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亚马逊贷款计划: 付款常见问题

Amazon payments 如何运作?

Amazon Payments 的运作方式如下: 第一份对账单将于您的贷款获得批准之日起一个月后发布。如果您的贷款在当月 29 日、30 日或 31 日获得批准,那么您的结算日将是下个月的 1 日。当日,您的贷款对账单将会出报,付款将自动在卖家平台中设置,从您的下一结算中扣除。



如何进行自动清算中心 (ACH) 付款?

可在【计划还款详情】小工具中进行 ACH 手动还款。单击【您存档的银行账户还款】,然后输入您想为贷款支付的金额。



注意: 如果您有未完成的贷款还款,两周还款计划将在下一个结算周期之前生效。

如何停用 ACH?

要停用 ACH 贷款还款功能,请在卖家平台中依次访问【报告】、【付款】和【贷款】。单击贷款编号并前往【预定还款详情】,您可在此处看到 【ACH 自动还款(已注册)】。单击【停用】。停用 ACH 后,系统将仅从您的卖家付款中扣除自动还款额。


将所有支票付款邮寄到以下地址: ACP Special Projects, Attn: Amazon Capital Services - Lending, 2646 Rainier Ave.South, Suite 1020, Seattle, WA 98144.

为确保支票付款得到及时处理,请将支票详情发送至 amazon-lending@amazon.com。


将所有电汇付款发送至: Wells Fargo, 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, Attention: Amazon Services, LLC.

为确保电汇付款得到及时处理,请将亚马逊贷款计划的电汇详情发送至 amazon-lending@amazon.com。

为什么我的 ACH 付款还没有发布?

如果您在贷款还款到期之前从您的银行账户提交了 ACH 手动还款,那么系统会将其应用为【额外本金还款】。必须存在未完成的还款,才能应用 ACH 还款作为贷款还款进行还款。如果您希望通过 ACH 还款支付贷款款项,则必须等到对贷款收取利息,并在结算日后的首次还款之前提交 ACH 还款额。






要从您存档的银行账户进行 ACH 还款,请在卖家平台中依次访问【报告】、【付款】和【贷款】。单击贷款编号可查看您的贷款详情页面。届时,您可从页面右侧的【计划付款详情】小部件进行 ACH 还款。

如果有贷款余额,我该如何移除统一商法 (UCC) 留置权呢?

您的亚马逊贷款余额必须为 0 美元,方可移除 UCC 留置权。


Amazon Lending: Payments FAQ

How does Amazon payments work?

Amazon payments works as follows: The first statement will post one month from the date your loan was approved. If your loan was approved on the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month, then your statement date will be the 1st of the following month. On this day, your loan statement will post, and payment will be automatically set up in Seller Central to be paid out of your next settlement.

How do I make an extra payment toward the loan?

Additional loan payments can be made through the Scheduled Payment Details tab on your Amazon Lending page. This is found in Seller Central under Reports, followed by Payments, and then Lending. Click the loan number for detailed information. The Scheduled Payment Details widget will appear on the right-hand side of the page. You can then make an additional principal payment through Withhold from Next Settlement by adding the amount you would like to be taken from the disbursement. However, you cannot pay off a loan through the Withhold from Next Settlement option.

How do I make an Automatic Clearing House (ACH) payment?

A manual ACH loan payment can be made within the Scheduled Payment Details widget. Click Make a payment from your bank account on file and enter the amount that you would like to pay towards your loan.

How do I switch to a bi-weekly billing cycle?

To switch to bi-weekly repayments, access Reports in Seller Central, followed by Payments, and then Lending. Click the loan number to see the loan detail page. On the bottom right-hand side of the loan detail page, select Change Billing Plan. Once you have opted for bi-weekly repayments, you cannot change back to the monthly repayment frequency for this loan.

Note: If you have a loan repayment pending, the bi-weekly repayment schedule will not come into effect until the next statement cycle.

How do I deactivate ACH?

To deactivate ACH loan payments, access Reports in Seller Central, followed by Payments, and then Lending. Click the loan number and go to Scheduled Payment Details where you will see Automatic ACH payments (Enrolled). Click Deactivate. When ACH is deactivated, the automatic loan payments will only be deducted from your seller disbursement.

How do I make a check payment?

Mail all check payments to: ACP Special Projects, Attn: Amazon Capital Services – Lending, 2646 Rainier Ave. South, Suite 1020, Seattle, WA 98144.

To ensure the check payment is processed in a timely manner, please send Amazon Lending the check details at amazon-lending@amazon.com.

How do I make a wire payment?

Send all wire payments to: Wells Fargo, 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, Attention: Amazon Services, LLC.

To ensure the wire payment is processed in a timely manner, please send Amazon Lending the wire details to amazon-lending@amazon.com.

Why hasn’t my ACH payment posted?

If you submitted a manual ACH payment from your bank account before the loan payment was due, the system applied it as an Additional Principal Payment. There must be a loan payment pending to have an ACH payment applied as a loan payment. If you want to pay a loan payment via ACH payment, you must wait until the interest is applied to the loan and submit the ACH payment before the first disbursement following the statement date.

Can I make a payment from a non-US bank account?

Amazon Lending does not accept payments from banks located outside of the U.S.

Why did the refinance loan pay off my current loan?

A refinancing loan will first be applied to pay off the outstanding principal balance, accrued interest, and any other unpaid fees on any existing Amazon loans. The net proceeds of the refinancing loan is then disbursed to your seller account.

How do I pay off my loan?

To make an ACH payoff payment from your bank account on file, access Reports in Seller Central, followed by Payments, and then Lending. Click the loan number to see your loan detail page. You can then make the ACH payment from the Scheduled Payment Details widget on the right-hand side of the page.

How can I have the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) lien removed if there is a loan balance?

The UCC lien cannot be removed until your Amazon loan has a $0 balance.

