有效追踪率 (VTR)

亚马逊买家根据追踪编码了解订单配送状态和预计收货时间。有效追踪率 (VTR) 是一项可以反映这些期望的绩效指标。

  • 卖家必须保持高于 95% 的 VTR。如果商品分类中的 VTR 低于 95%,我们可能会限制您在此分类下销售非亚马逊物流商品的权限。这还可能影响您参与优先配送和保证配送的资格。

  • VTR 是指在 30 天内具有有效追踪编码的所有货件占总货件数的百分比。VTR 计算中不包含以下商品:

    • 由未与亚马逊合作的承运人通过货运配送的商品。

    • 费用低于 $10(含运费)且装在 USPS 标准邮件信封或平邮信封中配送的小件商品(如屏幕保护膜和贺卡)。

  • VTR 仅适用于卖家自配送订单。

目前,包括 USPS、FedEx、UPS 和 DHL 在内的所有主要美国承运人都提供免费追踪服务。

注意: 优先配送订单的绩效目标与上述目标不同。



注意: 至少要在亚马逊有一条承运人扫描记录,追踪编码才会被视为有效。



  • 转至【订单】,然后选择管理订单。

  • 确定已选中【订单编号】进行【搜索】,输入订单编号,然后单击【搜索】。

  • 找到正确的订单后,点击【编辑货件】,然后输入修改后的追踪编码。

    请等待 72 小时,以便报告和指标显示更改后的信息。

如何计算您的 VTR


例如,如果您确认总共发出了 200 个包裹,其中有 190 个包裹具有有效追踪编码,那么您的有效追踪率为 95%(190 ÷ 200 = 0.95 或 95%)。



在亚马逊合作承运人提供追踪服务(例如中国邮政速递物流的 e 邮宝服务)的国家/地区,我们要求您至少为 95% 的价格高于 $5.00(含运费)的货件提供有效追踪编码。

注意: 如果您使用中国国内承运人配送订单,请务必仅从承运人下拉框中选择支持的承运人。手动输入的中文承运人名称将被视为无效,因为亚马逊目前不支持中文承运人名称。如果您销售的是流通快且价格通常低于 $10 的轻小商品,您可以考虑加入亚马逊物流轻小商品计划。该计划的配送费用较低,并且您的订单将由亚马逊配送。


Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

Amazon customers depend on tracking numbers to find out where their orders are and when they can expect to receive them. The Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) is a performance metric that reflects those expectations.

  • Sellers must maintain a VTR greater than 95%. A VTR below 95% in a product category can result in restrictions on your ability to sell non-FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) items within that category. This can also affect your eligibility to participate in Premium Shipping and guaranteed delivery.

  • VTR includes all shipments with a valid tracking number, represented as a percentage of total shipments over a 30-day period. The following items are not included in the VTR calculation:

    • Items shipped by freight with a carrier not integrated with Amazon.

    • Small items (such as screen protectors and greeting cards) that cost less than $10 (including shipping charges) and are shipped in USPS Standard Mail envelopes or First Class Mail envelopes.

  • VTR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.

All major US carriers, including USPS, FedEx, UPS, and DHL now offer free tracking.

Note: Performance targets for Premium Shipping orders vary from the above.

How to add tracking numbers

Only carriers that are integrated with Amazon are shown in the drop-down list. If you don’t see the carrier name that you use to ship your order, refer to the Valid Tracking Rate FAQ page and confirm that it is one of the carriers that Amazon currently supports tracking. Only choose “other” and enter the tracking number if the carrier is present on the Valid Tracking Rate FAQ page and not listed in the drop-down list. Otherwise, the tracking number will not be considered valid.

Note: Tracking numbers are only considered valid if they have at least one carrier scan recorded by Amazon.

How to edit tracking numbers

Prior to the delivery date, you can edit order tracking information.

  • Go to Orders, and then Manage Orders.

  • Check Order ID is selected for Search, enter the Order ID, and click Search.

  • Once you find the correct order, click Edit Shipment and provide the revised tracking number.

    Allow 72 hours for the report and metric to reflect the changes.

How we calculate your VTR

To calculate this metric, we take the number of packages you ship with a valid tracking number and divide it by the total number of packages you've shipped and confirmed.

For example, if you confirmed shipment for 200 packages, and 190 of those packages had a valid tracking number, your Valid Tracking Rate would be 95% (190 ÷ 200 = .95 or 95%).

We use promised delivery date to determine which orders are included in the metric. Your Valid Tracking Rate has a two-week lag, giving the data enough time to be statistically relevant.

Valid Tracking Rate for international sellers

Where Amazon integrated tracking solutions are available (such as China Post Express and Logistic ePacket service), we require valid tracking numbers for at least 95% of your shipments on orders greater than $5.00 (price including shipping).

Note: If you use China domestic carrier to fulfill your orders, please make sure you only pick the supported carriers from the carrier drop down box. Manual entry for carrier name in Chinese is considered as invalid input as Amazon currently do not support carrier name in Chinese. If you sell fast-moving, small, and light products that are generally priced under $10, you might consider the FBA Small and Light program. This program offers lower fulfillment costs and Amazon will fulfill the orders for you.

