亚马逊贷款计划邀请符合条件的卖家申请 3、6、9 或 12 个月的贷款,以满足流动资金需求。我们会评估拥有销量增长记录且客户满意度达到最高水平的卖家。
要查看贷款邀请详情,请转至您的卖家平台主页,并参阅包含您的贷款注册详情的小工具(位于右侧)。 单击【立即申请】查看您的贷款邀请详情——贷款条款、利率和月还款金额。
您之所以收到贷款邀请,是因为您通过了卖家资格预审,但却未获得贷款预先批准。您在收到邀请后提交的贷款申请又经过了一轮审核。 在审查过程中,我们发现您的企业不符合我们目前提出的贷款申请资格标准。
无本金贷款为前 3 个月支付较低的月利息,然后 4 至 12 个月的还款额将增加,以偿还本金和利息。定期贷款是指偿还整个贷款期限内本金余额的付款。在整个贷款期限内,月供款保持不变。
滑动至底部以查找【亚马逊贷款计划: 借贷注册】。
Amazon Lending
Amazon Lending invites qualified sellers to apply for 3, 6, 9, or 12 month term loans for working capital needs. We evaluate sellers who have a proven track record of growing sales and who provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Where is my Amazon Loan invitation?
To review the loan invitation details, go to your Seller Central homepage and refer to the widget (on the right-hand side) that has your loan registration details. Click Apply Now to see the details of your loan invitation—the terms of the loan, interest rate, and the monthly payment amount.
Can Amazon employees get a loan?
We do not currently lend to Amazon employees or selling accounts that are affiliated with Amazon employees.
Why was I pre-qualified but then my loan application was declined?
You received a loan invitation because you pre-qualified as a seller, but you were not pre-approved to receive a loan. The loan application you submitted after receiving the invitation went through one more review process. During this review, we found that your business did not meet our eligibility criteria for the loan application at this time.
Does Amazon Lending review my business credit score during the application process?
As part of our loan application review process, we might review your business credit history with one or more credit bureaus.
What is the difference between an interest-only loan and a term loan?
An interest-only loan provides a low monthly payment of interest for the first 3 months, then the payments between 4 and 12 months will increase to pay down principal and interest. A term loan provides a payment that pays down the principal balance throughout the entire loan term. The monthly payment is the same throughout the term of the loan.
Will Amazon Lending act as a credit reference for me or my business?
As per Amazon's policy, we do not share vendor, seller, or buyer information with third parties, therefore we cannot be used as a credit reference.
Can my bank request a payoff letter for my Amazon Loan?
As part of our policy, we only communicate directly with our customers.
How can I disable the Amazon Lending widget from appearing for other users of the seller account?
At this time, it is not possible to hide the loan offers from other users of the seller account. However, you can disable permissions so that other users are not able to apply.
To do this:
In your seller account, access User Permissions under Settings.
Click Manage Permissions.
Scroll to the bottom to find Amazon Lending: Loan Registration.
Click None.
For information regarding the Amazon China Lending Referral program, click here.