创建或更新您的 SAM/SBA 档案

注意: 如果您已有证书,请跳转到第 3 步。否则,请继续向下阅读。

要获取 SAM.gov 或 SBA 档案,您首先需要找到您的行业代码和邓氏(数字全球编码系统)编码。一旦完成上述任务,您便可以登录卖家平台的“认证”页面,申请多元化认证。


第 1 步: 找到您的行业代码

搜索北美行业分类系统,以找到您的六位数行业代码。这些代码用于对营业机构进行分类,以便收集、分析和发布与美国经济有关的统计数据。NAICS 代码还用于针对特定行业提供小型和大型企业确定标准。

要确定您的 NAICS 代码,请前往 http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics:

  1. 在页面左上方的搜索框中,键入您的企业对应的分类。
  2. 点击【搜索】,即会显示一系列匹配的 NAICS 代码。
  3. 选择能够最准确描述您企业的代码。

第 2 步: 获取您的邓氏编码

邓氏(数字全球编码系统)编码是邓白氏 (D&B) 公司提供的一种唯一的九位数编码。

邓白氏为企业的每个实体营业地点均指定了一个邓氏编码。完成邓氏编码申请流程大约需要 10 分钟。邓氏编码免费提供给需要由监管机构向联邦政府进行注册的所有实体,其中包括联邦承包商、潜在政府供应商和申请人以及联邦拨款的受助人。在正常情况下,如果您使用在线邓白氏流程,则有望在 1-2 个工作日内收到邓氏编码。


或致电: (866) 794-1577

第 3 步: 注册加入 SAM

如果您注册加入奖项管理系统 (SAM),那么您为公司创建的档案将会显示在 SAM.gov 网站以及小企业管理局动态小企业数据库 (DSBS) 上。Amazon Business 依靠这些来源以验证您的身份是否是经过认证的企业。如果您已准备好所有必要信息,则完成在线注册大约只需一小时。

注意: 您必须能够访问用来创建 SAM 用户账户的电子邮件地址。

要创建您的用户账户,请转至 www.SAM.gov:

  1. 点击【创建用户账户】。
  2. 选择账户类型:
    • 创建个人用户账户,以便执行注册/更新实体或创建和管理记录等任务。
    • 创建系统用户账户,如果您需要进行系统间通信或将数据从 SAM 传输到政府数据库系统的话。
    • 填写要求提供的信息,然后点击【提交】。
  3. 点击确认页面上的【完成】。您将收到一封确认您已创建 SAM 用户账户的电子邮件。
  4. 点击电子邮件中的验证链接,然后使用提供的激活码在 48 小时内激活您的用户账户。如果电子邮件中的链接并非超链接(即,带有下划线或以其他颜色显示),请复制该验证链接并将其粘贴到浏览器地址栏中。现在,您可以注册实体了。
    • 如果您是委任的政府官员,则可以搜索“仅供官方使用 (FOUO)”信息,并在系统中输入例外身份。

    注意: 创建用户账户既不会在 SAM 中创建注册信息,也不会更新/刷新 SAM 中的现有注册信息。

如果您是组织、企业、政府机构或受助人(在 SAM 中称为“实体”),则还必须在 SAM 中注册您的实体。请使用您的用户名和密码登录 SAM,然后按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 收集完成注册所需的全部必要信息。
    • 邓氏编码
    • NAICS 代码
    • 地址和电话等企业信息
    • 雇主识别号 (EIN) 或纳税人识别号 (TIN)
  2. 点击导航面板上的【注册/更新实体】。
  3. 然后,点击靠近注册概览页面底部的【注册/更新实体】。
  4. 完成并提交在线注册。
    • 如果您已准备好所有必要信息,则完成注册大约只需 45 分钟,具体时间取决于您实体的规模和复杂程度。
    • 您将会看到免责声明,以及其后一个用于确定您注册目的的调查问卷。
    • 要继续 SAM.gov 注册,请就问题是否希望竞价争取政府合同回答。这是创建 SAM.gov 档案的一个前提条件。
    • 仔细查看并更新 SAM 注册流程的各个部分。您需要从头仔细查看 SAM 注册流程的各个部分。

