
在 上购物的一些买家和组织有资格享受销售税豁免。亚马逊免税计划 (ATEP) 是向使用税务计算服务的卖家提供的选项,用于接受也注册了 ATEP 的买家提供的豁免。

参与 ATEP 的卖家将体验直接通过其卖家账户自动处理买家豁免。保存您的税务设置后,您将自动参与该计划,除非您选择退出。

要修改您对 ATEP 的参与,请按照以下步骤操作:

  • 在卖家平台中,导航至【设置】,然后点击税务设置

  • 向下滚动至【亚马逊免税计划 (ATEP)】 部分。

  • 选择/清除【注册加入亚马逊免税计划】复选框。

  • 选择征税法和服务条款复选框以接受。

  • 点击【保存设置】。

注册完成后,参与此计划的买家豁免将自动应用于其订单中的所有商品。在结算期间,如果某件商品不符合豁免条件,买家可以取消订单中的一件、多件或所有商品的豁免。亚马逊将在税务计算中使用买家的豁免,并且支持的豁免文件将在 72 小时内显示在您的税务文件库中。


Amazon Tax-Exemption Program

Some buyers and organizations who shop on qualify for sales tax exemptions. Amazon’s Tax Exemption Program (ATEP) is an option available to sellers using Tax Calculation Service to accept exemptions from buyers who are also enrolled in ATEP.

Sellers who participate in ATEP will experience automatic handling of buyer exemptions directly through their seller account. Your participation is automatic when you save your Tax Settings, unless you opt-out.

To modify your participation in ATEP, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Settings and click Tax Settings in Seller Central

  • Scroll down to the Amazon Tax Exemption Program (ATEP) section.

  • Select/clear the Enroll in the Amazon Tax-Exemption Program box.

  • Select the Tax Methodology and Service Terms box to accept.

  • Click Save Settings.

Once enrolled, a participating buyer’s exemption will automatically apply to all items in their order. During checkout, the buyer may remove their exemption from one, many, or all items on the order, if a particular item does not qualify for their exemption. Amazon will use the buyer’s exemption in the tax calculation and the supporting exemption document will be available in your Tax Document Library within 72 hours.

