


  • 导致问题的根本原因是什么?

  • 您将采取哪些措施来解决该问题?

  • 您将采取哪些措施来避免将来出现问题?


  • 保持清晰、简洁。 您的行动计划应真实、直接。专注于导致问题的事实和事件,而不是介绍您的商品、业务或买家。从您提交的回复内容中移除其他问题或持续支持问题的参考信息。避免使用情绪化语言。

  • 为所有问题提供说明。 某些账户停用可能是由多种问题共同导致的(例如,负面反馈和未配送订单导致订单缺陷率高)。您必须针对行动计划中的每种根本原因提供准确回复。

  • 包含所有商品的支持证据。 请确保您为正在接受审核的所有商品或 ASIN 提交支持证据。您可以在原始通知底部找到商品列表。请务必检查文件请求的时间范围,有些文件要求您提供过去 365 天内的发票。

  • 在您的支持文件中突出显示区域。 您可以圈出或突出显示文件中的最重要区域,如 ASIN、供应商详情(例如名称和供应商网站)或您的条款和条件中的条款,从而使您的回复更具相关性。



Create a plan of action to reinstate selling privileges

What is a plan of action?

A plan of action should answer the following three questions:

  • What was the root cause that led to the issue?

  • What actions will you take to resolve the issue?

  • What steps will you take to prevent future issues?

You can use the following guidelines to create your plan of action:

  • Be clear and concise. Your plan of action should be factual and direct. Focus on the facts and events that lead to the issue rather than providing an introduction of your product, business, or customer. Remove other questions or references to ongoing support cases from your submission. Avoid using emotive language.

  • Provide an explanation for all issues. Some deactivations can be the result of a combination of issues (for example, a High Order Defect Rate can arise from negative feedback and undelivered orders). You must provide a response for each root cause in your plan of action.

  • Include supporting evidence for all items. Make sure you submit supporting evidence for all of the products or ASINs that are under review. You can find the list of products at the bottom of your original notification. Make sure to check the timeframe requested for the documents, some require invoices from the last 365 days.

  • Highlight areas in your supporting documents. You can make your response more relevant by circling or highlighting the area within your documents that is most important such as ASINs, Supplier details (for example, name and supplier website) or clauses within your Terms and Conditions.

You can view the issues that led to your deactivation and submit an appeal on the Account Health page.

