

  1. 转至建立国际商品信息工具。

  2. 点击【连接设置】小部件上的【排除商品】旁的【编辑】。

  3. 如果您已设置第二个来源商城,请使用页面左上角的商城切换器选择您要排除商品的来源商城。

  4. 在页面左侧选择您要重新连接商品的目标商城。您将看到一系列可以重新连接的 SKU。

  5. 选择您要重新连接的每个 SKU 旁边的复选框。

  6. 要快速找到特定的 SKU,请使用搜索框进行搜索。

  7. 点击表格顶部的【对选定商品进行操作】下拉菜单,然后选择【重新连接商品】。此时您会看到一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中确认您要继续该流程。

  8. 点击【保存】按钮。


Reconnect excluded offers in a target marketplace

You can remove exclusions and reconnect offers in a target marketplace by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Build International Listings tool.

  2. Click Edit next to Exclusions on the Connection settings widget.

  3. If you have set up a second source marketplace, use the marketplace switcher at the top left of the page to select the source marketplace for which you want to exclude offers.

  4. On the left side of the page, select the target marketplace to which you want to reconnect an offer. You will see a list of SKUs available to reconnect.

  5. Check the box by each SKU you want to reconnect.

  6. To find a specific SKU quickly, search for it using the search box.

  7. Click the Actions on selected drop-down on the top of the table and select Reconnect offers. A pop-up window will appear confirming you want to continue.

  8. Click the Save button.

