
注意: 此功能面向参与专业销售计划的卖家开放。了解更多信息


  • 由您所在的州或第三方签发的电子版证书,证明您的公司为所申请认证的获得者。
  • 由政府机构签发的电子版信函,证明您的公司为所申请认证的获得者。
  • 您的认证的起始时间和终止时间。
  • 您的认证的签发机构。
  • 您公司的邓氏编码(DUNS 编码),用于向美国政府注册认证。


  1. 从卖家平台选择【设置】,然后选择【您的信息和政策】。
  2. 选择【认证】。

    注意: 如果您之前没有认证,系统将显示亚马逊支持的认证完整列表。点击【继续】。

  3. 在“认证”页面的添加新认证下,点击认证类型下拉菜单。
  4. 选择要申请的认证。
  5. 选择认证类型后,根据说明输入认证的证明材料。您提供的认证证明材料取决于申请的认证类型。请参阅下面的认证证明选项。
认证类型所对应的 认证证明选项


  1. 从下拉菜单中选择要上传的认证。
  2. 点击【浏览】,找到并上传证明您满足认证申请条件的电子版证书或信函。
  3. 填写【“签发日期”、“终止时间”、“出证单位”、“邓氏编码”、“证书编号”和“CAGE 代码”】字段。
  4. 点击【提交】。


对于国家级多元化认证,请提供电子版证书和授予您认证的机构所出具的信函,或显示您认证信息的 SBA 档案屏幕截图。
  1. 从下拉菜单中选择要上传的认证。
  2. 将证明您满足认证申请条件的电子版认证或信件拖放到表格中。
  3. 对于自行认证,请上传能够标识您的企业并显示“所有权和自行认证”部分的 SBA 档案屏幕截图,以验证您上传的认证。
  4. 填写【“签发日期”、“终止时间”、“出证单位”、“邓氏编码”和“CAGE 代码”字段】。
  5. 点击【提交】。


  1. 从下拉菜单中选择要上传的认证。
  2. 将证明您满足认证申请条件的电子版认证或信件拖放到表格中。
  3. 填写【“签发日期”、“终止时间”、“出证单位”、“邓氏编码”和“CAGE 代码”字段】。
  4. 点击【提交】。

提交认证后,如果亚马逊团队在审核您的认证,状态将显示为“审核中”。此审核过程将在 7-10 个工作日内完成。如果您的认证通过审核,状态将显示为“有效”。



Add a certification

Note: These features are available to sellers with Professional selling plans. Learn more

To add a certification you must provide supporting information. This information will be made publicly available for customers to verify your certifications. The type of information that a seller must provide depends on the type of certification being claimed. Prior to entering a certification, have the following information readily available:

  • A digital image of a certificate, issued by your state or a third party, identifying your company as the awardee of the certification you are claiming.
  • A digital image of a letter, issued by a government entity, identifying your company as the awardee of the certification you are claiming.
  • The start and expiration date of your certification.
  • The issuing agency that granted you the certification.
  • Your company's Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS Number) that was used to registered your certification with the U.S. Government.

Sellers are expected to make truthful claims about their certifications. Business customers will have an opportunity to report discrepancies about particular certifications. Furthermore, sellers are expected to keep their certification information up to date and expired certifications will be automatically removed. If sellers do not provide and maintain truthful claims, we may remove them from the Amazon Business Seller Program. Continued failure to provide and maintain truthful claims may result in removal of selling privileges.

To add your certification
  1. From Seller Central, select Settings, then Your Info & Policies.
  2. Select Certifications.
    Note: If you have no previous certifications, you are presented with a complete list of certifications supported by Amazon. Click Continue.
  3. On the Certifications page, under Add a new certification, click the Certifications Type dropdown menu.
  4. Select the certification to claim.
  5. After selecting a certification type, follow the instructions to enter the proof of certification. The proof of certification you provide is dependent on the type of certification being claimed. See Options for proof of certification below.
Certification Type Proof of Certification Option
If you select:

Quality certification

Provide a digital image of a certificate or a letter, supporting your claim to a certification:
  1. Select the certification you are uploading from the dropdown.
  2. Click Browse to locate and upload the digital image of a certificate or letter supporting your claim to a certification.
  3. Complete the Issue Date, Expiration Date, Certified by DUNS Number, Certificate ID, and CAGE Code fields.
  4. Click Submit.
If you select:

National diversity certification

For National Diversity certification, provide either an image of your certificate, a letter from the agency that granted you the certification, or a screenshot of your SBA profile showing your certification.
  1. Select the certification you are uploading from the dropdown.
  2. Drag either a digital image of a certificate or letter supporting your claim to a certification into the form.
  3. For self-certifications, upload a screenshot of your SBA profile which identifies your business and shows the ''Ownership and Self-Certifications'' section verifying the certification you''re uploading.
  4. Complete the Issue Date, Expiration Date, Certified by, DUNS Number, Certificate ID and CAGE Code fields.
  5. Click Submit.
If you select:

State diversity certification

For state diversity certifications, provide either an image of your certificate or a letter from the agency that granted you the certification:
  1. Select the certification you are uploading from the dropdown.
  2. Drag either a digital image of a certificate or letter supporting your claim to a certification into the form.
  3. Complete the Issue Date, Expiration Date, Certified by, DUNS Number, Certificate ID and CAGE Code fields.
  4. Click Submit.

After submitting your certification, the status will be displayed as ''Under review'' while the Amazon team reviews your certification. This review will be completed in 7-10 business days. If your certification is accepted, it will be displayed as ''Active”.

If your certification is rejected, you will receive an email from Amazon explaining why the certification was rejected.
