的企业商品价格,然后使用退格键或【删除】来清除商品价格字段中的值。
  3. 如果您要移除,请执行以下操作:
    • 只有一个企业商品价格时,请在标题中点击【保存】或【保存所有】。
    • 存在多个企业商品价格时,请在标题中点击【保存所有】。


  1. 请打开针对特定分类的模板、库存加载工具模板或商品价格/数量模板。这些模板均包含“Pricing Action”列,您可以根据每个 SKU 对此列进行设置。要删除某个 SKU 的企业商品价格,您需要将 【Pricing Action】 列中的值设置为“delete business_price”。
    注意: 如果您使用的是在 2017 年 2 月 1 日前下载的模板,则需要下载包含“【Pricing Action】”列的更新版模板。
  2. 在上传数据文件中,请在 【SKU】 列中提供您要删除其企业商品价格的 SKU。
  3. 在 【Pricing Action】 列中,从下拉菜单中选择 【delete business_price】。如果您禁用了宏,则需要在“Pricing Action”列中键入 delete business_price 【】。请勿键入 0。
  4. 将文件另存为制表符分隔的文本文件,然后上传该文件。了解有关将上传数据文件上传的更多信息。

使用 XML 文件删除企业商品价格和数量折扣

  1. 使用 【Price.xsd】 构建“定价”XML 上传数据。

    您可以使用 Price.xsd 或创建您自己的文件。Price.xsd 包含 SKU 级别的 Pricing Action 标签,可用于删除之前为 SKU 设置的企业商品价格和数量折扣。此标签为可选项。

  2. 设  【Pricing Action】 标签中的 delete business_price 值。
  3. 提交上传数据。

有关更多信息,请参阅使用 XML 管理商品。



Delete business prices and quantity discounts

You can delete business prices and quantity discounts in the following ways:

  • Through Manage Inventory
  • Via feeds
  • Using XML files
Note: When you delete your business prices, the quantity discounts associated with them are automatically deleted. This will not delete negotiated prices that you have set on that SKU.

Delete business prices and quantity discounts in Manage Inventory

  1. Go to Inventory > Manage Inventory.
  2. Select the business price you want to delete and clear the value in the price field by using backspace or Delete.
  3. If you want to remove:
    • Only one business price, click on Save or Save all in the heading.
    • More than one business price, click on Save all in the heading.

Delete business prices and quantity discounts using feeds

  1. Open a Category-specific template, an Inventory Loader template, or a Price/Quantity Template. These templates contain a Pricing Action column, which can be set on a per SKU basis. To delete a business price for a SKU, you will need to set the value in the Pricing Action column to “delete business_price.”
    Note: If you are using a template downloaded before February 1, 2017, you will need to download an updated template that includes the Pricing Action column.
  2. In the feed file, provide the SKU for which you would like to delete the business price in the SKU column.
  3. In the Pricing Action column, select delete business_price from the dropdown menu. If you have macros disabled, you will need to type delete business_price in the Pricing Action column. Do not type 0.
  4. Save as a tab delimited text file and upload the file. Learn more about uploading feed files.

Delete business prices and quantity discounts using XML files

  1. Use Price.xsd to build the Pricing XML feed.

    You can use Price.xsd or create your own. Price.xsd contains a Pricing Action tag available at the SKU level to delete both the business price and the quantity discounts previously set for a SKU. This tag is optional.

  2. Set the value delete business_price in the Pricing Action tag.
  3. Submit the data feed.

For more information, see Manage Listings with XML.