      注意: 请务必填写“常规信息”部分的“核心数据”,以便自行证实您是女性拥有的小企业。确保允许您的实体信息显示在 SAM 的公共搜索结果中。

  5. 成功提交注册后,您将收到 SAM.gov 发来的一条“祝贺您”消息以及一封确认您的注册正在处理中的电子邮件。
    • 在 SAM 中处理新注册一般需要 7-10 个工作日。如果您提供的信息被标记为需要任何一方进行手动验证,则花费的时间可能会延长。

      注意: 您可以查看商业和政府实体代码 (Cage) 或 NATO CAGE (NCAGE) 的注册和更新流程说明。

    • 如果您发现自己的注册停留在已提交状态的时间超过 10 个工作日,而且也没人与您联系让您纠正或更新信息,请致电 866-606-8220 或访问 https://www.fsd.gov 联系联邦服务台。

第 4 步(可选): 填写 SBA 补充档案

如果您提供的 NAICS 代码证明您按 SBA 标准属于小企业,您将会在 SAM.gov 注册流程即将结束时看到【注册或更新 SBA 档案】按钮。点击该按钮,您便会进入动态小企业搜索 (DSBS) 数据库。

与在 SAM 中一样,您需要填写各个部分并点按每个页面上的【保存并继续】按钮,直到您返回初始位置。也就是说,您已完成档案的小企业管理局 (SBA) 部分。

注意: 验证您在卖家平台上的认证并不需要提供 SBA 档案。

如果 SAM.gov 中未显示“注册或更新 SBA 档案”按钮,小企业可以通过 SBA 的全球登录系统 (GLS) 访问 DSBS。要通过 SBA 的 GLS 更新您的 SBA 补充页面,请完成以下步骤:

  1. 前往 https://eweb.sba.gov/gls/dsp_login.cfm。
  2. 如果您在 GLS 系统中没有账户,请注册并创建一个。
  3. 在 GLS 中,您需要先申请访问 PRO-NET/DSBS 的权限,然后才能点击 SBA 补充页面。
  4. 获得访问 PRO-NET/DSBS 的权限后,您可以点击相应链接更新您在 DSBS 中的 SBA 补充页面。

SAM 用户指南:https://www.sam.gov/sam/SAM_Guide/SAM_User_Guide.htm#_Toc330768974


1.注册 SAM 用户账户需要支付多少费用?
SAM 是联邦政府授权并提供资金的一项计划,因此无需支付任何费用便可注册用户账户。
2.如何才能更改自己 SAM 用户账户的信息?
  1. 使用用户名和密码登录 SAM。
  2. 选择【我的账户设置】。
  3. 选择【编辑用户信息】。


  1. 使用用户名和密码登录 SAM。
  2. 选择【系统账户设置】。
  3. 选择【系统档案】。

注意: 用户无法更改账户的用户名。

如果您要在 SAM.gov 上注册以有资格获得合同或政府机构之间的交易,则需在“商品及服务”页面上实体注册信息的“主张”部分中输入您的 NAICS 代码。在此页面的“术语表”中,您可以找到一个指向人口调查局网站上 NAICS 搜索页面的链接,也可以在 Census.gov 首页顶部的搜索框中输入关键词“NAICS”。
“陈述和认证”是想要申请获得联邦合同的所有人员必须达到的联邦采购条例 (FAR) 要求。其中的条款规定,实体必须陈述或证实从环境规则合规性到实体规模陈述的各种声明。
5.我的企业如何才能加入动态小企业搜索 (DSBS)?
在您即将完成 SAM 实体管理注册流程时,如果 SBA 的规模标准指标显示您所在的行业属于小企业分类,则屏幕上将会出现一个指向 SBA 补充页面的链接。若点击此链接,便可在该页面上输入您的小企业档案信息。此数据将自动填充 SBA 数据库,以便您的企业信息可以随时通过动态小企业搜索功能进行获取。
如果自您上次更新详细信息起超过 90 天,则未完成的注册(即,未提交的注册)将从系统中删除。如果您的注册因处于不活动状态而被删除,您则需要再次启动实体注册流程。
7.我的 SAM.gov 档案需要多久才会显示,或者更改需要多久才会得到处理?
8.如何获知 SAM 中的哪些数据字段为必填字段?
在 SAM 中,带有星号的字段为必填字段。
9.如何获知实体是否为 8(a) 公司? 小企业 8(a) 标记显示在哪里?
如果 SAM 收到 SBA 确认实体为 8(a) 公司的肯定回复,那么此认证将显示在实体注册信息中。

