亚马逊定制: 文本定制
重要: 要使用定制工具,您首先需要通过此申请来注册,并且您的商品必须处于在售状态。
- 要启用商品定制,请执行以下操作:
- 转至【库存】 > 【管理库存】,然后点击顶部的【定制商品】选项卡。
- 在【管理定制商品信息】页面中,在您想要启用定制的 ASIN 右侧点击【启用定制】。
- 在【编辑定制信息】页面中,点击【添加表面按钮】。每个 ASIN 最多支持 5 个表面,每个表面最多支持 10 个定制项目。
- 【为表面输入标签】。此标签仅供您作整理定制项目之用。此标签不会向买家显示。
- 【输入标签并上传预览图片。】 为表面输入标签(例如衬衫正面或背面)并上传预览图片。买家之后可在表面预览图片上放置自己的定制项目。预览图片必须为正方形,至少为 400x400 像素,格式为 JPEG 或 PNG,大小不得超过 3MB。
- 可选: 输入说明。您可以针对整件商品和/或每个单独的文本定制项目应用这些说明(比如只能使用大写字母)。由于所有说明字段对买家都是可见的,因此应对买家的定制内容作出明确说明。建议每个说明字段的说明文本小于 3 行。
- 可选: 上传剪切蒙片。使用剪切蒙片可以定义预览中不被买家上传图片覆盖的区域。例如,如果您销售手机壳,并对背景和相机孔使用蒙片,买家上传的图片将按手机壳形状完美剪裁,同时保持背景和相机孔完整显示。
- 选择【添加定制按钮】,添加定制类型。在定制类型弹出界面中【选择“文本”】,然后【点击“添加定制”】。文本定制可让买家在商品上输入文本。
- 为您的商品选择可供买家挑选的字体。指定要在定制类型中提供的文本字体。我们为您提供了 100 种以上的预加载字体,您也可以上传自定义字体。如果您想为商品上传特殊的自定义字体,请点击“自定义字体”选项卡,然后添加自定义字体。
- 可选: 上传自定义字体:点击或拖动要从您的设备中上传的文件。注意: 字体文件必须为 .ttf(True Type 字体)或 .woff(Web 开放字体格式)格式,且设为可安装状态。上传到字体容器时,请使用小写的文件类型名称。输入自定义字体的名称。此名称将对买家可见。点击“添加字体”,然后点击右下角的“完成”。您最多可以为单个文本定制项目添加 20 种字体(包括定制字体和标准字体)。
- 为您的商品选择可供买家挑选的字体颜色。您可以使用颜色选择器指定字体颜色。指定的颜色会在买家定制商品时显示给买家供其选择。在颜色规格中选择颜色,对其进行命名(例如黑色、红色、蓝色),然后点击添加。您的新字体颜色将显示在文本定制框的列表中。您最多可以添加 50 种字体颜色。
注意: 系统默认为买家选择“已添加颜色”块中列出的第一个颜色选项。要更改默认颜色选项,请使用颜色块左侧的拖放符号对颜色重新排序。注意: 字体和颜色无法改变顺序,且始终位于文本字段之前。
- 买家能够根据您提供的文本输入和位置信息查看其定制项目的预览。输入位置和文本定制信息,定义买家将在此表面的商品详情页面上所看到文本的参数和位置。
- 标记此定制类型是否为买家在将商品加入购物车之前的必需选项。定制字段默认为必需字段。请注意,即使您未将该字段标记为必需字段,买家仍需输入至少一个定制项目才能将商品加入购物车。
- 为买家输入标签和说明,例如砧板首字(请只使用大写字母)。由于该信息对买家是可见的,因此应对买家的定制内容作出明确说明。
- 输入示例文本。该文本将向买家显示,并作为后续定制内容的引导文本,例如“您的姓名”、“定制文本”、“在此处添加文本”等。
- 输入允许的字符。您可以通过选择验证类型来限制买家可输入的字符类型。提供的验证类型包括所有字符(不包括表情符号)、所有字符(包括表情符号)、仅限字母和数字、仅限数字、仅限大写字母。
注意: 所有字符包括字母、数字和符号。
- 输入买家可输入的字符数限制。字符数限制在 1 到 200 个字符之间。在每个设置了字符数限制的文本定制中,买家都可以看到剩余可输入的字符数。
- 定义行数。 输入每个文本字段可用的行数。通过选择多个行,买家可以在多个行中分隔或输入文本,而不必输入多个文本自定义字段。注意: 目前,此功能仅支持居中对齐文本。
- 在 400 x 400 框中,绘制(通过点击或拖动光标)或键入您希望定制预览在预览图片中显示位置的坐标。图片区域左上角的坐标为 (0, 0)。
- 可选: 使用“垂直”或“水平”按钮调整定制预览的位置至居中。蓝色框将自动重新对齐。
- 选择一个输入位置。您可以选择自由位置或固定位置。自由位置允许买家向商品上传一个或多个图片文件,并能将这些图片放置在设计的任何位置。固定位置允许买家将一个或多个图片文件上传到您要求的固定或特定位置。有关输入位置的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊定制: 图片定制帮助内容。
- 添加完所需的全部表面,包括定制项目(图片、文本、选项)、字体、颜色和可选剪切蒙片图片之后,您可以【点击“预览”按钮】查看定制商品在亚马逊上预览图的交互式副本。
- 完成定制信息的输入后,【点击页面右下角的“保存”】可将商品发布到亚马逊商城。此过程最多需要 24 小时。
Amazon Custom: Text customization
Important: In order to access the Custom tools, you will first need to register via this application and your listings must be active.Text customization allows customers to add text to your products using color and font options you've specified within Seller Central. The text customization option is available within the Custom tools as one of four options under Customization Type.
