

  1. 遵循使用“构建国际商品信息”移除连接的步骤,以移除每一目标商城的连接。自您提出请求起,在每个商城中完成此操作可能需要长达 4 小时的时间。在每个删除请求均得到处理后,您将收到一封电子邮件。

    提示: 为避免出现处理错误,请等到所有移除请求全部得到处理后再创建新连接。

  1. 请按照使用“建立国际商品信息”创建连接中的步骤创建新连接,然后选择相应的来源商城


Change the source marketplace

You can change the source marketplace from which your target marketplaces are synchronized by following these steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Remove a connection using Build International Listings to remove connections for all target marketplaces. This may take up to four hours for each marketplace from the time you made the request. You will get an email when each removal request is complete.

    Tip: To avoid processing errors, wait until all removal requests are complete before you create new connections.

  2. Follow the steps to create a new connection in Create a connection using Build International Listings, selecting the appropriate source marketplace.