要查看 SBA 认证搜索结果以了解实体在 SAM 中的注册信息,请执行以下操作:

  1. 点击实体搜索结果中的【查看详情】按钮。
  2. 点击【实体记录】下的【核心数据】。
  3. 向下滚动到【常规信息】部分。

注意: 如果公司未获得 8(a) 认证,那么您在“常规信息”部分将看不到此认证。



Creating or Updating your SAM/SBA profile

Note: If you already have a certificate, skip to step 3 mentioned below. Otherwise, continue reading.

To get a SAM.gov or SBA profile, you first need to identify your industry codes and your D-U-N-S® (Data Universal Numbering System) number. Once you have completed these tasks, you can log in to the Seller Central Certifications page to claim your Diversity certification(s).

For details on how to complete each of these tasks and list your diversity certifications, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify your industry codes

Search the North American Industry Classification System to identify your six-digit industry code. These codes are used to classify business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. economy. NAICS codes are also used to provide small and large businesses standard determinations for specific industries.

To identify your NAICS code(s), go to http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics:

  1. In the search box on the top left side of the page, type the category that corresponds to your business.
  2. Click Search to display a list of matching NAICS codes.
  3. Choose the code(s) that best describes your business.

Step 2: Get Your DUNS Number

The D-U-N-S® (Data Universal Numbering System) number is a unique nine-digit identification number provided by the company Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).

D&B assigns a D-U-N-S® number for each physical location of a business. The process to request a D-U-N-S® number takes about 10 minutes. The D-U-N-S® number is free for all entities required to register with the federal government by a regulatory agency. This includes federal contractors, prospective government vendors and applicants, and recipients of federal grants. Under normal circumstances, when using the online D&B process, you can expect to receive a D-U-N-S® number within 1-2 business days.

Obtain a D-U-N-S® number here: http://www.dnb.com/government/duns-request/duns-request-guide.html

Or call: (866) 794-1577

Step 3: Register in SAM

Registering in the System for Award Management (SAM) will allow you to create a profile for your company that will appear on both the SAM.gov website as well as the Small Business Administration's Dynamic Small Business Database (DSBS). Amazon Business relies on these sources to verify your status as a certified business. If you have all the necessary information on hand, online registration takes approximately one hour to complete.

Note: You must have access to an email address to create a SAM User Account.

To create your user account go to www.SAM.gov:

  1. Click on Create a User Account.
  2. Choose Account Type:
    • Create an Individual User Account to perform tasks such as register/update your entity or create and manage records.
    • Create a System User Account if you need system-to-system communication or if performing data transfer from SAM to your government database system.
    • Complete the requested information, and click Submit.
  3. Click DONE on the confirmation page. You will receive an email confirming you have created a user account in SAM.
  4. Click the validation link in the email that contains the activation code within 48 hours to activate your user account. If the email link is not hyperlinked (that is, underlined or appearing in a different color), please copy the validation link and paste it into the browser address bar. You can now register an entity.
    • If you are a designated government official you can search For Official Use Only (FOUO) information and enter exclusions into the system.

    Note: Creating an user account does not create a registration in SAM, nor will it update/renew an existing registration in SAM.

If you are an organization, business, government agency or grantee (known in SAM as an "entity"), you must also register your entity in SAM. Log in to SAM with your user ID and password, and follow these steps:

  1. Gather all of the required information needed to complete your registration.
    • D-U-N-S®
    • NAICS code
    • Business information such as address and phone
    • Employment Identification number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification number (TIN)
  2. Click on Register/Update Entity from the navigation panel.
  3. Click Register/Update Entity near the bottom of the registration overview page.
  4. Complete and submit the online registration.
    • It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete registration if you already have all the necessary information in hand depending upon the size and complexity of your entity.
    • You will be presented with disclaimers followed by a questionnaire determining the purpose of your registration.
    • To move forward with the SAM.gov registration, answer yes to the question Do you want to bid on government contracts. This is a precondition to setting up a profile on SAM.gov.
    • Go through and update each section of the SAM registration process. You have to go through each section of the SAM registration process from the beginning.