Creating a listing using text customization
- Enable your product customization:
- Go to Inventory > Manage Inventory and click the Custom Products tab on top.
- From the Manage Custom Product Listing page, click Enable Customization to the right of the ASIN you wish to enable.
- From the Edit Customization Information page, click the add Surface button. You are allowed up to 5 surfaces with 10 customizations per surface.
- Enter a surface label for the surface. This label is only used to help you organize your customizations. This label will not be shown to customers.
- Enter a label and upload a preview image. Label the surface (i.e. front of shirt or back of shirt) and upload a preview image. The surface preview image is the image that customers will place customizations on. The preview image must be a square image with a minimum 400x400 px in JPEG or PNG format with a max size of 3MB.
- Optional: Enter Instructions. You can apply instructions to the overall product and/or apply instructions to each individual text customization (i,e. use capital letters only). All instruction fields are visible to the customers and should clearly specify what the customer is personalizing. We recommend entering less than 3 lines of instructional text per instruction field.
- Optional: Upload a clipping mask. Clipping masks allow you to define areas of your preview that should not be covered by customer uploaded images. For example, if you sell a phone case and you masked both the background and camera hole, a customer uploaded image would appear as if it was perfectly cut in the shape of the case, leaving the background and camera hole intact.
- Select the Add customization button to add a customization type. Select Text from the customization type pop-up screen and click Add Customization. The text customization lets customers enter text onto a product.
- Select the fonts your customers can choose from for your product. Specify which fonts you wish to offer in the customization type for text. We provide you with 100+ pre-loaded fonts and the ability to upload custom fonts. If you have a special custom font for your product that you’d like to upload, click the Custom Fonts tab and add a custom font.
- Optional: Upload custom fonts by clicking on or dragging a file to upload from your device. Note: Font files are required to be in .ttf (true type font) or .woff (web open font format) format and need to be set to installable. Please use lowercase file type names when uploading to the font container. Enter the name for the custom font. This name will be visible to customers. Click Add font and then click done in the lower right hand corner. You can add up to 20 total fonts (across both custom and standard fonts) on a single text customization.
- Select the font colors your customers can choose from for your product. We provide you with the ability to specify font colors using a color picker. These colors will be shown to the customer for them to choose during customization. Pick the color on the color map, name the color, (example Black, Red, Blue), and click Add. Your new font color will be displayed in a list in the text customization box. You may add up to 50 font colors.
Note: The first color option in listed in the Colors Added block is selected by default for customers. To change the default reorder the colors using the drag and drop symbol to the left of the color block.
Note: Fonts and colors cannot be reordered and are always provided before the text field.- Customers are able to see a preview of their customizations based on the text inputs and placement information you provide. Enter Placement and text customization information to define the parameters and location of the text your customers will see on the product detail page for this surface.
- Mark whether this customization type is required for customers before adding the product to their cart. Customization fields are defaulted as required. Please note that even if you do not mark the field to be required a Customer will still need to enter at least one customization in order to be able to add the item to their cart.
- Enter the label and instructions for the customer, i.e. a Cutting Board Initial (please use capital letters only). This is visible to the customer and should clearly specify what the customer is personalizing.
- Enter Sample text. This will display to the Customer and will serve as an invitation to customization further, i.e. Your Name, Custom Text, Place Text Here, etc.
- Enter characters allowed. You can restrict the types of characters customers can enter by selecting a validation type. The validation types offered are all characters excluding emoji’s, all characters including emoji’s, letters and numbers only, numbers only, capital letters only.
Note: All characters includes letters, numbers, and symbols.- Enter a character limit that the customer can enter. The character limit must be between one (1) and two hundred (200) characters. The customer will see a countdown of the character limit you set for each text customization.
- Define the line count. Enter the numbers of lines available for each text field. By selecting more than one line, customers are able to space or enter text across multiple lines, rather than enter multiple text customization fields. Note: At this time, this feature only allows centered justified text.
- In the 400 x 400 box, draw (by clicking or dragging your cursor) or type the coordinates of the position where you would like your customization preview to display on your preview image. The top left corner of the image area is (0, 0).
- Optional: Center the position of the customization preview using the ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’ buttons. The blue box will automatically realign.
- Select an Input Placement. You can choose between free placement or static placement. Free placement enables the Buyer to upload one or more image files to a product with the ability to place the upload(s) anywhere on the design. Static placement is the enables the Buyer to upload one or more image files to a static or designated location that you specify. For more information on Input Placement see the Custom: Image Customizations help content.
- Once you’ve added all necessary surfaces, customizations (images, text, options), fonts, colors, and optional clipping mask images, you can click the preview button to see an interactive copy of what the customized product will look like on Amazon.
- Once you are done entering customization information, click Save in the bottom right hand corner of the page to publish the product to Amazon. This process can take up to 24 hours.
For information on viewing text customization orders, see Fulfilling an Order using Custom.