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亚马逊 ShopLocal 计划是什么?该如何申请加入?


亚马逊 ShopLocal 计划

亚马逊的 ShopLocal 是仅限邀请的计划,允许卖家在其所在的城市、下属州或州内配送合格商品,而非所有其他商品所要求的全国范围配送。参与该计划的卖家可以选择仅在其州地区(例如加利福尼亚州)、下属州地区(例如南加州)和城市(例如洛杉矶)内配送商品。不允许自定义超出卖家“配置设置”中所定义的地区。

ShopLocal 计划目前正在扩大数量有限的邀请,以选择更多卖家加入此计划。如果您对此计划感兴趣, 在线申请。


如果您受邀参加亚马逊的 ShopLocal 计划,您将可以创建限于所需地区的区域性模板。只有受邀卖家可以使用此功能。一旦获得邀请,请按照以下步骤操作,在您的配送设置中创建本地模板。

  • 前往配送设置,然后点击【新建配送模板】。

  • 前往配送设置,然后点击【新建/编辑配送模板】。

  • 在您的模板中,请取消选中相关地区,仅选择您有兴趣提供配送服务的地区。

    注意: 您必须至少为标准配送选择区域。也就是说,比如,您必须在纽约市启用标准配送,才能在该市启用“隔日达”。您无法只在纽约市启用“隔日达”。

  • 保存模板。

  • 向模板添加库存。请参阅将 SKU 分配给配送模板,了解详情。



  • 满足以下条件的大件和重型商品:


  • 重量 > 150 磅。

  • 长度 > 105 英寸(长度定义为最长边)。

  • 围度 > 80 英寸。围度定义为长度 + 高度 * 2 + 宽度 * 2。

  • 电视 > 40 英寸。

  • 任何类型的灯管。

  • 食品和饮料:


  • 存在区域性配送限制的商品:

    销售到某个地区受限的选品可能有资格参与亚马逊 ShopLocal 计划。示例包括:

  • 存在区域性配送限制的汽车用品选品

  • 存在区域性配送限制或要求的其他商品,例如出售活植物的苗圃许可证。

为确保您的选品正确地加入了亚马逊的 ShopLocal 计划,请于管理期间在所有 ASIN 中包含重量和尺寸信息。作为亚马逊上的登记卖家,您全权负责控制商品的配送,包括具有区域性配送限制的商品,并且您必须确保在创建配送设置时选择正确的地区。 如果您未遵守适用法规,将导致您被排除出 ShopLocal 计划以及专业医疗保健分类(如相关)。

此外,如果您在亚马逊 ShopLocal 计划中加入了不符合上述任何分类的选品,我们会要求您从地区模板中移除选品,或者更新重量和尺寸信息(如果适用)。 如果您在两次通知后仍未执行此操作,我们会将这类选品重新分配到国内标准配送模板中,并收取 $4.99/订单 + $0.99/磅的运费。 我们也将取消您参加 ShopLocal 计划的资格。如果您的资格被取消,您可以对该决定提出申诉,具体方法是将行动计划提交至 seller-local-only@amazon.com。请具体描述如果您再次符合要求,您将如何确保加入 ShopLocal 计划的选品不会再次违反计划要求。


亚马逊 ShopLocal 上架商品仅展示给位于可配送地区的买家。对于位于可配送地区之外的买家,这些商品将不会出现在搜索结果中,也无法赢得“购买框”。如果上架商品仅在限定地区配送,买家还会在上架商品页面 (OLP) 中看到一条消息,指出他们所在的位置没有可配送的商品。如果在购物时,卖家将其地址更改为可配送地区,则以前无法配送的可配送本地商品将重新出现在搜索结果和 OLP 中,并且将能够赢得“购买框”。





Amazon ShopLocal

Amazon ShopLocal is an invitation-only program that allows sellers to ship eligible products within their city, sub-state or state, instead of nationwide, which is required for all other products. Sellers participating in this program can choose to ship products only within their state regions (for example, California), sub-state regions (for example, Southern California), and cities (for example, Los Angeles). Customizing regions outside of those defined in a seller’s Shipping Settings is not available.

The ShopLocal program is currently extending a limited number of invitations to select sellers. If you are interested in the program, apply online.


If you have been invited to participate in Amazon’s ShopLocal program, you will be able to create a regional template limited to your desired regions. Only invited Sellers will have this capability. Once invited, follow these steps to create a Local template in your Shipping Settings.

  • Go to Shipping settings and then click Create New Shipping Template.

  • Go to Shipping settings and then click Create New/Edit Shipping Template.

  • In your template, uncheck the relevant regions and select only the regions that you are interested in servicing.

    Note: You have to select the regions for at least Standard Shipping. This means, for example, that you must enable Standard Delivery in New York City in order to enable Two-Day Shipping in New York City. You cannot enable only Two-Day Shipping in New York City.

  • Save your template.

  • Add Inventory to your template. See Assign SKUs to shipping templates for details.

Selection policy

Only certain products are eligible for Seller Fulfilled Local-Only. Eligible products include:

  • Large and heavy items meeting the following criteria:

    You can also offer services on your selection, such as: installation or assembly. Learn more about offering services for your local products on the Services Help page.

  • Weight > 150 lbs.

  • Length > 105 inches (Length defined as the longest side).

  • Girth > 80 inches. Girth defined as Length + Height * 2 + Width * 2.

  • TVs > 40 inches.

  • Any type of lamp.

  • Groceries:

    Any product in the Grocery category.

  • Items with regional distribution restrictions:

    Selection that is restricted from being sold to a certain region can possibly qualify for Amazon ShopLocal. Examples include:

  • Automotive Selection with regional distribution restrictions.

  • Other listings where there are regional distribution restrictions or requirements, for example, nursery licenses for the sale of live plants.

To ensure that your selection is accurately enrolled in Amazon’s ShopLocal program, please include weight and dimension information in all of your ASINs during onboarding. As the seller of record on Amazon, you are solely responsible for controlling shipment of your products, including those items with regional distribution restrictions and you must ensure you select the right regions when creating your shipping settings. Failure to abide by applicable regulations will result in your expulsion from the ShopLocal program, and if relevant, the Professional Healthcare Category.

Furthermore, if you include selection in Amazon ShopLocal that does not qualify through any of the categories outlined above, we will ask you to remove the selection from your regional template or, if applicable, update weight and dimension information. If you fail to do so after two notices, we will reassign the selection to a Standard Nationwide template with a shipping rate of $4.99/Order + $0.99/lb. We will also remove your eligibility to participate in the ShopLocal program. If your eligibility is removed, you can appeal the decision by submitting a plan of action to seller-local-only@amazon.com. Describe how, if you became eligible again, you would ensure that your selection in ShopLocal would not violate program requirements again.

Customer experience

Amazon ShopLocal offers are only shown to customers located in deliverable regions. For customers located outside deliverable regions, these offers will not appear in search results or win the BuyBox. If the offers are unique, customers will also see a message in the Offer Listings Page (OLP) stating there are no deliverable offers to their Location. If, while shopping, a customer changes their address to a deliverable region, deliverable local offers that were previously undeliverable will reappear in search and OLP and will be able to win BuyBox.


To remain eligible to participate in the program, your account must also remain in good standing. Existing performance metrics apply.

If you use a Large and Heavy Template, you must also comply with Large and Heavy Performance Requirements.