      Note: Make sure you fill out the Core Data located in the General Information Section where you can self-identify as a Woman owning a Small Business. Make sure to authorize your entity's information to be displayed in SAM's public search.

  5. After your registration is successfully submitted, you will receive a Congratulations message from SAM.gov and an email confirming that your registration is in process.
    • New registrations can take an average of 7-10 business days to process in SAM. This time frame might be longer if the information you provide is flagged for manual validation by either party.

      Note: You can review instructions on registration and updating procedures for Commercial and Government Entity Code (Cage) or a NATO CAGE (NCAGE).

    • If you notice that your registration has had a Submitted status for longer than 10 business days and you have not been contacted to correct or update your information, please contact the Federal Service Desk at 866-606-8220 or https://www.fsd.gov.

Step 4 (Optional): Fill out a Supplemental SBA Profile

If the NAICS code(s) you provided qualifies you as a small business by SBA standards, you will see a button that says Register or Update SBA Profile near the end of the SAM.gov registration process. Click that button to be directed to the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) Database.

As with SAM, you will populate each section and hit the Save and Continue button on each page until you are looped around to where you started. This means that you have completed the Small Business Administration (SBA) portion of your profile.

Note: The SBA Profile is not required for validation of your certifications on Seller Central.

If a Register or Update SBA Profile button does not appear in SAM.gov, Small Businesses can access DSBS via SBA's Global Login System (GLS). To update your SBA Supplemental Pages via SBA's GLS:

  1. Go to https://eweb.sba.gov/gls/dsp_login.cfm.
  2. You have to register and set up an account in the GLS system if you haven't already.
  3. In GLS, you request access to PRO-NET/DSBS and click SBA Supplemental Pages.
  4. Once you are granted access to PRO-NET/DSBS, you can click the link to update your SBA Supplemental Pages in DSBS.

SAM User Guide: https://www.sam.gov/sam/SAM_Guide/SAM_User_Guide.htm#_Toc330768974


1. What does it cost to register a user account in SAM?
Because SAM is a federally mandated and funded program, there is no cost to obtain a user account.
2. How do I change the information on my SAM User Account?
To change user profile information for an Individual User Account:
  1. Log in to SAM with your username and password.
  2. Select My Account Settings.
  3. Select Edit User Information.

To change profile information for a System Account:

  1. Log in to SAM with the username and password.
  2. Select System Account Settings.
  3. Select System Profile.

Note: Users cannot change the username on an account.

3. How do I register to be eligible for contracts or Intra-Governmental transactions?
If you are registering on SAM.gov to be eligible for contracts or Intra-Governmental Transactions, enter your NAICS codes within the Assertions section of your entity registration on the Goods and Services page. In the Glossary on this page, you will find a link to the NAICS search page on the Census Bureau's website, or by using the keyword "NAICS" in the search box at the top of the Census.gov homepage.
4. What are Representations and Certifications?
Representations and Certifications are Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements that anyone wanting to apply for federal contracts must complete. The provisions require entities to represent or certify to a variety of statements ranging from environmental rule compliance to entity size representation.
5. How can I have my business included in the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS)?
At the end of your SAM entity management registration, if SBA's size standard indicator displays that your industry falls within the Small Business classification, a link to SBA's Supplemental page will be shown on the screen. If you click the link, you can enter your Small Business profile information on that page. This data will automatically populate the SBA database where your business information can be readily accessed through the Dynamic Small Business Search function.
6. I started a registration a long time ago but did not complete it. Do I need to start over?
Incomplete registrations (that is, registrations that have not been submitted) will be deleted from the system if 90 days have passed since you last updated your details. If your registration is deleted because of inactivity, you have to begin the entity registration process again.
7. How long does it take my SAM.gov profile to show up, or for changes to be processed?
It could take up to two weeks to process.
8. How do I know which data fields are mandatory in SAM?
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory in SAM.
9. How do I know if an entity is an 8(A) firm? Where is the Small Business 8(a) flag?
If SAM receives an affirmative response from the SBA confirming that the entity is an 8(a) firm, the certification will appear on the entity registration.

To view the SBA Certification search for the entity registration in SAM:

  1. Click the View Details button from the entity's Search result.
  2. Click Core Data under Entity Record.
  3. Scroll down to the General Information section.

Note: If the firm is not 8(a) certified, then you will not see that certification listed in the General information section.

